Li Guihua couldn't understand why she would rather go to a nursing home than live with her children. But for her, it would be best for Mother Lu to go to a nursing home, otherwise Wuya would have to take care of her and be exhausted at work. There is a precedent for Grandma Li who has been paralyzed in bed for several years. She is very aware of the hard work of taking care of patients. Grandma Li was still paralyzed in bed, and Mother Lu was still running around, making her even more tired.

When Tian Dalin came back from the park, he saw Li Guihua humming and cleaning the windows: "What happy event at home makes you so happy?"

"Lao Wu is looking for a partner. The eldest girl asked someone to introduce him. It was a lawyer who said that he would bring it back for us to meet on New Year's Day. It is only five days away from New Year's Day. We have to clean up inside and out."

Tian Dalin was both surprised and delighted: "Our five girls are so promising that we actually found a lawyer."

"It's also because of Da Ya's favor, otherwise no one would have introduced her to such a good condition. But after all, I'm no longer single, so I can breathe a sigh of relief."

Tian Dalin took a rag and wiped the glass with her, and said, "I told you that you don't worry about it. We girls need to look good, have education and ability, and have a good job. I still worry about not being able to find a partner. You see, if Siya and Wuya are willing to look for them, they will be found quickly."

The fourth child found a university teacher, and the fifth child found a lawyer, but I don't know who the sixth child will find for them? The most likely thing is to find a son-in-law who also does research!

Li Guihua was in a good mood not to argue with him, and said: "The fifth child told me that this little Lu likes not to eat chili and likes to eat seafood. Let's discuss it with Da Ya at that time, and let Ah Chun be in charge that day."

"You can arrange these things."

The day before New Year's Day, Wu Ya brought Lu Guanchao back to Sijiu City. Because they got the news in advance, Erya, Nie Suozhu, Siya and Zheng Yuhao all came back.

Niu Niu, who was waiting outside, saw Wu Ya and shouted loudly: "Grandpa, Grandma, Fifth Aunt and Fifth Uncle are here."

As soon as the words fell, everyone came out of the house. When Lu Guanchao came in, he saw the courtyard full of people, and his first feeling was that there were so many people.

When Li Guihua saw Lu Guanchao wearing a gray windbreaker, she felt that this young man was really a talent. Among the first four sons-in-law, only Tan Yue looks better than him.

She looks good and has a decent job. She thinks Wu Ya is really lucky to find such a good partner. No, it was under the influence of the boss.

Tian Dalin frowned, his appearance was too eye-catching. At the beginning when Tan Yue came to visit, he also thought he was too good-looking, but later he knew that he was a fighting hero and was doing the work of protecting the people. But Lu Guanchao is from the Hong Kong city, which is the world of capitalists, and ordinary citizens are also the first to follow the example of those rich people. And few of those wealthy people are clean and self-sacrificing, and there are many mistresses and mistresses. He doesn't think Lu Guanchao can treat Wuya wholeheartedly.

Lu Guanchao soon discovered that the future mother-in-law was very enthusiastic about him, but the father-in-law seemed dissatisfied with a stern face; while the future second and fourth sisters-in-law looked at him with scrutiny.

After sitting down, Siya asked: "Lawyer Lu, I heard that you sent your mother to a nursing home? As far as I know, the nursing home costs a lot for a month. Can you guarantee a prosperous life for my sister in the future?"

Wuya knew that Siya was doing it for her own good, so she sat on the side and didn't speak.

Lu Guanchao didn't expect her to be so straightforward: "Before, I could get more than 20,000 yuan a month, the nursing home was 4,000 yuan a month, and the mortgage was 12,000 yuan."

Tian Dalin felt wrong: "Why is your salary not fixed yet?"

Lu Guanchao explained: "The more cases you accept, the higher the salary you get. I took a few more cases myself last month and got a salary of 38,000."

Wuya explained from the side: "Dad, for a profession like a lawyer, he has to study with a teacher for a few years before he can take on cases alone. Guanchao only graduated from Harvard Law School four years ago. The salary is already very good. After accumulating enough experience and taking on a few big cases, the salary will increase several times."

There are other things she didn't say, she has a job and a good salary, so she doesn't need Lu Guanchao to support her. But she knew that Si Ya and her family were doing it for her own good, so she didn't tear it down.

Tian Dalin knew that lawyers had good prospects, but he felt that Lu Guanchao was too good and worried that Wuya would not be able to hold on.

Si Ya was more down-to-earth and asked, "You said you have a monthly mortgage of more than 10,000 yuan. How big is the house you bought? How much is the loan? How long is the loan period?"

Lu Guanchao felt a little uncomfortable, but he still said it. He bought the house last year and the house has been delivered. The house was 48 square meters. When I bought it, it was 61,000 square meters. The down payment was 20%, and the mortgage was 30 years.

Si Ya frowned and said, "Your house is too small, it's fine for two people, but if you have a baby in the future, you won't be able to live there."

Lu Guanchao said that the house has a layout of two bedrooms and one living room, and it can accommodate a baby. Of course, Tian's house is definitely not as spacious.

Wuya said with a smile: "Fourth sister, it's okay, we can change to a bigger one when we have more money. I believe in Guanchao, and I also believe in myself."

Although Guanchao's annual salary is only 200,000 to 300,000 yuan, she believes that if he is given a chance, his annual salary will soon be one million yuan, and he will change to a bigger house at that time.

Li Guihua smiled and said: "That's quite right. Your second sister and third sister didn't have a house when they first got married, and they all worked hard to buy it after marriage. Xiao Lu is so good, and Wuya will definitely let Wuya live in the future Good day."

Lu Guanchao's Mandarin is not bad, because of business needs, but he can't understand Li Guihua's Mandarin mixed with dialect.

Tian Dalin thought for a while, and felt that it is better to ask some questions first, otherwise he would be uneasy: "Xiao Lu, many rich people in Hong Kong raise women outside, what do you think about this matter?"

Lu Guanchao understood what he meant as soon as he heard it, and said, "Uncle, not only rich people in Hong Kong raise women outside, but there are also many people in the mainland who abandon their wives and children after making money. But I will definitely not be among these people."

After a pause, he still spoke from the bottom of his heart: "During the duration of the marriage, I will never do anything to offend the family. If my relationship with Xiaofu fades and we can no longer live together, I will also openly and honestly tell you She said, and they parted peacefully."

The future is too far away, and I am not sure whether I can grow old forever. But he felt that it was possible to get together without feelings.

Tian Dalin stared and said, "You're not married yet, so you want to get divorced? Then why get married?"

This time, Si Ya helped Lu Guanchao to speak: "Father, if two people lose their relationship and are unhappy, it is wise to separate. But Lawyer Lu, if we really get to that point, how will the property be divided?"

Lu Guanchao said: "The property before marriage belongs to the individual. If you have no children, you will get half of the money earned after marriage. If you have children and live with Xiaofu, she gets half of the property, and the children get a quarter."

Si Ya was very dissatisfied with this answer.

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