Keigo Jibe walked in steps that the six relatives did not recognize, followed by Takahiro Kawachi, and saw Shinobu and Himawari at a glance.

“Tezuka was actually preempted for two rounds, ahhh~”

Although he didn’t care much about Seigaku, Tezuka, he was still more or less attentive.

After all, that guy has been one of the stars of junior tennis since elementary school.

The Shinobu Yushi held up his glasses and reported the battle situation unhurriedly.

“At present, Qingxue and Diguang are tied, and the singles are the tiebreaker.”

Keigo Jibe glanced at the scoreboard, one hand in his trouser pocket, elegant and insolent.

“Uncle Ben saw it all and lost two sets.”

“Qingxue is very dish. Right, birch-”

Huadi Chonghong replied with a long voice.


The third game was Tezuka Kunimitsu’s serve, and in his hands, the tennis ball seemed to glow.

With a bang, the ball quickly broke away from the net!

The tennis ball that fell to the ground set off a fierce wind.

Seijuro Akaji’s eyes glowed with a cold orange light, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

“It’s a very ordinary serve.”

Raise the racket and hit the ball back.

On the opposite side, Tezuka Kunimitsu raised a white cyclone around his body, and his aura was very depressing.

He stood at the back of the pitch and a circle with a diameter of about 4 meters appeared beside him.

“It’s ‘Tezuka Ward’!” Kikumaru Eiji shouted excitedly.

Satoshi Horio and several other first-year students were also excited.

“The captain is finally going to amplify the move!”

Seijuro Akaji felt a chill in his heart, and his face was still very indifferent.

In Tezuka Ward, he had long wanted to learn something.

Bang bang!

The ball landed on the ground, bounced up, and actually flew to Tezuka Kunimitsu’s side.

Tezuka Kunimitsu’s thin spectacle lenses were covered with a layer of white light, and the ball was slammed out.

Seijuro Akaji came to the net, exuding a dangerous aura on his body.

Not long after, a red cyclone rose from the soles of his feet.

The red cyclone surrounded him and set him in the background.

Ryota Huangse cheered happily.

“It’s Kochiji’s ‘Red Field!’ ”

Compared to Huangse’s release, Midorima is very subtle.

He pushed his glasses quietly and said unhurriedly.

“Isn’t the battle of ‘Red Field’ against ‘Tezuka District’ endless.”

Sure enough, after the ball fell into the red field, it was hit back.

No matter which direction the ball comes from, it cannot escape the “gravity” of the field.

Tezuka Kunimitsu on the opposite side did not show weakness in the slightest.

His Tezuka took all of Akaji’s return shots.

Without exception, those balls all flew to their side on their own initiative.

Between the “exchange of courtesies” between the two, twenty minutes had passed unconsciously.

Keigo Jibe put one hand on his face and commented insolently.

“Those two didn’t look like they were competing at all, nothing to look at.”

“Right, birch.”

However, without waiting for Chonghong to respond, the situation on the field changed.

Seijuro Akaji squinted his eyes half-squinted, looking at the incoming ball and aiming it at the top half.

A powerful slash went straight over the net and reached the back of Tezuka’s half.

And this ball, unexpectedly, broke away from the control of the “Tezuka area” and flew directly towards the ground.

Tezuka Kunimitsu immediately moved towards where the ball landed.

Fortunately, he was fast enough to swing the racket before the ball hit the ground again.

Seijuro Akaji already knew which direction Tezuka’s return ball would go.

Therefore, while Kunimitsu Tezuka hits the ball, he is also moving towards the predicted drop point.

This style of play puts invisible pressure on the opponent.

At least for the vast majority of people.

Immediately afterwards, another powerful chipping shot broke through the Tezuka area for the second time.

Satoshi Horio covered his face, only daring to show one eye from between his fingers.

“It’s miserable, and the ‘Tezuka District’ has also been cracked!”

Takeshi Momogi clenched his fists, looking more nervous than anyone.

“It’s really bad, that captain of Diguang is really a terrible opponent.”

Seijuro Akaji had a bit of banter in his eyes.

“To be honest, ‘Tezuka Ward’ is easy to crack.”

“It’s my field, I don’t know if Tezuka can surprise me.”

Ryota Huangse said with a grin.

“Aha! Kochiji was provoking that Tezuka. ”

Atsushi Shihara said lazily while eating potato chips.

“Ahhh~~ Kochiji’s ‘Akaji Field’ is very troublesome~~”

That is really what kind of ball can be firmly “attracted”.

Tezuka Kunimitsu pulled back with one foot and raised his left arm.

The thin lips opened lightly, and the tone was steady.

“As you wish.”

Immediately afterwards, the white cyclone around Tezuka Kunimitsu became more and more intense.

Under the action of that cyclone, the chipping ball, which was still flying in the air, was forcibly changed in flight trajectory.

Like the ball before, the ball flew towards Kunimitsu Tezuka.


A heavy shot sounded, and Tezuka Kunimitsu swung the racket so fast that it was almost invisible.

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