Zheng's father stayed in Yangcheng for more than a month, and returned when Si Ya's pregnancy was stable at three months old, leaving Zheng's mother to take care of her. When Zheng Yuhao went to Yangcheng for the summer vacation, Zheng's mother hurried back to Shanghai. My husband and grandchildren are all there, and I miss him very much.

Si Ya said with a smile: "Yu Hao, when our parents get old, let's take them to live in Sijiu City!"

Zheng Yuhao couldn't laugh or cry, because he was thinking about his father's good cooking skills: "Although my father doesn't go to restaurants often, he likes to try new dishes and encourages chefs to innovate. The restaurant will launch new products every once in a while, it's my father's credit. "

The Dinghaishenzhen of Zhengji Restaurant is Father Zheng, so it cannot be done without him.

Si Ya said: "There will always be a day when Dad can't do it anymore. At that time, he will hand it over to his disciples and grandchildren, and he will enjoy the blessings. Look at my parents, how comfortable they are now."

Apart from worrying about Wu Ya and Liu Ya's marriage, her parents have nothing else to worry about.

"It will be many years later, it's too early to tell."

As school was approaching, Zheng Yuhao hesitated for a while and said to Si Ya: "It's been more than six months for you, why don't you put off work and go back to Sijiu City with me to wait for delivery."

"No, I'm mainly taking orders now, and Xiao Shen is doing things like contacting manufacturers and urging shipments. Don't worry, I'll have my meals and rest on time."

Zheng Yuhao was worried, but he couldn't ask for such a long leave: "Then when you are born, I will ask the school for a month's leave. If not, let my mother come too."

Si Ya smiled and said: "You don't need to call mom, I'm planning to go back to Sijiu City to give birth."

Zheng Yuhao was surprised. You must know that Siya's due date is at the end of December, which is when it is cold. On the contrary, it is in Yangcheng, where the weather is warm and suitable for confinement.

"The sister-in-law in the lobby is good at taking care of the children, but she can't cook. The confinement meals made by Sister Li are not only nutritious but also delicious. And I gave birth in Forty-Nine City, so you don't need to take such a long leave."

Zheng Yuhao thinks it is better to have a baby in Yangcheng. The warm weather is good for both the mother and the child: "I remember you said that Sister Li's confinement meal is also learned from others. We can invite that person, and it will be more expensive."

Anyway, he is just such a child, and the more he spends, the more he can spend, as long as he is good to his wife and children.

Si Ya gave him a blank look, and said, "The nutritionist is from Hong Kong City. Ten years ago when my eldest sister hired him, he cost tens of thousands of Hong Kong dollars a month. Now it's not enough without fifty or sixty thousand."

"So expensive?"

"What do you think?"

Zheng Yuhao thought for a while and said, "Why don't we ask Eldest Sister to let Sister Li come over to serve you during confinement. Min Yu and Min Ji are both grown up, so they don't need personal care."

Si Ya thought for a while and still did not change her previous decision.

Zheng Yuhao didn't understand: "Why?"

Si Ya explained: "Whether it's my mother or your mother, they like to raise their children in the same old way. But there are many unscientific things in that way. If I am here or confinement at home, my mother and your mother will definitely interfere. But if you go to the elder sister's place, then don't worry about it."

Zheng Yuhao disagreed, and he said, "Eldest sister and elder brother-in-law are so busy, we shouldn't bother them. Siya, otherwise, let Sister Li write down the method of confinement meals, and I will think about it during this time. Wait You give birth, I will give you three meals when the time comes."

Si Ya's decision will not change: "Don't worry about it, I live in the house next to me during confinement, and the main courtyard there is also heated with floor heating."

Zheng Yuhao was stunned, and asked, "What do you mean, the house next to her also belongs to the elder sister?"

"The houses on the left and right are owned by my eldest sister. But the house on the inside was rewarded by the government, and the one on the road was bought by my eldest sister herself."

Zheng Yuhao asked the question that had been lingering in his mind for a long time: "What does eldest sister do, how did she earn so much money?"

He knew that Tian Shao's money must come from a legitimate source, otherwise the husband and wife would have been invited to drink tea. It's just that Tian Shao has been busy, but she doesn't know what she is doing.

Si Ya smiled and said, "Didn't I tell you that Eldest Sister is writing a book. The book she writes can make money. I can't make a year's income in my whole life."

"But didn't you say that the eldest sister was in business? Why did you suddenly turn into writing books to make money?"

Si Ya said with a smile: "That's right, the book is very popular, and then made into cartoons, movies and TV series! It's not all business."

What Zheng Yuhao said made Zheng Yuhao's heart itch even more: "Siya, tell me, what kind of book did the eldest sister write, and it was actually made into a cartoon or a film and television drama?"

Si Ya didn't tell him, she yawned and said: "You want to go slowly, I'm going to sleep."

She has always slept very well, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she will sleep as soon as she touches the bed. It doesn't matter after pregnancy, I can eat and sleep. The only change is that I didn't get fat no matter how much I ate before, but my face has become rounder this time.

Zheng Yuhao thought about it all night and still couldn't come up with it. Finally, he learned Tian Shao's pen name from Si Ya.

Hearing that Tian Shao's pen name is K, Zheng Yuhao shook his head and said it was impossible: "K is a man, how could it be the eldest sister?"

Si Ya laughed and said, "The newspapers in Hong Kong have already reported that K is a beautiful woman and gave birth to a pair of twins."

Zheng Yuhao likes K very much. He has read all the comics he wrote, and bought all the comics he co-authored with others. It's just a joint name, which almost means nothing.

Zheng Yuhao said: "Later, the magazine clarified that the news was all fake, it was a smoke bomb deliberately released by K who didn't want to show up. Also, K used the initials of King, which means that he is the king of the comic book industry."

Si Ya gave him a blank look, and said, "How could I have made a mistake on such a big matter? When my elder sister was drawing these cartoons, I was still watching them! The ones you collected are not as exquisite as those in elder sister's hands. "

Zheng Yuhao was shocked, and asked after a while, "Then why did the eldest sister choose K as her pseudonym?"

This Siya once asked Tian Shao: "The eldest sister said that domestic animation is too far behind foreign countries, and she hopes to catch up and become the king of the comics industry in the future, that is, King, so she took such a pseudonym."

This goal is ambitious, but it is not generally difficult to implement.

"The newspaper later clarified that King was a man, what happened?"

Si Ya said with a smile: "Because of the eldest brother-in-law's work, it is not easy for the eldest sister to appear in front of the public. But Hong Kong City has always wanted to dig the eldest sister out. In order to avoid trouble, the eldest sister asked General Manager Xing to disclose the news to the magazine that K It’s a man. Those newspapers and periodicals were written in a big feature for the sake of sales, and it is said that the newspapers and periodicals of those days have been reprinted and not enough to sell.”

"It's good that you know about it, don't spread it. Because of the eldest brother-in-law, the eldest sister should keep a low profile."

In fact, Siya knew that Tian Shao had also made a lot of investments, so she didn't ask about the specifics. Her eldest sister must have made a big investment, and it's useless to ask, because she can't participate.

K is his idol, how could Zheng Yuhao betray the news of his idol: "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

After a pause, he said again: "Lulu, I want my eldest sister to sign for me, should it be possible?"

Si Ya rolled her eyes and walked away, ignoring him again.

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