When Tan Yue came back in the evening, the two children jumped on him as soon as they saw him. With great strength, Tan Yue picked up the two children and walked into the house.

Tian Shao saw that both of them were hugging Tan Yue, and said with a smile: "Dad is very tired after working all day, come down quickly and let Dad rest."

Tan Yue smiled and said: "It's okay, the two children are not heavy, I can hold them."

Seeing that he was happy with himself, Tian Shao stopped being a villain: "Then you play with them for a while, I still have something to deal with. These two torturers have been pestering me to accompany them just now."

When the child is still young, Tian Shao also wants to spend more time with her. If it is not urgent, she will take care of it first. She usually waits for the child to fall asleep before dealing with it.

"Go ahead!"

After Tan Yue put the child to sleep, he read a book until after ten o'clock. Seeing that Tian Shao hadn't returned to the house, he went directly to the study: "Xiao Shao, it's time to go to bed."

Tian Shao looked up at the clock and found that the time passed so quickly, more than three hours passed in a flash: "You go to bed first, I still have a little work to do."

Tan Yue was worried that he would go back to sleep, and Tian Shao would be busy until midnight, so he sat across from him, "I'll stay here with you!"

Looking at the posture, Tian Shao knew that she didn't believe in herself. After reading the document in her hand and closing it, she said with a smile, "Okay, let's go back to the room!"

The husband and wife went to bed after washing, and Tan Yue told Tian Shao about the antiques in the small courtyard. However, after Tan Yue's arrangement, the owner of the small courtyard found the antiques and handed them over to the museum.

Tan Yue said: "The two boxes of antiques, Yuan Lao said, are all good things. Some of them are bronzes from the Western Zhou Dynasty, which are said to be very valuable for research. Xiao Shao, I am afraid that these things were intercepted when he helped you receive the goods. "

It's no pity to hand things over to the bus. He felt that helping Xu Kun out of the medicine this time was the end of his benevolence, and Tan Yue didn't want Tian Shao to have anything to do with Xu Kun again.

Tian Shao thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "No, he felt that these things were worthless at the time, so how could he keep them secretly. These two boxes should have been collected later, and they have been appraised by someone."

If no one has identified it, it is impossible for the two boxes to be genuine.

After a pause, she looked at Tan Yue and said, "Xu Kun is very loyal, otherwise there wouldn't be so many people following him at the beginning. It's just that after making money and drifting away, he didn't listen to persuasion and fell to that point Yes. But really, what he did was not a great crime."

Those things that Xu Kun committed would normally be sentenced to three to five years if he was caught, but he was unlucky when the government vigorously rectified law and order, and was stabbed in the back by that woman. Speaking of which, it was luck, and it happened that Xu Yuquan coaxed him back to his hometown during that time, otherwise he would have eaten peanuts.

Tan Yue was very perceptive, upon hearing this, he couldn't help asking: "Do you still want to use him?"

Tian Shao didn't answer this question directly, but smiled and said, "I will ask Sankui to help him solve the household registration problem, and then take him to work on the construction site. As for the future, it depends on his ability."

If Xu Kun can stay on the construction site, it shows that he has learned his lesson and is willing to start from scratch. With his ability, he can still get up if he seizes the opportunity. If you can't stay at the construction site and want to go back to the gang, then let it fend for itself.

After hearing her arrangement, Tan Yue stopped objecting.

Hong Kong stocks fell more than 400 points on the first day, and continued to fall on the second day. Tan Xingguo got the news the next afternoon, and he called Tian Shao immediately, but it happened that Tian Shao took the two children out to play.

Tan Yue was reading a case file when he heard the phone ring and reached out to pick it up.

Tan Xingguo said eagerly: "Third brother, Hong Kong City's stock has plummeted in the past two days. You should go back quickly and ask her to go to Hong Kong City to sell all the stocks."

He knew that Tian Shao had bought a large amount of stocks, so he was very worried when he got the news. Hong Kong City's stock plummeted, and Tian Shao must have suffered heavy losses.

Tan Yue said with a smile: "Brother, don't worry, all the stocks in Xiao Shao's hands have been sold."

"Sold? When did you sell it?"

Tan Yue said: "Xiao Shao went to Hong Kong City in June to sell stocks."

Tan Xingguo was shocked: "You mean, Xiao Shao realized that the stock market was going to be bad in June?"

Only this reason can explain why Tian Shao suddenly sold the stocks in his hand. After all, four months ago, Hong Kong City's stock market was still in full swing.

Tan Yue hummed and said, "Feng Yi called her and said that the streets and alleys of Hong Kong City are discussing stocks, and ordinary citizens are flocking to the stock market to buy stocks. Xiao Shao felt uneasy when she heard that."

Tan Xingguo was also very surprised, and asked curiously: "Ordinary citizens buy stocks, which proves that the stock market is doing well. Why is Xiao Shao still uneasy?"

Tan Yue said: "Xiao Shao said that if this happens, it is very likely that the bull market is coming to an end. She said that she has accumulated enough capital and there is no need to take any more risks, so she went to Hong Kong City to sell all the stocks."

Tan Xingguo felt that Tian Shao not only had a keen sense of smell, but was also very decisive, and took immediate measures when he felt something was wrong. If she hesitates, she will suffer a heavy loss if she delays until now.

Tan Yue felt that the stocks in his family had been sold, so there was nothing to talk about: "Brother, what's the matter with the second brother? I called several times today but no one answered. Big brother, is something wrong with the second brother?"

As soon as Zhou Sihui was out of confinement, Sister Fang came back. However, there is a one-month transition period, Zhou Sihui and the aunt he hired can also take good care of the children. It's just that Tan Xingguo hasn't come since the child was four months old, and Tan Yue felt that it was abnormal. It just so happened that today I had something to look for Tan Xinghua, and I was about to drop by to ask what made me unable to come to Sijiu City because of the delay, but in the end I couldn't find anyone.

Tan Xingguo said: "He injured his left leg in a car accident last month, so he kept it a secret because he was afraid that we and his second sibling would be worried. Now there is nothing wrong, and he told me a few days ago that he would come back to see his second sibling and the child."

"Why are you keeping such a big deal from me?"

Tan Xingguo said helplessly: "I only found out at the beginning of the month, and he insisted that he never tell you. Saying you know means that Xiao Shao knows, and Xiao Shao will tell your second sister-in-law when the time comes."

Tan Yue was a little speechless: "In the eyes of my second brother, I'm just so unreliable."

Tan Xingguo smiled and said: "It's not that he doesn't believe in you, it's that he doesn't believe in Xiao Shao. He thinks women can't keep their secrets. Third brother, don't blame your second brother, your second sister-in-law has become weak after giving birth. If you don’t come, you’re worried and guilty.”

Tan Yue understood as soon as he heard it, and he probably would have done the same.

At this time, Tan Xingguo's secretary took two documents and entered the office. He said: "I still have something to deal with here, let's talk about it at dinner tonight."


Tan Yue turned around and called Tian Shao, saying that Tan Xingguo was coming over for dinner.

Tian Shao then asked: "My sister-in-law came over the day before yesterday and said that my elder brother was in a bad mood for the past two days. Would you like to order two appetizers, so you can have a good chat with my elder brother."

"Then what your elder brother likes to eat for a few days."


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