With the tractor, the amount of vegetables Nie Suozhu harvested immediately doubled several times. He took Tian Dalin and drove the car to a fork in the county town to sell goods. This fork is the only way to go to the free vegetable market.

When everyone saw a cart of vegetables, and the vegetables were juicy and juicy, they all stepped forward to ask the price. Hearing that the price is the same as the free market, many people don't bother to run away and buy directly from him.

Nie Suozhu not only collects vegetables, but also collects eggs, chickens, ducks, geese and other things. It is quite complete, and he can buy everything he wants.

Chinese people like to be lively, and when they see a lot of people there, they will gather around.

A cart of vegetables, after selling for more than an hour, only one-third of them were left. Nie Suozhu drove the car to the gate of the textile factory again, and delivered the dishes ordered by the acquaintances. After he went back, he saw Tian Dalin serving dishes for others.

Tian Shao didn't let Li Guihua help sell vegetables before, because he thought that he had to do a day's work during the day, and he had to get up early in the morning to sell vegetables because he couldn't bear it. But Tian Dalin was just sweeping the floor and was busy three or four hours a day, and the work was not tiring, so he didn't intervene.

Nie Suozhu originally wanted to pay Tian Dalin, but was rejected by the husband and wife. Anyway, most of the money earned is handed over to them, and the wages are given to the left hand and the right hand, which is unnecessary.

Tian Dalin looked at the remaining boxes of vegetables, and said to Nie Suozhu, "Sell these vegetables in the free market?"

Nie Suozhu smiled and said: "Father, don't worry, you can go back to have breakfast, I will sell it for a while."

Selling vegetables is much more profitable than working in the fields, and the management is not so strict now, so Nie Suozhu no longer goes to work. Because there was a job recruitment issue, no one in the village made a sound. If it was changed to before, someone would have yelled.

After Tian Dalin finished cleaning the school, he went to the post office to send a telegram to San Kui. As a result, I got a reply in the afternoon, saying that Sankui was already on his way back.

There was something to do at school that afternoon, and he didn't come home until after five o'clock. At this time, it was almost dark, and it was dangerous to travel at night. He did not go back that day under the strong opposition of Siya and Wuya.

When Tian Shao and Liu Ya were at home, the two girls didn't care about the family affairs every day. But after Liu Ya passed the exam, they also started to participate in the family affairs. Although some ideas are still immature, but after receiving Tian Shao's praise, the two really took care of the family affairs.

Early the next morning, Tian Dalin rode his bicycle home and reported the good news to Li Guihua and Uncle Li.

Uncle Li heard that Sankui came back by car the night before yesterday, so he calculated that today should be the day: "Maybe he will be delayed in the provincial capital, brother-in-law, when people in the village asked him, they said he would come back in two days."

I can't give the exact time, otherwise Sankui didn't come back at the time they said, and people from the village would come to the house to ask. These days, both the Tian and Li families were overwhelmed by questions.

Facts have proved that Uncle Li's concerns were right. Sankui stayed in the provincial capital for two days before returning. He didn't come back alone, but invited the two previous masters.

These two masters have worked in the provincial garment factory for 30 years before retiring, and they are old employees. It was because of Zhuang Yipeng's generous remuneration that they accepted the job, otherwise, who would want to take such a long car ride, and it would be very bumpy.

In the first month, Li Guihua and the others selected sixty people. The two masters conducted the first round of screening and eliminated ten people. Then they stayed in Tianjia Village to teach these people for fifteen days and then went back.

Hearing that the two masters were coming, everyone who passed the first round began to tense up. After Tian Tao's incident, Tian Dalin told the outside world during the first round of screening that the recruitment assessment process was formulated by the big boss. If you want to be admitted, you can only rely on your own ability, and it is useless to ask anyone.

Sankui knew that these people were nervous and wanted to finish the assessment earlier, and he himself wanted to finish this matter earlier. It's just that the two master masters are both in their fifties, and they are tired after a day's driving, so they can only arrange the assessment on the next day.

The garment factory only recruits forty people, but now there are fifty people taking the second round of exams, except those who are confident in their craft like Narcissus. Those who barely passed the other skills were tossing and turning that night and had trouble falling asleep.

The two masters were instructed by Zhuang Yipeng, so the second round of assessment was very strict. There were supposed to be forty places, but only thirty-six passed.

Those who passed the examination smiled happily, while those who failed cried. One of the girls was more careful, and found that the number of admissions was less than forty. She questioned the two masters: "This time, you recruited forty people, why did you only recruit thirty-six? There are still four places. Are you going to give it to your family?"

When one of the masters heard this, he said with a cold face: "Everyone in my family has a job, so there is no need to travel thousands of miles to Yangcheng. As for why we chose thirty-six people, it is because your level is too poor."

Another master chef added: "As far as your level is concerned, you must follow our factory's recruitment standards, and only the top ten can get in."

This garment factory in Yangcheng is a private enterprise. Anyone who has connections wants to enter a state-owned enterprise, who would go to a private enterprise, let alone this factory is still hundreds of miles away in Yangcheng.

The girl asked unwillingly: "But the big boss said to recruit forty, why can't you recruit all forty?"

The master master who was the first to speak was unwilling, and said: "Only these thirty-six barely passed the test. The things made by others are waste of fabric. We can't do things against our conscience."

San Kui came over when he heard the movement, and after knowing what was going on, he naturally supported the two masters.

Li Guihua raised her voice and said: "The two daughters-in-law of my elder sister's family were not admitted, and I didn't say anything. I can't be selected. I can only blame you for your poor craftsmanship. Go home and practice hard. You can't tell. I will choose next time."

The latter sentence gave some comfort to those who lost the election.

Afterwards, Sankui sent the two masters to the county seat. The task of the two has been completed, and San Kui arranged for Shi Hu to send them back to the provincial capital.

That night, Tian Dalin and Li Guihua went to Li's house for dinner. At the dinner table, Sankui and Li Guihua said: "Sister, I might not recruit workers from Tianjia Village next time."


Sankui explained: "Now that Yangcheng has just been released, many people have not received the news or are unwilling to leave their hometowns, and garment factories cannot find workers. After a while, many people will go there if they cannot find jobs. , Garment factories can directly recruit experienced hands in Yangcheng."

He felt that it would be better to recruit experienced workers directly in Yangcheng, as recruiting workers at home was not only tiring but also troublesome.

Upon hearing this, Tian Dalin immediately asked: "Women workers need to find experienced hands, but those who do manual work don't need to find any experienced hands?"

Sankui shook his head and said: "Our factory manager said that we all recruit people from one place, and it is easy to form cliques and it will be difficult to manage at that time. However, even if our own family members cannot enter the garment factory by then, I can introduce them. another factory."

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