Looking at Bao Huamao's expression, Tian Shao knew that he didn't want to talk about Bao Huacan's brother, so she immediately changed the subject: "Cheng Tongxin told me that she and He Guang wanted to go out alone, but the family members stopped them and said no." They sell medical equipment in Hong Kong City. It is a good thing for the children to set up their own families, why do the elders of the He family object?"

She really can't figure this out. It's a good thing for a child to want to go out on his own. In the future, she wants to let the children go out for a break first, and what to do in the future depends on their own intentions. If both of them want to do business, then these companies will be divided between them; if only one wants to do business, then the property will be split in half; if both are not interested in business, then find a professional manager to take care of it.

Bao Huamao shook his head and said: "Among the three He Guang brothers, he is actually the most business-minded, and his wife is also very capable. Over the years, the two of them have carried a lot of burdens for the company and made great contributions, so his father I want the husband and wife to stay in the company and continue working."

Tian Shao frowned and said, "The problem is that He Guang is not the boss, and he can't inherit the company. The company he stays at home works hard to make wedding clothes for his brother."

She remembered that Cheng Tongxin said that the elders of the He family were very old-fashioned people, and they were required to live at home. A family like this must let the eldest son inherit the family business.

Bao Huamao asked curiously: "How do you know that Cheng Tongxin told you?"

Based on his understanding of Cheng Tongxin, he probably wouldn't tell Tian Shao about his family scandal, after all, the two are not very close. It's just that Tian Shao's only contact with Cheng Tongxin these days is at his wedding.

Tian Shao shook her head and said, "She didn't say it, I deduced it based on Cheng Tongxin's previous words."

"Bao Huamao, yesterday Cheng Tongxin wanted me to invest in the inside and outside. You and He Guang are friends who grew up together. Didn't he ask you to invest?"

Bao Huamao nodded and said: "I found it, I wanted Shitian to invest, but I refused. Investment is not good, but if he really wants to start a business, I can lend him money, but he refused because he felt that the pressure was too great." .”

Tian Shao felt strange, it was a good thing to be willing to borrow money, and the investment still took up shares: "Why did you refuse? Cheng Tongxin and He Guang are capable, and they also have purchase channels. As long as they find a new market, they will definitely succeed."

Bao Huamao understands Tian Shao's meaning, Hong Kong City does not allow the sale to go to the mainland. What the mainland lacks most now is equipment, and the latest medical equipment is extremely lacking.

"There is no doubt about the abilities of He Guang and Cheng Tongxin. If Shitian invests, I can also help them open up the mainland market."

After stopping to drink half a glass of water, he continued: "If we only look at their abilities and proposals, I would definitely agree to invest, but He Guang has an unknown problem."

"What's wrong?"

"He is afraid that Aunt He will cry. He has been afraid since he was a child. Whenever Aunt He cries, he will agree to anything."

Tian Shao was stunned, this could only be called filial piety, it was nothing wrong with it.

Looking at her, Bao Huamao knew that she didn't understand. He said one thing directly: "He Guang had a girlfriend when he was in college. The girl has a good family background. Her father is a painter and her mother is an executive of a listed company. But after the girl went to his house, she told He Guang that she would not live with her in-laws after marriage. Uncle He told him to break up after he knew about it. He Guang disagreed, and Aunt He kept crying to him until He Guang had no choice but to break up with that girl in the end. This is just one of them, there are many other small things, and in the end it was He Guang who compromised."


Tian Shao didn't know what to say, and asked after a while, "What are you worried about?"

Bao Huamao was worried that after He Guang succeeded in starting a business, based on his understanding of He's father, he would definitely be asked to return to the family business with the newly opened market. If this is the case, his investment is equivalent to the He family making wedding clothes.

The purpose of doing business is to make money. If there is such a risk, you will definitely not invest. However, the two have been friends for so many years, so he expressed his willingness to lend money to He Guang to start a business.

Tian Shao was silent for a while and asked: "How high is the probability you said?"

"Fifty percent."

Tian Shao was quite optimistic about Cheng Tongxin and He Guang at first, and wanted to read their proposals after the busy period, and invest in them if they passed the test. After hearing this, I lost my mind.

At this time, Rong Sichen came back with two children.

Tian Shao saw that there was fine sweat on her forehead, first thanked her and then said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, raising children is very hard, you have to be mentally prepared."

Bao Huamao felt that her words were alarmist: "When the time comes, ask a few more people to take care of her, and your sister-in-law won't be tired."

Tian Shao shook his head and said, "No matter how many people please take care of them, those people can't replace mom and dad. I was only away for more than four hours yesterday, and I kept crying when the two children couldn't be found, because I couldn't sleep well at night because I was frightened."

Rong Sichen heard her talk about parenting, and said with a smile: "Anna, I don't know anything about raising children. I want to ask you for advice when I have a baby."

Bao Huamao felt that he could just ask his mommy about it, and there was no need to ask Tian Shao. But this time he behaved well and didn't interrupt, so as not to be teased by Tian Shao again.

Tian Shao said with a smile: "I don't have much time in Hong Kong, so I may not be able to communicate with you. If you don't understand anything, you can ask Dr. Luo, she is an expert in this field, and I will follow what she said Do."

After chatting for a while, Bao Huamao took Rong Sichen back. The two of them had to go back home tomorrow because they had a lot of things to do, and it was because this matter would not affect Tian Shao that Tian Shao would be angry, so they took the time to come here.

Sending the two away, Tian Shao checked the time and found that it was ten past five. Alas, chatting really takes time, and it took more than an hour before I knew it.

The car drove out of Tian Shao's house, Rong Sichen asked: "What did you guys chat for so long?"

Bao Huamao thought for a while and said: "Tian Shao said that when you marry a wife, you should marry a virtuous woman. A good woman will prosper for three generations. He said that you are a good woman, so I want me to cherish my blessings and learn from her husband. As long as I treat you wholeheartedly, my children and grandchildren will be prosperous in the future." Three generations."

He told Rong Sichen that Tian Shao was her real name and Xing Anna was just a pseudonym. As for Tan Yue's identity, he hasn't said yet.

Rong Sichen asked: "Anna's husband, is he really as good as she said?"

Bao Huamao nodded, and said with some emotion: "It's better than what she said, knowing that having a child is painful, he doesn't want a child anymore. It was Tian Shao who felt that there would be regrets if he didn't have a child, so he gave birth to twins. "

"Before you said that Anna's husband is excellent."

Bao Huamao nodded with a smile and said, "Not only is he excellent, but he is also very handsome, just like me. Just because he is handsome, Tian Shao immediately fell in love with him and chased after him."

"Ah, is Anna chasing her husband?"

Bao Huamao was surprised when he knew about this, but after knowing Tan Yue's true identity, he only had admiration for Tian Shao. This vision is absolutely perfect.

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