Tan Yue and Tan Minjuan went back to the room after talking. At this time, Tian Shao was leaning on a chair and reading a book.

"What did you say to him, for so long?"

Tan Yue shook his head and said, "This kid keeps talking about starting a business, but he has no plans. I asked him what kind of business he does, where the capital comes from, and he couldn't answer anything."

Tian Shao smiled and said, "He wanted to start a business because he was stimulated by his classmate's rich family background, and he didn't make a decision after careful consideration. It's normal for him not to think about what you said."

At this age, it would be scary if you think about things thoroughly!

Tan Yue said angrily: "Then what are you talking about doing business? I thought he made a deliberate decision!"

Tian Shao didn't continue this topic, and said with a smile: "You will go to the county to buy soy sauce, sesame oil, and bay leaves later, and I will use them for cooking tomorrow."

In the past few days, she neither writes nor thinks about the plot. She is too tired these years, so she takes this opportunity to let herself go.

Tan Yue responded with a smile, and said, "I'll light a fire for you tomorrow."

"You don't write couplets anymore?"

"Min Jun and Min Xing's calligraphy is very good. Tomorrow, I'll leave this task to them."

"it is good."

After dinner, Tan Yue went into the city, because Tan Minxing and Tan Minjun didn't need to chop firewood in the afternoon, so he took them both with him.

Tian Shao was about to take a nap when Tian Jianle came over, and he came to pay back the money: "Big girl, I'm sorry, I just got home last night and missed your wedding banquet."

Originally, he was planning to give Tian Shao a big red envelope, but he didn't expect his parents to say that Da Ya would not accept presents for this wedding. The gift was confiscated and a sumptuous banquet was arranged. Now the villagers are talking about Tian Shao, saying that she is not only capable but also generous.

Tian Shao wouldn't care about this either, he was running around to make money and not staying at home on purpose.

Tian Jianle put the money in front of Tian Shao, said with a smile: "This is 2,200 yuan, order some."

Hearing this, Tian Shao took the money, counted twenty and handed it back to him. Seeing that Tian Jianle didn't accept it, Tian Shao pulled his face and said, "You didn't ask for interest when you lent me a hundred yuan back then, but now I want to charge you interest, so who am I?"

Tian Jianle saw that she spoke so seriously, so he had no choice but to take back the money.

Tian Shao poured him a cup of tea, looked at his plain clothes, and asked with a smile: "Brother Jianle, I heard from San Kui that you bought three batches of clothes from him."

After earning a lot of money, he didn't change his clothes and knew to keep a low profile. He only hoped that woman Zhang Huilan wouldn't hold her back.

Tian Jianle looked outside and saw that Siya and the others were not there, only Tian Dalin and Li Guihua were busy in the kitchen, so he said in a low voice: "The clothes produced by Mudan Clothing Factory are fashionable and don't need a ticket. I sell them in the provincial capital. Everyone loved it and it sold out."

The clothes obtained from Yangcheng are loved by young people because of their beauty, and they are eager to buy them at double the price.

Tian Shao nodded, and said: "Actually, clothes are average, and electronic products such as electric fans, TVs, and refrigerators are better sold, and the profits are also high."

How can Tian Jianle not know, but these things are not easy to deal with: "Electronic products such as TVs and refrigerators are indeed the most popular and the most profitable, but I have no way out, so I can only get some clothes and sell tapes and records."

The main reason is that he has no capital, and those things are too expensive to play.

Tian Shao pulled Sankui out and said: "Sankui has a friend who works in Yangcheng Zhuoyue Appliances, and that person seems to be a leader. If you need it, I will tell Sankui and ask him to introduce this friend to you. "

Tian Jianle was both surprised and delighted. If he could buy directly from the home factory, the profit would be even greater with the hands of the middleman.

Whoever sells the product sells it, and selling it to Tian Jianle is also a favor. Tian Shao said: "Brother Jianle, let me ask, how much money have you made in the past six months?"

Tian Jianle said without hesitation: "A total of more than 29,000 fast money has been made, but I am a partner, and I only got 15,000. But I didn't make any money during the first two months of exploration. I made so much money in four months." Very satisfied."

Waiting for Sankui to help you get acquainted with the leader of the home factory, you can earn more by then. Sometimes he couldn't help feeling that he was going to college, to see Tian Shao and compare with his younger sister, it was really worthless. Tian Shao is in college, learning to make friends, dating, and expanding contacts without delay, while Tian Lingling only has men in his mind.

Tian Shao reminded: "Brother Jianle, the road is very unsafe now. Sankui met a group of road bandits before, and the government is also very strict in this area. When you make money, you still have to do legitimate business. It's off the beaten track."

Tian Jianle also planned in the same way. He asked: "Big girl, you have a lot of knowledge, can you give me some advice on what industry to make money in?"

Tian Shao smiled and said: "This person can't do without food, clothing, housing, and transportation. You can find your way just by thinking about it."

Tian Jianle kept this in mind, then took out a small box from his pocket and handed it to Tian Shao, and said with a smile: "My mother said that you don't accept gift money, I just met it by chance in Yangcheng. It's not worth it." What kind of money is it, just a small gift, I hope you can accept it."

Tian Shao took the box over, opened it and found a black pearl inside. This pearl is black and shiny, exuding a lustrous luster, and most importantly, it is as big as her thumbnail, which is very rare.

Putting the pearls back into the box, Tian Shao looked at Tian Jianle and asked, "The price of black pearls is not low because of their scarcity. Brother Jianle, how much are these pearls?"

Tian Jianle said with a smile: "I bought it directly from the fishermen. It really didn't cost much."

Tian Shao pushed the box back to him, shook his head and said, "Brother Jianle, take this thing back! I dare not take such a valuable thing."

She likes this pearl very much. After all, natural black pearls of this size are hard to come by, but how can one want such a precious thing if one does not get paid for it. Besides, there is Zhang Huilan, if she knows about it, she shouldn't make a fuss.

Tian Jianle said helplessly, "This pearl is four hundred."


Tian Jianle said with a smile: "The other party asked for six hundred, and I counter-offered to four hundred. Damn, the wages of the workers are only thirty or forty now, and four hundred is already a lot of money."

Tian Shao happily counted forty pieces of reunion cards to Tian Jianle, and said with a smile on his face: "Brother Jianle, I like this pearl very much, thank you!"

The next time she goes to Hong Kong City, she will take the pearl to a jewelry store to process it into a pearl necklace.

Seeing how happy she was, Tian Jianle said, "You like pearls so much? Then let me tell my friend, if there are fishermen in their village who get pearls, they will keep them for you."

Tian Shao really likes natural pearls, she said with a smile: "I want more than 8mm, not small ones. If you encounter rare objects, take Sankui with you, and I will tell him later."

What to do with Sankui, of course you have to pay.

Tian Jianle's heart skipped a beat, how rich his family background is to say such a thing. Shocked in my heart, but didn't show it on my face: "Okay."

YQ swept across our small remote county again, and everyone scrambled for vegetables and rice. Alas, baby dad can't come back again, it's too difficult.

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