The next day, Tian Shao went to the bank to transfer some money, and then withdrew millions in cash and one hundred thousand dollars. One million in cash was handed over to Feng Yi, and one hundred thousand dollars was to be brought back to the mainland to collect antiques.

Tian Shao discovered a problem when exchanging dollars this time, that is, the Hong Kong dollar has depreciated, and now the amount required to exchange dollars is a bit more. She had been busy before, and if she hadn't exchanged US dollars, she wouldn't have noticed this problem.

After thinking about it, she went to the general manager and expressed that she wanted to exchange some Hong Kong dollars into US dollars. Tian Shao originally planned to go to Wall Street in the beautiful country in July and August, and then he would also exchange for US dollars, but now he just moved the time forward.

Tian Shao originally wanted to convert two-thirds of the deposit under his name into US dollars, but the bank stated that such a large exchange could not be completed in one day. And Tian Shao made a plan to go back today, but in the end he only set sixteen small goals. The rest can only be operated after graduation.

It was almost eleven o'clock when everything was done, and Feng Yi sent them to the agreed place.

Tian Shao whispered to him: "I have already greeted Tang Zeyu, and you will go to work at Tianwei Security Company in a few days. You have learned advanced technology from them, and you will teach them to Wuhan Iron and Steel when we come over."

She knew that Feng Yi was very capable, but he used to take the initiative to attack when performing tasks, while the bodyguards mainly focused on defense. Only by learning from these professionals can we check for gaps and fill in gaps.

Feng Yi felt that she was too thoughtful, and showed his neat white teeth: "Don't worry, I will definitely learn all the things they put in the bottom of the box."

After watching Tian Shao get into another car and leave, Feng Yi drove away. He went to Jingding Garden first, packed up all the leftovers there, and after tidying up, he went to an intermediary company to put the house up.

This is what Tian Shao told me yesterday, it would be a waste to leave the house empty, why not rent it out to get some rent! Regarding her decision, Feng Yi felt that she did not forget her original intention. No matter how much money you earn, you can't waste it, after all, every penny is hard-won.

It was past four o'clock when Feng Yi returned to the villa.

Seeing him, Zhao Xiaorou asked worriedly, "Why did it take you so long to come back? Could it be that you're in trouble again?"

According to the original plan, I will be back at eleven or twelve o'clock, but I wait until four o'clock. She decided to call Bao Huamao before Feng Yi came back before five o'clock.

Feng Yi said: "No, the boss spent a long time working in the bank, and then put the house out, so he came back late. Ms. Zhao, I asked, the law and order in this area is very good, don't worry."

Now it is broad daylight, even if it is robbery and stealing, it will not be chosen at this time. As for kidnapping, those people will only kidnap people halfway and kidnap rich people. Moreover, the law and order in the rich area is very good, and it is easy to catch someone here if you kidnap someone.

Zhao Xiaorou's face turned dark. Is she afraid of meeting bad guys? She was worried that Tian Shao would be in danger. It's just that she also knew that she couldn't make sense with Feng Yi, so she went upstairs again.

When Tian Shao crossed the sea, he found that the interrogation was even stricter now, similar to three years ago, and he didn't know what happened.

After passing through the border of Yangcheng, the driver and Tian Shao said: "Comrade, both sides are conducting strict inspections now. If you go there in the future, don't bring anything else except your change of clothes. Otherwise, if you are caught, not only your things will be confiscated, but you will also have to be locked up." stand up."

"Can't you bring books too?"

The driver knew her details, and said, "You can bring comic books and sketches, but don't bring other things, so as not to be seized and delay your business."

Tian Shao secretly thought, it seems that it is necessary to find out which checkpoints are contraband, so as not to suffer a secret loss.

This time, Tian Shao in Yangcheng did not stay at the guest house, but directly got a car to find San Kui.

After three months, the original wasteland has been replaced by several rows of houses.

San Kui was busy working in the factory building, when he heard someone looking for him outside, he came out immediately, seeing Tian Shao, he was surprised and delighted: "Cousin, why are you here?"

Tian Shao smiled and said, "Go to Hong Kong City to do some errands. I'll come and have a look when I get back to Yangcheng today. Everything has been arranged here? The sewing machine will arrive in two days."

He was still nervous before, but now Sankui is not nervous at all: "Sister, everything is ready here, just waiting for the sewing machine to be delivered. By the way, Director Zhuang arranged for me to go to my hometown to pick up those female workers."

"Cousin, the manager of this village is really amazing. We have encountered many problems since the construction of the factory. In February, the people we hired to build the factory complained that the wages were low and made trouble. I was so scared that my legs went limp. He knew Immediately after that, we called the police, and then these people were frightened, and the next day, the factory manager stopped these people and replaced them with another group."

Tian Shao laughed and said, "It's not an honor to be so scared that your legs go limp, and you even told me specifically."

Sankui hurriedly said that he didn't mean that, and he explained: "Sister, I think Director Zhuang is really powerful, and he is not afraid of those people at all."

Tian Shao hummed and said: "Director Zhuang is indeed a very capable person, you follow him and learn hard. After you learn his skills, you can also be the leader by yourself."

Sankui asked: "Sister, do you mean to replace the factory director after I leave the teacher? Sister, this is not acceptable. Isn't this teaching apprentices to starve to death of the master? I can't do this kind of thing."

Tian Shao thinks this kid is really good, and only hopes that he can keep his original intention: "Don't worry, you will be in charge of other factories when you leave the teacher. This garment factory, as long as Director Zhuang doesn't leave, let him take care of it."

Of course, the premise is that he can create benefits and not do anything that harms the factory, otherwise he will still be fired. But Tian Shao felt that Zhuang Yipeng's mind would not do such a stupid thing.

San Kui was relieved when he heard this.

Tian Shao asked about job recruitment, she asked strangely: "Tian Tao is in the same year as Si Ya, and they are both under fifteen years old, why did my father let her take the job recruitment exam?"

Sankui recounted the situation at that time very helplessly: "My little uncle just saw Tian Tao being pitiful, so he wanted her to learn a craft, so that he could be a good husband's family in the future."

There is a seven-year age difference between Tian Shao and Tian Tao, and the two have not met each other. In my memory, this little girl is not very talkative, and she rarely has time to play from morning to night.

It is wrong for Tian Dalin to make an assertion, but Sankui's mistake is even greater. Tian Shao said: "What did I tell you before I went back to Sijiu City? Everything is done according to the rules. My father broke the rules. Not only did you not criticize him, but you let him send me a telegram. If you do this again next time, Then after the factory is running normally, you will take care of the freight department."

Sankui said in a loud voice, "Let me criticize and train my uncle? Sister, I dare not criticize my uncle even if I have the guts of a dangerous leopard. My father will break my leg even if he knows!"

Tian Shao glared at him and said, "If you don't criticize, Tian Dali and Tian Qiang will be cancelled, and if you don't bring them to Yangcheng, my father will naturally learn a lesson."

This was more serious than being criticized, and he didn't dare to. However, you can tell the little uncle what you said, so that you won't break the rules again.

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