The Alien Species in the City

Chapter 230: Grey creature

"Different world……"

Speaking of another world, Hua Yueling suddenly had a good idea, one that he ignored.

"Isn't it good to solve him in another world?"

When the thought in my mind turned around, it was indeed a pretty good idea. You must know that the different world is different from the real world. You don't have so many worries about what you want to do, and you can even do whatever you want. Lin Fei is suitable to use this method to solve it, and take him to another world. When the time comes, let alone stir up the storm, Hua Yueling can understand him directly!

After a little calculation, Hua Yueling felt that this idea was quite feasible. After he went out and found Lin Fei, if he refused to give up, he could only solve him in this way.

While he was in a state of thinking, he had already passed through the long and narrow corridor. Needless to say, he ended up at another intersection where he could choose more. Simply observe, Hua Yueling was holding her head, dizzy.

"What's the matter?" He shook his head vigorously in confusion, dizzy, everything in front of him was spinning. He tried to take a step forward, but before his feet were lifted, he fell to the ground and knelt on one knee. " could this happen?"

Pressing the temples with the index fingers of both hands, rubbing slightly hard. Trying to raise his head and look ahead, he was surprised to find that something was flowing at the entrance of a corridor ahead.

"what is that?"

There was already water everywhere on the ground, Hua Yueling should have been surprised, but when he noticed the liquid accumulated in front of the tunnel, he was still very surprised.

What the gray water droplets condensed into is not so much flowing as it is squirming, moving towards where he is. The target must be him, who else can be here besides him?

Quickly turned around and glanced, there was nothing. But at the moment when he turned his head, the mutation happened.

The colloidal foreign body formed by the gray water droplets did not know what method was used, and suddenly appeared in front of him from a distance, and attacked him.

At this time, Hua Yueling was in a dizzy and uncomfortable condition, and couldn't react at all for a while, even if he wanted to react, it was too late. The gray "creature" threw on him and slowly wrapped him into his body.

Under its attack, Huayueling struggled hard, but no effect was seen. After struggling for a long time, she sank deeper and deeper, seeing her whole person almost swallowed into her body.

Only the head was exposed and the dizziness was still there. Hua Yueling didn't have much combat power at all in the extremely uncomfortable situation. If the situation continues to be quite dangerous, he also understands this, but he can do nothing.

"No, no!"

Resistance is resistance, but weak resistance. Under the opponent's swallowing, all he could do was to barely delay the time of being swallowed, which took his whole body's strength, let alone break free.

This is not over yet. In the process of struggling, Hua Yueling also discovered something more terrifying. It is not just that small gray water droplets squirming, gathering, and forming new types of creatures in front of the forked passage in front. Even the way he came.

"what are these?"

The swallowed one was almost reaching the mouth, Huayue couldn't help pulling out, still useless. The struggle for this period of time consumed a lot of his stamina, and if this continues, I don't know whether his stamina was exhausted first or was eaten first.

"That's right!" Just when he was about to despair, when the inspiration appeared, Hua Yueling's head suddenly opened up, remembering that he still had a weapon, "Hidden Dragon Blade!"

Following his call, the hidden dragon blade emerged in his hand. Hua Yueling's hands and feet were not immobile in the body of the gray colloidal creature, but it was quite difficult to move.

It takes a lot of physical energy every time, but there is no way. If you want to come out, you have to have a kind of desperate spirit.

Under his control, his right hand moved at an extremely slow speed as if it were in slow motion, and the hidden dragon blade in his hand moved accordingly. The Hidden Dragon Blade has a sharp blade, which can easily cut through the body of the gray gelatinous creature.

The gray creature's body was cut through a hole, and it also made a scream that was hardly audible. In this scream, Hua Yueling felt a surge of power, and was then "vomited" by it. Came out and fell to the ground.

"Call, call, call..."

Amid the rapid gasps, the gray creature's body gradually became smaller, slowly returning to its original posture, and many gray "water droplets" splashed on the ground and merged into the deep water below.

"It hurts!"

The pain invaded all parts of the body that had been swallowed, not only that, but the dizziness became even worse, making him no longer want to move, and even thinking of just staying like this, it was too painful.

"No, I can't rest!"

He grabbed his head and climbed up with difficulty, holding the water block whose texture is not so easy to express with his hands, and a cool feeling flooded his body. Concentrating, he half-kneeled on the ground formed by water and looked into the distance.

Not far away, the newly formed gray creatures were slowly creeping in. The rows of creatures blocked the road ahead. It would be very difficult to think about it without using force.


Reluctantly got up, his left leg softened after a few swaying movements, kneeling down, and was forced to kneel on one knee again. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get up.

Hua Yueling looked forward, and there was a gray creature not far away. If he stayed, he would be in danger. With such a large number, it seemed to be extraordinarily infiltrating. This is just formed and creeping over, and there are more semi-finished products that have not yet been formed and are slowly gathering underwater.

When they take shape, even if they can move and want to escape, it will be difficult to reach the sky.

"Get up!"

Patting **** her weak right leg, Hua Yueling tried to stand up. After working hard for a few times, she still lost her strength in the middle, as if she had been caught in an evil spirit, and couldn't get up. And as there were more and more gray creatures, Hua Yueling felt that her head was getting dizzy.

After regaining his mind, controlling the restless mental power, and concentrating all the remaining power, his condition has improved a lot, compared to before.

"That's it, mental power must be concentrated," Hua Yueling realized her mistake. When the scattered mental power was concentrated to a point again, the dizziness was relieved and her physical condition was restored. Many "this is no problem," Hua Yueling rushed towards the corridor where the gray creatures first gathered.

The gray creatures crowded along the way blocked his way, but fortunately, Hua Yueling still had a hidden dragon blade, slashing a path with a sharp edge.

The Hidden Dragon Blade easily tore the gray creatures, and none of them could only withstand its blow. This is the function of the weapon, if there is no hidden dragon blade Hua Yueling will explain here.

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