The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 1021: Vicious Incident

Harry knew that Dumbledore had a lot to be busy with. After all, Voldemort was completely resurrected, the Ministry of Magic often held him back, and there was also the matter of the Order of the Phoenix... But no one wanted to be ignored.

The brief conversation with Dumbledore allowed Harry to release the resentment he had accumulated due to being ignored by Dumbledore, and his mentality also changed slightly.

The recent DA gathering, Umbridge's misfortune, and the wonderful effects of the quick skipping candy have made Harry have a pretty good time recently.

However, Dumbledore seemed to have failed to convince Albert, and Hermione's research on the "Advanced Occlumency Guide" had not made any progress, and the time had come to the end of October.

The clash between Gryffindor and Slytherin is approaching.

The only flaw is Ron's level. Due to his poor psychological quality, Ron can't perform to his normal level at all. His performance in training is quite bad, and he can't compare with Harry's previous captain Wood, although Ron is also working hard to improve. own Quidditch proficiency, but Harry was well aware that if Ron couldn't overcome his mental barrier, he would become the Gryffindor team's weakness.

Even as a good friend, Harry couldn't defend him. .

However, Harry was still optimistic about the upcoming game, after all, they had never lost to Slytherin before.

The Slytherin team obviously knows this too. Their failures over the years have made them extremely annoyed. Some unpleasant conflicts will occur.

This time, not only would their dean, Professor Snape, favor them, but the arrival of senior investigator Dolores Umbridge gave the Slytherin students confidence, especially after being reminded by Malfoy , the Slytherin team deliberately clashed with Harry in order to provide Umbridge with an excuse to ban Harry.

A few skirmishes soon ensued between the two houses.

Harry did not forget Professor Trelawney's warning. He knew very well that if he had a conflict with a Slytherin student, he would definitely be caught by the toad. Fortunately, with the tranquilizer, Harry suppressed his anger and talked to Slytherin. Lin's students started to squirt at each other, and he even liked this feeling now. He made the other student become angry and angry, and he hit Albert's iron plate with his head.

As a result, one more person copied the education order.

After the troublemaker got offended by Snape, the Slytherin students all realized how untouchable their student union president was, especially after being caught making trouble under his nose. Go and copy the education order, their dean doesn’t even have a good reputation.

In Anderson's original words: Since you have so much energy and nowhere to vent it, then go get an education order.

Even Gryffindor students were not immune. They complained about this a lot, but his fair attitude still allowed Albert to win the recognition and support of other students.

As for Senior Investigator Umbridge, she never had the opportunity to discuss punishment with Albert. No one knows the specific reason. Anyway, Umbridge never took the initiative to cause trouble to Albert.

Curious students discovered the identity of Albert's Wizengamot candidate and believed that this was the reason why Umbridge did not dare to go too far in front of Albert.

Albert is also happy for everyone to speculate in this regard. They will probably never know the real reason.

Now no one will make trouble in front of Albert, because they have found that as long as you stop making trouble in front of him, he will not trouble you, he is fair, just, and rarely favors his own college.

Although this made the Slytherin students feel aggrieved, it did not seem to be a shameful thing to give in in front of such a guy.

Just pay attention when there is trouble.

As for staying safe, it is obviously impossible.

Slytherin House never gives up its pursuit of victory, even if it uses despicable means to frame Gryffindor players. They had been trying to drag Harry into the situation, and once Gryffindor lost their Seeker, it was all over.

It would be even better if Umbridge could start a dispute and ban Gryffindor completely.

One day, Miles Blige, the Slytherin team's goalkeeper, used a curse on Gryffindor's Chaser from behind on the way to the library, causing Arya's eyebrows to grow out of control and completely blocking her eyes. and mouth.

Harry was there at the time, and those damn guys didn't forget to taunt, provoke, and try to annoy him, trying to get Harry to pull out his wand and use jinxes on them.

Harry really wanted to teach them a lesson, but Hermione stopped him.

"Harry, they are trying to provoke you, don't let them succeed, we should..." Hermione quickly grabbed Harry to avoid a vicious conflict.

"It's useless, Snape won't admit it." Fred shook his head and said, "Maybe he will insist that Arya used the hair growth spell herself."

"There are no fewer than fourteen witnesses here," Hermione shouted.

"Do you think Snape really cares about the so-called witnesses?" Lee Jordan sneered, "This is not the first time this has happened."

"If only Albert were here," Ron said angrily.

"Don't rely on Albert for everything, he's also very busy." George said softly, "Since they dare to take the lead in attacking us, we don't have to be polite."

"What do you want to do?" Hermione asked warily.

"What we don't want to do."

The twins looked at each other and said in unison.

Hermione obviously didn't believe it, the Weasley twins must be trying to do something.

The next morning, Hermione received news that Miles Blige was suspected to be missing.

As soon as the guy admitted Aaliya to the school hospital, he was immediately retaliated against.

When Hermione went to find Albert, she was met with questions that silenced her.

"Do you have evidence?"

This is a legal world, everything must have evidence, and Hermione obviously has no evidence. Even if there is evidence, it is useless. She just hopes that Albert can restrain the Weasley twins to prevent them from making things worse. tidy.

Now everyone is talking about Miles Blige. Many Slytherin students think this is the revenge of Gryffindor students, but they have no evidence.

At least until Miles Blige was found, they had no evidence.

Snape was enraged by the disappearance of Miles Blige and claimed that he would fire him if he knew who was responsible.

He also asked Slytherin students to help search around the castle in the hope of finding someone.

It's a pity that the Slytherin team spent a whole morning and couldn't find any trace of Miles Blige. He seemed to have disappeared from the world.

