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When Kentaro Minami saw the players who had regained their confidence, he couldn’t bear to say it.

But don’t forget, they also took the ace singles of Yakuzu.

On the day of the Kanto Tournament, teenagers carrying tennis bags came and went in the venue.

Today’s first battle is very interesting.

Last year’s runner-up team, Ice Emperor, played against Dark Horse Qingxue.

Tokyo Metropolitan Conference champion Temitsu against doubles powerhouse Yamabuki.

There is also the king Lihai who abuses rookies.

There is more than one good show.

The Diguang team led by Chiji walked into the venue, which attracted the attention of many people.

There were young people who knew them and couldn’t help but exclaim.

“It’s them, ‘Age of Miracles’! I know them! ”

“That’s right, that’s right, I also know that the basketball hegemon in the junior high school world has won the second consecutive championship in the country!”

“How did they show up here?”

When they saw Akaji and the others carrying tennis rackets, the doubts in their hearts were even greater.

“Akaji, how did they play tennis? It’s incredible! ”

In the midst of everyone’s surprise and doubts, the members of Diguang’s team marched proudly forward.

Nakamori, who followed behind, held his head high.

He finally put on the school uniform of his dreams, and he always had to show off.

But as soon as he arrived at the playing field, his legs were a little weak.

It’s his first time playing, and it’s fake to say it’s not nervous.

Inside the field, Coach Fuda was already sitting in the guidance area, looking at Seijuro Akaji with a smile on his face.

Akaji, who defeated Tezuka, became a major figure in junior tennis almost immediately.

It is estimated that there is no one who does not know his name.

“When the game starts, both teams salute.”

Echizen Nanjiro gritted his teeth in anger, and this old guy was a thorn in his youth.

I think back then, Yamabuki won the youth school under the formation of this old guy.

He will never forget the smiling and lewd look of his companion for the rest of his life.

And at this moment, Coach Fuda is still looking at Echizen Nanjiro with a smile, exactly the same as decades ago!

“You smelly old man, you haven’t died yet?!”

Echizen Nanjiro couldn’t help cursing, not really wanting to die with old age, but angry in his heart.

Coach Futian was also not annoyed, and said with a kind smile.

“It turned out to be the famous Echizen Nanjiro, did Temitsu invite you to be a coach?”

Echizen Nanjiro crossed his hands at his waist, looking tense.

“You don’t need to care, you old man!”

The two teams saluted and the game began.

Akaji knew that Yamabuki had a national-level doubles level.

And now, because of Tetsuya Kuroko’s temporary departure, they lack a strong set of doubles.

As for the singles, although there is less Ziyuan, the few remaining people, singles are fine.

“Then, I’ll go with Haizaki first.”

Ryota Huangse waved his hand and greeted the team.

Aomine Daiki was holding Mai Kuraki’s photo album in his hand, and he was looking at it seriously.

Without raising his head, he hummed at Ryota Huangse.

“It would be too ugly to lose again, Ryota.”

Ryota Huangse stopped walking, and several black lines instantly appeared on his forehead.

Qingfeng this guy always likes to splash people with cold water.

Sooner or later, he will burn his photo albums to see if he still drags it like this.

Yamabuki’s first doubles match was South and East, and there were a lot of cheers as soon as those two men played.

“Rush, ‘Potato Bear Soldier’—”

As one of Yamabuki’s long victory doubles, the “Potato Bear Soldier” combination, the south and east are quite imposing.

“The game starts, Yamabuki South serves.”

Kentaro Minami stands in the tee area, his movements always smooth.

As the ball quickly crossed the net, Ryota Huangse, who was opposite, also rushed to the net.

He raised his racket and hit it quickly at the bottom half of the ball.


The ball was struck out violently, and in a flash, it fell into the racket of Oriental Yami.

Oriental Yami dribbled the ball on the net, arm charged, and hit back sharply the moment the ball left the racket.

Ryota Huangse immediately retreated and walked towards the point where the ball landed.


Minami Kentaro half-squinted, saw the vacancy on the other party’s right, and made a code word to the east.

Oriental Yamei willingly, jumping high in front of the net, and the racket snapped down.

The ball was struck out, streaked across the silent sky like a flying star, and smashed heavily on the ground.

At this time, Ryota Huangse and Shogo Haizaki were both standing on the left.

The two went one after the other, and no one had time to take the decisive killing of Dongfang.


The momentum of the mountain blowing cheerleaders became exhilarating because of this point.

“Well done, ‘Potato Bear Soldier’—”

Minami Kentaro whispered while defending back.

The title of “Potato Bear Soldier” is really low-grade.

However, the doubles of the two people of Diguang inevitably have too many loopholes.

There was a bit of confidence in his eyes, this game, you can’t lose it.


The ball flew into the back of the Teiguang half, and Haizaki, who had originally played as a defender, appeared in front of the net.

Ryota Huangse was stunned for a moment when he heard the sound of the falling ball.

Then he turned his head sideways and saw Shogo Haizaki standing side by side with himself, his face sank.

“Haizaki, why did you come up, let me go to the back to defend ah!”

But at this time, it is too late for the people in front of the net to want to return to defense.


“It’s all to blame on you Haizaki, who let you go online!”

Shogo Haizaki looked disdainful, and did not feel a trace of guilt for his mistake.

He looked at Kamika Huangse’s angry gaze with an arrogant expression.

“Whoever makes your net so inferior, that goal is obviously you can stop.”

Outside the field, Momoi May was very worried about the state of the two people.

Since Tetsuya quit the varsity team, Huangse’s mood has been unstable.

In addition, Haizaki is not a stop-and-go master, and the two are completely out of tune.

She secretly glanced at Seijuro Akaji, who was standing next to her.

But seeing that Chiji was indifferent, there was no trace of worry in his big eyes.

“Yamabuki scores, 1-0, change.”

Coach Futian supported his chin with both hands and looked at the four people on the field with a smile.

As long as their doubles can win streak, it is not a big problem to win over Diguang and advance to the national level.

It is a pity that Yakuzu withdrew from the team.

If Akuzu is there, the probability of Yamabuki winning this match will be much greater.

In the second game, it was Huangse’s turn to serve, and his eyes were unusually cold, showing a bit of impatience.


A goal was delivered, and Shogo Haizaki in front of the net was already ready to go.

Kentaro Minami’s hand behind his back made a code word to Masami Dongfang behind him.

Dongfang Yami nodded slightly.

This time, I’m going to specialize in the yellow-haired one? _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations,

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