Tan Mincai hasn't been scolded since he started working. Even if some things were not done well, Tan Xingguo would only criticize and would not scold him like Tan Yue. As for the leaders, they are quite easy to talk about.

Cai Yun felt like sitting on pins and needles when she heard what Tan Yue scolded, because it was her fault that Tan Yue scolded Min Cai. Seeing Bai Churong get up, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, the third uncle should stop scolding her when her mother-in-law stepped forward.

Bai Churong didn't go to the study, but went into the bedroom.

Tian Shao saw her and said apologetically, "Sister-in-law, I'm sorry. I didn't know he would be like this, so I'll definitely tell him later."

Bai Churong said with a smile on his face: "The third child is willing to scold Min Cai, that's his luck. Others want him to teach him a lesson, but Xiao Yue is not willing to bother!"

"He should be scolded too. Xiuping is not in good health. I told your father many times to let Xiaoyun stay in Sijiu City with the child, and wait for the child to recuperate before taking office. He didn't agree, saying that he didn't want us to be troubled." .”

It is false not to want to be involved, and it is true that the daughter-in-law does not want to. She is actually dissatisfied with this matter, but she will not put her emotions on the face, nor will she tell others about her daughter-in-law. As for her husband, he always felt that the child was Min Cai's responsibility and responsibility, and he was unwilling and could not force it.

Tian Shao asked suspiciously: "It's right for the child to study by his side. It's good for the child. But Xiuping is not in good health. Why doesn't she agree to stay in Sijiu City to see a doctor?"

Bai Churong was silent for a while and said: "Xiaoyun's elder brother had an accident not long after he got married. Unfortunately, when she was pregnant with her second son, Xiu Ran, her younger brother was diagnosed with infertility. Later, when the second son, Xiu Ran, was born, the Cai family thought it was a The son wants to be adopted. Your grandfather was furious when he found out, and said that if he dared to adopt the child of the Tan family behind his back, he would let Mincai get a divorce."

It's not that the Tan family can't afford to raise children, let alone the old man, she and her husband will not agree.

Tian Shao had never heard them mention this before: "So, Xiuping's surname is Cai?"

Bai Churong nodded and said: "Her mother is not in good health, and she was hit one after another. At that time, the hospital issued a critical illness notice. She promised her mother at the time that she would have another surnamed Cai, and her mother survived after hearing this. of."

Tian Shao felt that it was understandable to have a child with the surname Cai under such circumstances: "Sister-in-law, why did Xiuping give birth in more than seven months? Was there any accident?"

Bai Churong sighed when she heard this, and said, "She was eager to conceive before her body recuperated. She was too anxious, and the mother's health was not good enough to burden the child. Later, Mincai's female college classmate happened to be transferred to them."

"Min is he..."

Bai Churong waved her hand and said, "That female classmate was his lover in college, but they separated because of different ideas. After marrying Cai Yun, Mincai never had another heart. It's her own heart."

Tian Shao understood: "She is worried about Mincai, so she doesn't want to take the child to stay in Forty-Nine City?"

Bai Churong nodded: "Speaking of this matter, Mincai is also wrong, and he wanted to avoid it from the beginning. But he felt that after so many years, if he avoided it, he would misunderstand it and not let it go."

She scolded Mincai badly for this matter. After realizing her mistake, Mincai apologized to his wife, and then she never had any contact with a female college student except for official business. After the other party knows the reason, they will take the initiative to avoid it.

Tian Shao felt that this was almost the same as the eight o'clock show. She was not interested in this kind of drama, so she changed the subject: "He always has a cold face, and I was worried that the child would be afraid of him after birth. I didn't expect the two children to be very clingy to him now, and they rushed to hug him when they saw him." .”

Bai Churong said cheerfully: "Xiao Yue is a good father. Unlike your elder brother, the two children have never been with them for a day since they were young, and they have never tutored them for a day. Don't think he is fifty-one years old now, even the children I won't hug."

On the contrary, Tan Yue changed diapers and soaked milk powder to coax the children to sleep. It was obvious from the skilful technique that he often brought the children.

"Brother is busy too."

Tan Yue had only trained Tan Min for about an hour, and when he came out, he took a look at Cai Yun, went into the room, took his briefcase and went to work without saying anything.

Soon, Bai Churong also brought them with you. On the way, she said earnestly, "Your uncle scolded you because he hoped you would act discreetly. Don't take it to heart."

Tan Min quickly shook his head and said: "Mom, uncle is right, I didn't lead my younger brothers well, and I won't do it in the future."

Cai Yun's face was hot, she was scolding Tan Mincai on the surface, but she was actually scolding her. She had always felt that she had done nothing wrong. After all, her mother-in-law spoiled the child too much, and the child would definitely be spoiled if she were to be left by her side. But now I feel that she really didn't think about it.

In the afternoon, Tan Min took Cai Yun to Bai's house again.

When Tan Xingguo came back, he only saw his three grandsons but not his son and daughter-in-law. After asking, I found out that the couple had gone to Bai's house, and they would not come back until they had dinner there.

Bai Churong smiled and told about Tan Yue scolding Min Cai today: "At the beginning we wanted him to recognize his ancestors, but he was unwilling, and he was extremely indifferent to you and Xinghua. Now he is willing to scold Min Cai for our affairs , the third child now treats us as a family."

Tan Xingguo said: "We are brothers, brothers who have broken bones and connected muscles. But he will scold Mincai for us, which is really beyond my expectation."

"He loves us too."

Tan Xingguo nodded: "The past is over, so let's not talk about it. Xiuyuan will study in Sijiu City next semester. Have you figured out which school he should study in?"

Bai Churong had an idea: "I want Xiuyuan to study in the elementary school next to Tian Shao."

"Why would you want to study there?"

Bai Churong explained: "Old Tan, this relationship is all from the place. We live near Chang'an Avenue, and we will get closer if we walk around a lot in the future. Even Xiuyuan will have a good relationship with the twins in the future."

The husband is too busy to count on anything. Although Tan Yue is busy, Gu's family and Tian Shao have a lot of knowledge, and the child's growth in such an atmosphere is also good for him.

Hearing her words, Tan Xingguo felt that it was really good: "Then I will arrange it."

Bai Churong nodded and said, "Our house is far away from there, so I plan to rent a small house first. When I get the money, I will buy a house as big as Tian Shao."

If the house is large and there are many rooms, the whole family can live together, otherwise when the children grow up, they will have to live in one room, which is too crowded.

Tan Xingguo saw that she had arranged a trip before she got the money, so he couldn't help but reminded: "This futures speculation is very risky, and no one can guarantee that it will make money."

Bai Churong grunted and said, "Didn't I tell you clearly? The futures I bought expire in March, but Tian Shao didn't go to Hong Kong City, and the money has not been withdrawn from the account yet."

Tan Xingguo was very helpless. At that time, he told him excitedly that he had made money speculating in futures, but he did not say that the money had already come out.

Bai Churong didn't expect that at the time she was so excited that she didn't speak clearly: "It's my fault, I was so happy that I forgot."

"It can't be like this next time."

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