Albert, Fred, George and Lee Jordan had just finished lunch and were going to the library to catch up on their homework. These guys didn't even want to do their homework properly recently.

"Maybe they should look in the toilet." Fred said gloatingly, "Slytherin students always like to bury their heads in the toilet."

Albert glared at Fred, George and Li Jordan. He could probably guess what was going on. This matter was definitely caused by these guys!

"Every time the Slytherin team stirs up trouble, Harry is there. They like to provoke Harry and try to prevent Harry from playing." George said with disgust, "I dare say the toad has reached an agreement with the Slytherin team. There was some tacit understanding that they were looking for an opportunity to get Harry suspended."

"This is very Slytherin style, isn't it?" Albert said calmly, "The end justifies the means."

"You're quite calm," Lee Jordan muttered, "I've always been curious about how you convinced Snape."

"You want to know."

"Everyone wants to know," Fred said.

"Snape denies the truth because students and professors are not equal. Whether you like it or not, you can't change that he is a professor." Albert explained under the curious gaze of the three people, "And if Since the professor has encountered it with his own eyes, he can’t quibble, that’s probably it.”

Well, the main thing is that Albert is indeed tough enough, and probably no one can imitate him.

When several people passed by the corridor outside the bathroom on the fifth floor, they saw a junior Ravenclaw student running out of the boys' bathroom in panic and almost bumping into Albert.

"What's going on?" Albert looked at the boy in front of him doubtfully.

"have inside……"

The movement here attracted other students around, and people cast curious glances.

"Is there anything?" Albert stretched out his hand and pressed his shoulder, signaling the other person to calm down and speak slowly.

"There was a weirdo... standing on the pool, which scared me."

"Weird? Follow me in and take a look." Albert took out his wand and quickly walked into the boys' bathroom, along with a few guys who were watching the fun and not taking it too seriously.

As soon as he entered the bathroom, Albert discovered the weirdo mentioned by the other party.

"This guy is... Miles Blige?"

That's right, the unlucky Slytherin goalkeeper was finally discovered in the boys' bathroom. He was standing on the sailor pool in a golden rooster's independent posture. He was wearing a tutu and his whole body was like a swan with spread wings, nailed on it. The students who came in to watch the excitement were stunned.

"Go to Snape or the Slytherin students and tell them that Miles Blige has been found." Albert stared at the guy who looked like a ballet dancer and used a spell to remove all the spells on him. Put down the unfortunate guy who had fallen into a semi-conscious state.

"He looks really unique." Fred said with a strange expression.

"Maybe it's a special hobby."

"I bet this would scare a lot of people if it were a statue."

This statement immediately caused a burst of laughter, and everyone was full of gloating, happy to see Slytherin's Seeker unlucky.


Albert waved his magic wand, conjured a stretcher, put Miles Blige on it, and said to several boys around him who were still laughing: "Okay, if you've laughed enough, send him to the school hospital." To Madam Pomfrey, I think he needs care."

"You, and you, I see you two laughed the loudest just now, so it's up to you to send Miles Bleach to the school hospital!" Albert used several resuscitations on Miles Bleach. The curse made his originally slightly pale face look much better.

The two people named looked at each other and finally agreed to help take the person to the school hospital.

It doesn’t take much time anyway, and you can still watch the fun.

"What the hell are you doing!"

As soon as everyone left the bathroom, they saw Snape rushing over angrily with a group of Slytherin students.

"What the hell, I actually want to know, you have been looking all morning, but no one found that Miles Blige is here?" Albert ignored Snape's anger and said calmly, "This is Your student, then take him to the school hospital yourself. I have just given emergency treatment to Miles Blige, and I think Madam Pomfrey can definitely help him recover."

With that said, Albert put his wand back into his robe pocket and prepared to lead people away under the watchful eyes of Snape and all the Slytherin students.

"Mr. Anderson, can you explain what happened here." Umbridge appeared in the corridor with a false smile.

"We were going to the library, and we met this person when we were passing by. Your name is..." Albert looked at the timid Ravenclaw boy.

"Stuart Ackley," the boy said shakily.

"You are a man, you should calm down when you encounter problems." Albert reached out and patted Ackley on the shoulder and continued: "Mr. Stuart Ackley found Mr. Miles Bleach in the toilet and was frightened by him. I jumped, and then we went in to check the situation together, and found Mr. Miles Blige standing in a strange costume on the sink. I asked someone to inform his dean, and then put him down. , and did some emergency treatment, and prepared to send him to the school hospital for treatment, and you'd better send him to the school hospital instead of wasting everyone's time here. Is there anything else I missed? "

"No, that's probably it."

"It's strange. I also used the toilet in the morning and didn't find Mr. Miles Bleach." A Hufflepuff boy said.

"Okay, if you have any questions, you can wait until Mr. Miles Blige wakes up before asking him. As a person involved, I think he must know what happened better than anyone else. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com "Albert noticed what Snape and Umbridge wanted to say and interrupted.

"I will."

Snape's eyes swept over Fred and the others, but it was a pity that those who had learned Legilimency a long time ago would not give Snape a chance.

"If you have nothing to do, don't crowd here. Let's all disperse!" Albert clapped his hands and said.

"Mr. Anderson, who do you think did it?" Umbridge asked.

"You should ask Mr. Miles Blige," said Albert impatiently.

"I received news that it was a Gryffindor student who did it." The smile on Umbridge's face was filled with malice that could not be concealed.

"I've heard it too, but rumors are just rumors after all. We need evidence or you to see it with your own eyes." Albert said calmly, "You should wait until Mr. Miles Blige wakes up and ask him. Instead of making random guesses about the so-called results here."


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