As expected of a gang leader, Uncle Le soon found out that Geng Chu was betrayed by a boy named A Yao beside him, but this boy was hacked to death during the fierce battle that night. As for the two shots on Geng Chu's body, the one in the abdomen was shot by the confidant of Geng Chu's enemy Chen Dong, and the other shot was shot by a younger brother named Ah Huo from Chen Dong's gang. And this Ah Huo is from Wandao, who fled to Hong Kong because he was hunted down by the Wandao police for killing his family. Desperadoes like this are the most terrifying.

Chen Dong and Uncle Le's gang belonged to two camps. However, Geng Chu was killed and Uncle Le lost an arm, so he immediately issued two killing orders, one to kill Chen Dong and the other to kill his younger brother Ah Huo.

When Chen Dong heard that Uncle Le issued a hunting order, he took out of the port city overnight, but no one knows where he went. As for the little brother named Ah Huo, everyone thought that he would definitely die, but they didn't expect this person to disappear.

After Feng Yi killed Geng Chu, there was no way he could stay. He left Kowloon Walled City overnight by bicycle, and then stayed in a very remote hotel. In the morning, I changed my clothes and took the car to Central. I went to the public toilet next to a big shopping mall and shaved off my clothes and put on a trendy hat.

Coming out of the public toilet, the decadent uncle in his forties instantly turned into a fashionable guy in his twenties. After making sure that no one was following him, he went to Zhang Jianhe's house. As for the clothes and razors I wore before, they were all thrown into the trash can of the mall.

He had observed a long time ago that this mall would come to transport garbage every day at noon and afternoon. No matter how powerful the gang is, it is impossible to find him in half a day. After everything is destroyed, it will be as difficult as heaven to find him.

Back at Zhang Jianhe's residence, he took a shower and fell asleep on the bed. When I was in the Kowloon Walled City, I didn’t dare to fall asleep because of my high mental tension. After finally improving my sleep, I returned to before liberation.

When Zhang Jianhe came home after get off work, he was surprised when he saw the extra things on the table, but he quickly realized: "Feng Yi, Feng Yi..."

Feng Yijueqian woke up when Zhang Jianhe called him. He walked out of the room and asked, "What are you calling me for?"

Zhang Jianhe's news was delayed, and he didn't know that Geng Chu was dead. He was relieved to see Feng Yi's intact appearance: "Where have you been for the past half a month? You can't tell me clearly. It makes me worry all day long."

Feng Yi walked to the door, sat down after making sure the door was locked, and said in a low voice: "Geng Chu endangered Comrade Tian's safety, I will go out this time and kill him."

Zhang Jianhe's eyes almost popped out. Although he also engaged in speculation, but never involved human life.

Seeing his reaction, Feng Yi found it quite interesting. He has carried out many missions over the years, and it is very common for him to kill a person who has committed a heinous crime.

After Zhang Jianhe reacted, he said worriedly: "Geng Chu is highly valued by his godfather. If you kill him now, he will definitely find you out to avenge Geng Chu. If you are tracked down, you and I will be in danger." gone."

Feng Yi said: "I disguised myself as a middle-aged man in his forties, and my voice changed. Even the gang members would not be able to recognize me standing here. As long as you and Xing Shaohui don't betray me, they won't be able to find me. to mine."

Zhang Jianhe was still worried, and hoped that Feng Yi would go back to the mainland, which would be safer.

Feng Yi shook his head and said, "Now they are keeping an eye on every exit. If I cross the sea now, I will be targeted instead. Don't worry, I will stay here without going anywhere for a while."

Zhang Jianhe is in a serious business and has nothing to do with gang members. In addition, he has no relationship with Tian Shao and Xing Shaohui on the surface. No matter how hard those people searched, they couldn't find anyone here.

"Are you sure you didn't reveal your identity?"

Feng Yi glanced at Zhang Jianhe with disdain, and said, "If it was so easy to reveal my identity, I would have died eight hundred times already."

That A Yao was bribed by him, and the other party had an affair with a woman who was Geng Chu's confidant, so if he could become Geng Chu's confidant, he would definitely not be a soft-hearted person.

In order to survive, A Yao told him that Geng Chu was going to open another nightclub, so he was going to buy a batch of new products.

Geng Chu's confidant has already contacted the snake head to order a batch of high-quality goods, and with Geng Chu's temperament, he will personally inspect the goods when the time comes. When Feng Yi got the news, he turned around and told the elder brother above him, and then shot Geng Chu while the two sides were fighting.

Although Feng Yi said it very simply, Zhang Jianhe was still terrified when he heard it: "What is the first-class product they are talking about?"

Feng Yi glanced at him, and said contemptuously: "Are you really stupid or fake? This high-end product naturally refers to women, and they are beautiful women."

Zhang Jianhe actually guessed it, but it was a little unbelievable that this living person turned into a commodity in the mouths of those people.

Feng Yi felt that it was strange that he was rare, and said: "Gambling, selling drugs, and human trafficking are the three most profitable. The women in the places opened by Geng Yu are not only beautiful but also have a good time, so they are getting more and more. Doujin. Seventy percent of the money was handed over to Uncle Le, otherwise you would wonder why Uncle Le valued him so much."

In the beginning these gangs were united for survival, but in the end it turned sour. Now this gang, no one is clean from top to bottom, has become the biggest cancer in society.

Zhang Jianhe said with a wry smile: "I've heard of these things before, but I just feel that they are far away from me. Only now do I realize that these things are actually right in front of my eyes."

Feng Yi glanced at him and said: "That's because you met Tian Shao, she arranged everything for you, you easily got your ID card and found a job. If you smuggle here like a lost dog, you won't have any money." There is no one to go to for a penny, and I probably have to join these gangs in order to survive."

Zhang Jianhe's heart skipped a beat: "How do you know my identity?"

Feng Yi shook his head and said, "I don't know your identity, but you speak with Jiang Sheng's accent, and now you are helping Tian Shao manage the power plant. I guess, you must have made some mistakes in the Mainland and had no choice but to escape to Hong Kong come to the city."

Seeing Zhang Jianhe's nervous expression, he smiled and said: "Don't worry, I was hired by Tian Shaohua with a lot of money. Now we are in the same group, and we won't report you when we go back."

Even with Zhang Jianhe's courage, it is impossible to do illegal things like murder and arson. So it can only be an economic mistake, um, 100% speculation.

Zhang Jianhe secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time murmured in his heart, where did Tian Shao find such a powerful monster.

Although Feng Yi vowed that the gang members would not be able to find out his identity, Zhang Jianhe was still so scared that he couldn't sleep that night, he would get up and check whenever there was trouble.

The next morning, Zhang Jian and Qiangren woke up sleepy, and saw Feng Yi doing push-ups as soon as they left the room. He looked at Feng Yi, who looked like a normal person, and asked, "Why aren't you worried at all?"

"Because I have confidence in myself."

They were all ordered to hunt him down, and they were looking for him the whole time, but they turned out to be like nothing happened. Seeing him like this, Zhang Jianhe wondered if he was really too timid. But he quickly denied this idea, not because he was timid, but because Feng Yi was too perverted.

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