At the end of September, the clothing store diagonally opposite the No. 2 branch of the sister clothing store opened. The other party copied them, and also offered a 20% discount on each item on the opening day.

When Li Guihua found out, she cursed loudly. If Tian Dalin hadn't stopped her, she might have rushed to the door of the store to fight. She was so angry that she didn't have any food at noon that day.

Someone with a good deed came over on purpose and said that their clothes were cheaper and better-looking than theirs.

Tian Dalin saw that Li Guihua was in a hurry to get angry, and said: "The clothes are cheap, good-looking and of good quality. This business is for making money, not to be taken advantage of."

This sentence was quickly verified. In the afternoon, a customer who bought the clothes from the opposite store came over and asked for a return. Now it’s not like later, we support seven-day unreasonable return, as long as there is no problem with the clothes when they are sold, they will not be returned.

Li Guihua heard the quarrel and asked Tian Dalin to watch the store. She went to join in the fun, and only then did she know that there was a problem with the quality of the clothes. When the girl took it home and tried it on, she found that there were many threads on the clothes, and when she pulled the clothes, the seams opened.

The boss decided that she tore the clothes too hard and was unwilling to change or refund the money. This customer is also very temperamental. Seeing that the boss said that she deliberately tore the clothes to extort money, he cut the clothes into pieces and threw them in her face in a rage.

Back to her shop, Li Guihua said with a smile on her face: "You are right, how can there be cheap and good-looking clothes with good quality?"

In the afternoon, only this girl came to return the goods, and the next day, more than ten people came to the opposite store to return the money. This time it wasn't too much thread, but the color of the clothes faded. The color of the red clothes faded as soon as they were washed.

Li Guihua was so happy that she ate an extra half bowl of rice at noon, and Tian Dalin went to work with peace of mind when the rain was over.

Two days later, Tian Dalin received a call from Tian Shao: "What, let me go to Yangcheng with your mother, and also call your uncle?"

"No, I have to go to work, and your mother still has to watch the store." "What, your aunt has already agreed to go? Have you bought a ticket?" "Can't refund, must go?"

Tian Dalin saw that she cut first and played later, and said helplessly: "Okay, I'll go back and tell your mother later. Darling, next time you discuss something like this with us first."

Tian Shao just knew they wouldn't go, so he bought the tickets first.

Putting down the phone, he looked helpless.

In the evening, Li Guihua knew about this, thinking about what Tian Shao said to her before, she suddenly understood: "It's not to go to Yangcheng for fun, she probably wants to take us to Hong Kong City to see the house she bought. Go, see where she bought it. What is your house like?"

"Go to Hong Kong City, is it not easy to go there?"

Li Guihua smiled and said: "Since Da Ya let us go, she must have completed all the procedures. We will just follow her when the time comes. She has been operating there for more than ten years, so it shouldn't be difficult."

Tian Dalin heard the words, and called Tian Shao back the next day, saying that they would like to visit Yangcheng. Then I went to school and asked the leader for half a month's leave.

Now the unit and the school are very loose, as long as you don't delay things and don't affect others, you can do whatever you want.

Because teachers' income is low now, some teachers' families can't afford it, so they leave their jobs without pay and go to sea. So Tian Dalin asked his partner to help sweep the floor and give him the salary, and he would have any opinions before he was happy.

At the same time, Tian Shao was also packing up.

Tan Yue was very worried about the two children, and said, "The climate in the north is very different from that in the south. Will the two children catch a cold because of the temperature difference when they go to Hong Kong?"

Tian Shao shook his head and said, "It's warm in the south, it would be better for the two children to go there."

"Then come back?"

Tian Shao glanced at him and said, "I'm going to stay in Hong Kong City for a long time this time."

"San Kui told me that he was planning to buy a piece of land in Yangcheng to build a house. I think his proposal is very good. After the matter in Hong Kong City is finished, I will go there to have a look, and I will start if I find something suitable."

"Are you going to buy land and build a house in Yangcheng?"

Tian Shao nodded and said: "I will definitely go to Yangcheng for business trips in the future. I can't always stay in a hotel, but I still have to have my own place to stay. Build a villa, and we can go there to celebrate the New Year when you have a vacation in winter."

Thinking that Tian Shao was going to Hong Kong City, Tan Yue was very reluctant, and lingered until midnight that night.

After the two of them took a shower, he hugged Tian Shao and said, "I really don't want you to go to Hong Kong City with the child."

It will definitely take two or three months to go to Hong Kong this time, and I feel very reluctant to see him for such a long time. I used to feel sticky and unmanly when I saw my colleagues miss their wives and children when I was on a business trip, but now I know it's hard.

Tian Shao smiled and said: "The company and the factory are both in the south, there is no way. But it would be great if you could be transferred to Pengcheng, our family can stay there without running back and forth."

Tan Yue thought about it, but now he has just been transferred to the police not long ago, and it will take a few years before he wants to work in Pengcheng. But this is indeed a direction. In the future, Tian Shao doesn't need to run around, and he doesn't need to be alone at home waiting for his wife and children to come back.

Two days later, Tian Shao took the child to Yangcheng. In addition to a few bodyguards, the people who went this time also included Sister Fang, a nutritionist, and my aunt.

Through contact, Tian Shao felt that this elder sister Luo's mouth was not strong, and she just babbled out the same words as other people said. It's also because she won't be able to find a suitable candidate for a while now, and she plans to resign when the child is older. As for Sister Fang, she is thoughtful, meticulous and patient, and her mouth is particularly tight.

Because of bringing a child, Tian Shao asked Tan Yue to set up a soft sleeper box this time. She took her aunt, sister Fang, Gao Youliang, a nutritionist and others to live in sleeper berths.

It was the first time for my aunt to make a soft sleeper, and she was a little bit emotional, this place is completely different from the previous hard sleeper. Well, she followed suit.

When they arrived in Jiang Province, Tian Shao joined Tian Dalin and the others.

As soon as he met Uncle Li, he said in a loud voice: "Big girl, you child, you can take your parents to Yangcheng to play, why do you want me to go?"

He didn't want to go at first, he had already had so much money from Da Ya, so he couldn't spend her money anymore. But Tian Dalin and Li Guihua kept persuading her, and the boss and daughter-in-law also felt that the opportunity was rare, and San Kui also called and agreed.

Tian Shao said with a smile: "Uncle, children and grandchildren have their own blessings. You and auntie have worked hard all your life, so you should enjoy the blessings for two days."

Sanbao has always known what he wants, and now Sibao also knows the importance of studying and studies hard. As for the others, their parents are in charge!

Uncle Li was in a very good mood, and said, "Okay, then Uncle will go to Sankui Garment Factory this time with your favor, and then go to see the sea. I heard that the sea is boundless, and you can't see the end at a glance."

Unexpectedly, the blessing of the youngest has not yet been enjoyed, and the blessing of the niece has been enjoyed first.

Tian Shao said with a smile on his face: "Don't worry, uncle, you will never regret it."

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