Shogo Haizaki clasped the iron net with an evil smile.

“I have long seen that the Qingxue gang is not favorable, so I just teach them a good lesson after the game.”

Saying that, he had already begun to rub his hands, looking like he couldn’t wait to start.

Seijuro Akaji reminded coldly.

“Until then, take off the tennis team’s uniform.”

Shogo Haizaki’s right hand clenched slightly, this is to threaten him with quitting the club.

Akaji, this guy, is too unkind.

He thought so, but did not dare to be angry.

After all, when he was in the basketball club before, he was persuaded to quit by Akaji.

If he is dissuaded from the tennis club again, won’t he become a joke for Diguang?

So, he forced the corners of his mouth to open, “I’m joking, adjust the atmosphere.” ”


The sound of hitting the ball sounded, and Echizen Ryoma immediately ran towards the drop point.

Unexpectedly, the ball glided on the ground for some distance, but it no longer bounced.


Takeshi Momojo was a little worried, and his brows furrowed.

“Oops, how did you forget, that guy still keeps this trick!”





“Diguang Ziyuan score, 4-4.”

Atsushi Ziyuan won a game by “falling rocks” in one breath, and felt a sore shoulder.

Seijuro Akaji’s right hand tightened and glanced at the scoreboard on the field.

Ziyuan had forgotten his instructions, and over-consuming his body was cutting off his professional lifespan.

But this can also reflect what Shibara was forced by Echizen Ryoma.

“Falling rocks”, like the zero serve, the load on the shoulders is not something that the average person can bear.

Echizen Ryoma is not yet able to fight back against the “falling rock”.

So, with four goals down, Ziyuan won a set.

Ryota Huangse said with a smile.

“Aha! Now the score is 4-5, and you win one more game. ”

Seijuro Akaji looked at Shihara in the rest area with a serious face, and his face showed a bit of coldness.

“That also depends on whether Ziyuan can survive.”

Echizen Ryoma is no ordinary player.

Ziyuan’s shoulders are now overloaded.

“Coach, please request a waiver.”

Akaji’s words surprised everyone.

Ziyuan Atsushi’s pupils opened slightly, and he stood up and fought for it.

“Kochiji, I’m okay…”

However, Seijuro Akaji didn’t listen to what Shibara wanted to say at all.

“Although victory is everything, what is the point if this victory is obtained by sacrificing the arms of the players.”

Saying that, a slightly gentle smile flashed in his eyes.

“Besides, in the next match, I don’t think Shintaro will lose.”

He looked at Shintaro Midorima and signaled him to get ready to play.

Shintaro Midorima agreed, pushed the glasses frame with his thumb and forefinger, and said in a deep voice.

“As I said, Cancer’s fortune is number one today.”

When he raised his hand, everyone saw the seven or eight watches he was wearing.

Several black lines appeared on Ryota Huangse’s forehead, and he couldn’t help but complain.

“That’s an exaggeration, little Midorima!”

Everyone agreed with Akaji’s decision and advised Shibara.

“Shihara, just listen to Akaji.”

Atsushi Shibara glanced at Echizen Ryoma next door, and then at his teammates behind him, and regained his calm.

He put down his racket and said lazily.

“Ahhh~~ It doesn’t matter, anyway, the little man didn’t crack my trick~~”

This was deliberately said to Echizen Ryoma.

The intention is to indicate that although he abstained, it does not mean that he has lost.

“Due to the abstention of Diguang, this set was won by Seigaku Echizen.”

Hearing the results, the members of the Youth Academy were very surprised.

“If the opponent keeps playing the kind of ball that doesn’t bounce, it’s hard to say.”

“But I guess Xiao Bu Dian should have a way to crack it.”

Hearing what Kikumaru said, Buji Shusuke smiled and nodded.

“The serve can be difficult to crack, but if you return the shot, Echizen tried to hit back before the ball hit the ground.”

“So I guess he’s not happy with the result.”

Tezuka Kunimitsu’s face was grim, and he reminded in a gentle tone.

“No, it’s time for you to play next.”

Satoshi Horio and several other first-year students are very looking forward to it.

“The number two in singles is not the second senior, and he will definitely be able to win a big victory!”

“That’s right, that’s right, but the second senior is the ‘genius’ of our young school!”

Buji Zhou Suke said with a smile.

“Well, but I always feel a little uneasy.”

Kikumaru Eiji couldn’t help but push Fuji into the court, and complained impatiently.

“It’s not the same, you play there again.”

Seijuro Akaji patted Midorima on the shoulder.

“Go, Shintaro, with Shibara.”

Like a relay race, Midorima came on and replaced Atsushi Shihara.

Atsushi Shihara didn’t look at Midorima, holding potato chips in one hand and said lazily.

“Ah~~ little green boy, if you lose, I won’t let you go~~”

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