Li Guihua thinks that when a woman reaches her age, she should get married and have children. Those women who don't get married and don't have children end up becoming eccentric, and he doesn't want Liu Ya to be like this.

Li Guihua thought for a while and said, "Liuya, your five older sisters, as well as your eldest cousin and Shuhui, they all live very well after they get married!"

Liu Ya laughed: "I won't talk about the eldest sister and the second sister, but you actually said that the third sister is living a happy life? Mother, just because of the inaction of the third brother-in-law and the Wu family's greed, you actually think that she is living a happy life."

Li Guihua's thinking is different from hers: "If your third sister doesn't marry, how can there be such a filial and promising daughter like Miaomiao?"

Liuya was too lazy to tell her, turned around and walked out.

Two days later, Liuya went on a trip. Tian Shao didn't dare to let her go alone, and asked her two female bodyguards to accompany her.

When leaving, Tian Shao said to her: "Don't think about work, just go out and have fun, and come back when you have enough fun."

"Thank you sister."

As Liuya walked forward, Li Guihua came back and said to Tian Shao, "I found Mr. Hu and asked him to introduce Liuya..."

Tian Shao didn't speak, just looked at her.

Being stared at by her like this, Li Guihua's heart beat a little, and she couldn't speak the rest.

Tian Shao said coldly: "Have you ever wondered why Liuya is so against getting married and having children? It's because of her experience since she was a child. She felt that she couldn't be a good wife, let alone be a mother. She made it clear to you that she didn't want to get married. Why did you force her? Is it true that Liuya will go abroad to work and you won't be able to see anyone all year round, so you will be satisfied."

Seeing her losing her temper, Li Guihua didn't dare to say anything.

Tian Shao said many times to tell her not to urge her to get married, but it was a pity that she fell on deaf ears. She said: "If Liu Ya stays in China and her work and life are not satisfactory, I will let her go abroad to settle down."

Siya and Wuya, they have the idea of ​​getting married, so she is tired of seeing Li Guihua's troubles and can bear it. But Liuya doesn't want to get married, so she won't do anything if she is still like this.

Li Guihua still said the same thing: "I'm doing this for her own good."

Tian Shao was really angry, and said with a cold face: "Back then, you forced me to marry that disgusting widower, and you were doing it for me. Then you chose the surname Ji for Erya, and you thought you had picked up a treasure. You always do it for our own good, but if you really listened to you, you might have died."

Although the original body was killed to save others, but if she really married that man, it can be foreseen that she will definitely be soaked in Huang Lian in the future.

Li Guihua hadn't seen Tian Shao lose her temper for a long time, she lowered her head and said nothing.

Seeing her like this, Tian Shao didn't continue talking, turned around and went back to the house to continue working. In the afternoon, Tao Shuhui came over, needless to say, Li Guihua asked her to come.

Tian Shao said: "You don't need to intercede with her, you keep talking about changing things, and you haven't seen any changes after talking for more than 20 years. I don't expect it either, as long as she doesn't come and talk to Liuya and I will be fine."

If you are angry, you can't do it, it's just that you don't see it.

Tao Shuhui smiled wryly and said: "Every family has a hard-to-recite scripture. Cousin, sister-in-law is not bad, but she likes to read in pieces. Li Erkui is really, I don't know how to say it..."

"What the hell is he doing?"

After asking this question, I found out that Li Erkui couldn't stay in Yongning County, so he packed his bags and went to Yangcheng. He planned very well, first went to work and accumulated funds and then started from scratch. Although he had no academic qualifications or special skills, he was smooth-talking and quickly found a job. It's just that no matter what kind of job you do, you have to endure hardships if you want to make achievements, and you have to suffer some grievances to some extent as a worker. But Li Erkui has been used to being sought after by people for so many years, and he is the only one who scolds others. Now he can't stand being scolded.

Tao Shuhui said: "I changed five jobs successively in Yangcheng, but in the end I couldn't even pay for food. He borrowed money from fellow villagers, but unfortunately no one lent him."

"Can't borrow money, are you complaining to your aunt again?"

Tao Shuhui nodded and said, "I called home and told my mother-in-law that he is penniless and living on the street. He is about to die. The mother-in-law couldn't bear it, so she called Sankui."

Li Sankui didn't tell her about this, Tian Shao didn't know about it.

Tao Shuhui said dejectedly: "Sankui asked him to go to work on the construction site. He didn't want to. He said he wanted to stay in the company to work. After being rejected, he called his mother-in-law to complain. Turning around, her mother-in-law called and scolded Sankui."

"Does uncle know about this?"

Tao Shuhui shook her head, saying that they didn't tell Uncle Li about this: "My father-in-law will be angry again when he finds out. He has high blood pressure now, and he can't stand it."

Tian Shao nodded and said, "Then don't let uncle know. My aunt scolds whenever she calls. Anyway, Li Erkui is not allowed to touch him, and whoever touches it will be in bad luck."

After thinking for a while, she said: "My aunt asked my mother to intercede. I told her very clearly that I couldn't trust Li Erkui's character. I couldn't trust Li Erkui's character. I couldn't trust him back then, and I can't trust him now. It is impossible to support him in this life. Otherwise, who knows when I will be stabbed in the back."

"Don't be afraid of offending the eldest aunt, just say it straight. Er Kui is a son, so San Kui was picked up, so why should you help him? Don't talk about a real brother. It's better to have such a real brother."

With these words, Tao Shuhui has a bottom line in his heart.

That night, Tao Shuhui quarreled with his aunt because of Li Erkui: "He never cared about Sanbao and Jasmine, and let his wife go to jail for him. Mom, do you think Sankui is too comfortable, and you want Li Erkui to send him to prison for a few years?"

She and her aunt originally got along quite harmoniously, but after the accident in Li Erkui Restaurant, the conflicts became more and more serious. She endured it before, firstly because she helped bring up the child before thinking about it; secondly, she was worried about Tian Shao. But now, she felt that she couldn't bear it any longer, otherwise Li Erkui would have his way.

Tao Shuhui said: "Mom, I'm going to put my words here today. It's impossible for us to meddle in Li Erkui's affairs. If it's not for the adults, it's for the three children. We don't dare to touch this rotten person."

The aunt was so angry that she went back to the house to pack her things, and then went to Li Guihua to say goodbye to Tian Dalin, saying that she was going back to Yongning County.

Tian Dalin didn't persuade him after knowing the whole story, and said: "Sister-in-law, I think it's good for you to go back and stay for a while. In this way, I will take you to buy a ticket for tomorrow."

Li Guihua also felt that it was her fault, and said with a straight face: "Er Kui wanted to steal San Kui's job back then, and then he did something like that again. Sister-in-law, I know that the palms and backs of my hands are full of meat, but I can't cheat San Kui for the sake of the second child, right? If you do this, it will only chill San Kui and Shuhui's hearts. If they don't care about you, who will you rely on when you get old and can't move?"

The aunt was silent.

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