Tian Shao went by plane this time, got on the plane at 8:00 in the morning, and arrived in Hong Kong City at 5:30 in the afternoon. Feng Yi and Ah Xiang came to pick her up.

After getting in the car, Tian Shao said to Feng Yi: "Didn't you call me and say that even people in small restaurants are talking about stocks now? Let's find a buffet in the city to eat."

Feng Yi had no objection, drove to the city, and put Tian Shao and A Xiang down at the corner.

When Tian Shao was serving food, he heard two women in business attire discussing stocks. One of them said that the two stocks she bought made one thousand three thousand and one thousand nineteen; The three stocks I bought added up to earn about the same as her.

After sitting down, several young men sitting on the left were also talking about stocks. One of them said excitedly that during this period of time he made more than 18,000 yuan in stocks, nearly half a year's salary. He was going to go home and persuade his old man to use all his family savings to speculate in stocks. Sitting on the right is a couple. The man said excitedly that the stock he bought had risen by more than three yuan in two weeks, and he had made more than 60,000 yuan. buy house.

Tian Shao saw that all the stocks bought by these people had risen, so he settled down and went back to the villa after dinner.

On the way, Feng Yi hesitated and asked, "Boss, everyone is discussing and buying stocks now, so I'm not at ease."

Tian Shao smiled and said, "You didn't buy stocks, what's wrong with you?"

"Boss, didn't you buy it?"

Both of them are his confidantes, Tian Shao did not hide the purpose of his visit to Hong Kong this time, and immediately stated that this visit to Hong Kong is to clear the stock.

Feng Yi was taken aback and asked, "Boss, are the stocks going to plummet?"

Tian Shao was a little anxious when he heard his words, and asked a little strangely: "Why, you bought stocks too? Don't you never touch this thing?"

Feng Yi did not buy it, but Chang Qing, the comrade-in-arms who was hit by a wooden warehouse in the knee, took all the compensation money from Bao Huamao to buy stocks. If the stock is going to plummet, then the money will be wasted.

Tian Shao didn't ask about this matter before, knee injuries would at most lead to disability, and his life would not be in danger. She smiled and said, "Your comrade-in-arms is still very fashionable, and you actually spent so much money to buy stocks. By the way, how much compensation did Bao Huamao give him?"

Only after asking this question did I find out that Bao Huamao gave Chang Qing a compensation of one million yuan and promised to go to work in his foreign trade company when he recovered from his injury.

Feng Yi said depressingly: "He got the money, I advised him to buy a house in Boyuan Real Estate's newly opened real estate, but he didn't know who he listened to and insisted on buying stocks. There's no telling about the stocks, it's the real estate. Safer."

Not everyone has the luck of being their own boss. Most of the stocks and futures he saw were lost. Those who make money, they all quit when they make money.

Tian Shao asked with a smile: "Why, you bought Boyuan's house?"

Feng Yi nodded and said: "I bought it. I paid 30% of the down payment and mortgaged the rest. I also helped Mao Jun buy the house with the remaining money. I bought the smallest apartment. The boss gave a 20% discount. The three houses cost 2.55 million yuan."

Tian Shao raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Those children will be grateful to you in the future."

With the rapid economic development of Hong Kong City in the future, housing prices will also rise steadily, and will rise to sky-high prices in 20 or 30 years. The smallest house in Boyuan is 88 square meters. According to 30 years, it is a luxury house. After all, a house is worth tens of millions.

Feng Yi felt relieved when he heard this, the house price will definitely rise in the future. He was a little moved and said, "Boss, how about I buy another set?"

As the boss, Tian Shao is very clear about Feng Yi's income: "Your salary of 10,000 per month, plus the bonus at the end of the year, is about 200,000. It is no problem to pay for two houses. If the down payment for the second house is not enough, I will I can borrow it from you first."

"thank you boss."

Feng Yi did not refuse this time. In fact, he has a lot of opportunities to make money, like those younger brothers who gathered together, they bought all ten houses after watching Xiaojing. But he didn't ask for a penny of the money.

Ah Xiang struggled for a while and said: "Boss, I also want to buy another apartment, and the down payment is 50,000 less."

Because food, clothing and housing are covered by Tian Shao, and there is no place to spend money on weekdays, it is not bad to buy more suites and collect rent. When I am old, I am not afraid to have two houses next to me.

Tian Shao smiled and said, "You have also served as a secretary in the past two years, and I didn't pay you an extra salary. In this way, I will give you a one-time supplement of 100,000."

A Xiang blushed and said, "Boss, there's no need, you paid for the tuition at the beginning."

Tian Shao smiled and said, "Take it, you deserve it. I'll call Bao Huamao later and ask him to give you the lowest discount."

Feng Yi couldn't bear to refuse such a good thing. He said that Bao Huamao had given him a 20% discount on the house he bought before.

Tian Shao smiled and said, "Then I'll give you a 30% discount. You can ask Gao Youliang later if they want to buy it?"

With a discount of 30% off, the profit is not much. Bao Huamao also gave this discount to others, but they were all used to build relationships. But Feng Yi and Ah Xiang have followed her for so many years, so they have to follow the Buddha.

Ash's eyes lit up. With a 30% discount, that can reduce the supply for several years. In fact, she didn't worry about money when she followed the boss of the society, but the money was not clean. She was almost hacked to death later, and donated all the money she had in order to cut off from the past. But now, all her money is clean.

After Feng Yi thanked Tian Shao, he turned back to stocks: "Boss, is there going to be a problem in the stock market? It is said that it is a once-in-a-century bull market, and Chang Qing also sees that everyone around him is making money and investing in it. "

He persuaded Chang Qing several times, asking him to buy a house first, and use the remaining money to buy stocks, but he just refused to listen and insisted on buying all the stocks.

Tian Shao shook his head and said, "I don't know, I just think it's a bad signal for all people to invest in stocks. After Tan Yue knew about this, he told me that he solved several cases by relying on his intuition, and he also made me believe in my intuition."

"I've thought about it for a long time, and I don't think it's necessary to gamble. If I win the bet, the stock price will double or triple at most; but if I lose, the bull market will turn into a bear market, and my loss will be too great."

The liquidation she was talking about was not just selling all the stocks that An Zhengye helped to buy, but also selling all the stocks in Pretty Country. Now that stocks are so hot, stocks are easy to sell.

Feng Yi's expression changed slightly upon hearing this. The boss is so pessimistic about the stock market, it seems that the risk is very high. Thinking of Chang Qing's temper, he suddenly felt a headache, and he didn't know who had given him the ecstasy soup, so he felt that buying stocks could make a lot of money. If the money is so easy to earn, those rich people will leave it to them.

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