The Public Security Bureau also raised funds to build a house, and the house was handed over in July this year. This time Li Aihua didn't spend so much effort on decoration, but painted the walls like other people's houses, and then moved the furniture in and moved in.

This house is completely incomparable with a textile factory. The size of the textile factory is 80 square meters, and there is a large balcony that is not included in the area. This time they bought a fifty-six-square-meter house, and the balcony was only the size of a palm.

Li Aihua brought a glass of water to Tian Shao, saw her looking at the house and said with a smile: "This house is much worse than the one in the textile factory. But there is no way, we can't live in my mother's house all the time."

"Why, was someone gossip?"

Li Aihua said with a smile: "When we move in, there are gossips. If you don't tell me in front of me, I'll pretend I don't know. If you talk in front of me, I'll spray it back."

She is the mother of two children. If she is soft-tempered, her children will be bullied in the future.

Tian Shao asked strangely: "Then why move? I think it's good for you to live at home, and Aunt Yang can help."

Li Aihua said: "Children sometimes cry and make them sleep badly. In addition, my brother and Aiguo have no place to live, so we can only go to grandpa's house. My mother hasn't seen them thinking about it for a long time, so I hurry up after the house is renovated. came back."

Speaking of this, she said with some regret: "Aiguo came back during the summer vacation, but you didn't come back during the summer vacation. Aiguo wanted to say thank you in person, but let me say it for you when I left!"

"Why do you say that so politely?"

Li Aihua smiled and said: "I used to be as ignorant as a child, but this time I came back and felt a lot calmer. I guess it was the same. He realized how much you helped him that day, so I want to say thank you again from the bottom of my heart."

Without Tian Shao, her younger brother might be able to enter the university, but if he doesn't get such a high score in the final exam, he won't be able to enter the university of his choice.

Tian Shao smiled: "I'm just saying thank you when I'm about to graduate, your brother is a bit late to mature."

Speaking of graduation, Li Aihua couldn't help asking: "I heard from Zhao Kang before that you plan to marry Pei Yue after graduation? Xiao Shao, where do you plan to hold the wedding? It won't be in Sijiu City, right?"

If it was done in Forty-Nine City, she might not be able to go there. One is that the unit cannot take such a long vacation, and the other is that the two children in the family are too young to leave. As for taking children, it is even more unrealistic. Weak adults can't bear to go back and forth for four or five days, let alone children.

Tian Shao said generously: "I discussed this matter with Pei Yue, and both my family and Sijiu City will do it. The family is the main one, and relatives and friends are invited, and Sijiu City invites classmates and friends to a restaurant for dinner."

There must be wine at home. In the current environment, unless the family is too poor to eat, they will set up two tables and invite people with close relatives to have a meal at home.

Li Aihua smiled and said: "That's good, I'm still worried! But the way the Pei family looks like, his father and stepmother will definitely not come, who will come to invite the wedding date, and how will the process of picking up the bride be handled?"

Tian Shao smiled and said, "I'll just serve wine at home, and I don't need to meet the bride. As for the wedding date, it's because Pei Yue said that he will handle it well and I don't need to worry about it, and I don't bother with it."

As long as the man says he can handle it, support him, even if the other party makes a mess, it doesn't matter, as long as he has the heart. On the contrary, if you don’t feel at ease and take care of yourself, then the family affairs may end up on you in the end.

Li Aihua suddenly said with emotion: "I used to think that Pei Yue's own father was partial to his stepmother and immoral, and you would be made things difficult if you dated him. Thinking about it now, he is actually pretty good like this."

"Your mother-in-law is acting like a moth again?"

Li Aihua hummed and said, "Since my father-in-law came to visit me and the children at the beginning of the year, he collected the wages by himself, and then asked someone to bring things. My mother-in-law wanted to get back the wages and quarreled with him several times, but unfortunately it failed. She thought it was me who provoked her, so she called and scolded me. But I didn't let her succeed, and I hung up the phone when I heard her voice."

"Sometimes I think, it's better not to have such a mother-in-law! It's fine if she can't help take care of the children, and she's picky about her nose and eyes, and what's even more hateful is encouraging Zhao Kang to divorce me."

Tian Shao grunted and said, "Didn't you say that there was a misunderstanding that time before? It's been so long and you still haven't let it go?"

Li Aihua said bitterly: "It's not before, it's now. She thought I only had a daughter and provoked their relationship, so she called Zhao Kang and told him to divorce me. Zhao Kang didn't agree to come to him on Sunday, saying that he wanted to divorce me." Divorce does not recognize this son."

She knew it was going to blow her mind, but what could she do? Arguing with Zhao Kang, he was annoyed by Zhao's mother, and making trouble would only make it more difficult for him; if he wanted to quarrel with Zhao's mother, after all, falling out in the name of his mother-in-law would not be good for him. Therefore, I had no choice but to endure the bad breath.

Tian Shao thinks that Zhao's mother is really weird. It's just that Li Aihua and Zhao Kang's situation is different from Accountant Chen's. Both of them have solid jobs and Zhao Kang likes their jobs very much, so it is impossible for them and their husbands to leave here.

After saying this, Li Aihua said apologetically, "Xiao Shao, I'm sorry, it's a rare time for you to come and I complained to you that these bad things affect your mood."

Tian Shao shook his head and said, "When you're depressed, think about Zhao Kang more, so you can feel more at ease."

As a husband, Zhao Kang really has nothing to say to his father. She is considerate and respectful to Li Aihua and takes good care of the two children. Apart from having a bad mother, there is really nothing else to choose.

Li Aihua hummed and said: "He is the only one who treats me well, otherwise this day will be really difficult."

Tian Shao said with a smile: "When you are too busy to touch the ground, you won't have the energy and energy to worry about these things."

Li Aihua understood the meaning of her words as soon as she heard it, and said with a smile: "At the beginning of the year, I found two little girls to teach them makeup, and one of them was very spiritual. It’s gone. The other one won’t work, so I let her go home.”

"You two cooperate?"

Li Aihua hummed and said: "I'm busy at the end of the year and don't have time to help people put on makeup, but my mother and I know a lot of people. If anyone has a daughter or daughter-in-law, let her come to the house to put on makeup for the bride, and the income I get Six and four."

She taught the craftsmanship, and she bought the cosmetics and so on with her money. She didn't think 60% was too much. But she also promised that it would be enough to work with her for three years, and he would decide whether to stay or not in the future.

Tian Shao thinks this is pretty good: "Aren't you going to open a shop?"

Li Aihua said: "There are only a few people who are willing to put on makeup when they get married. When everyone changes their minds and the business volume increases, then they will put on a facade and do it well."

The various expenses of the two children, plus the salary of the nanny is not low, the little that she and Zhao Kang earn is not enough. So this business still needs to be done, otherwise you won't be able to save a penny.

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