"Ignorance is terrible,"

Ye Huang hugged Yu Fengbai's waist, put her head on Yu Fengbai's back and tilted her head to watch Msa catch the strange fire, and pouted lazily, "If you don't have culture, don't go out and wave!"

The strange fire is hers, and her blood is fed, but it can't be snatched away by anything.

Obviously, this Musa has only swallowed up a little bit of the remaining consciousness of the cultivator, and he has only a limited understanding of many things in Xuanmen!

Ye Huang muttered as she hurriedly used the abundant spiritual energy here to repair her damaged body. She had lost too much blood and she had to recover quickly.

The different fires jumped back and forth in the hall, like hide-and-seek with hair like those snakes in Msa.

Musa roared, furious.

Success is close to success, how can it be reconciled!

At this moment, Yi Huo rushed back to the stone platform, and several long snake-like hairs of Musa also whistled and chased after him.


A few hairs were thrown on the stone platform, the strange fire easily dodged, and Musa fluttered again, and the long snake-like hair was thrown onto the ashes of the stone platform.


As soon as Msa's snake-like hair touched the ashes of the corpse, Msa let out a hysterical scream, which sounded very mournful.

Ye Huang's eyes jumped suddenly.

She ignored it!

Even if the phoenix bones become ashes, some of the chaotic energy unique to the ancient beasts will remain in the ashes, which can resolve the evil spirits.

The energy of the Zerg, when it encounters these ashes, will naturally be severely damaged.

Msa has met the nemesis!


Ye Huang's heart jumped again.

Chaos energy is a bit strange. Although the evil spirit can be resolved, there is still a possibility that it will merge with the evil spirit, and what kind of energy will it become after the fusion...

Because of individual differences, there will be different consequences!

If Msa's suffocation is directly resolved, it is best to eliminate Musa, but once the suffocation is fused, it will change...

She, Ye Huang, can't tell what the other party will do!


Msa was still screaming miserably, rolling all over the floor, and dark green sparks burst out from his hair stained with ashes, crackling like dark green flashes.

At this moment, Si Yunqing's body was almost completely deformed.

No longer in human form, his legs and hands are like stretched arms and feet, dancing around as he rolls all over the ground.

"Ye Huang!"

Suo Huange looked at all this in shock while holding a pillar, and couldn't help but shouted Ye Huang fiercely, "Would you like to take the opportunity to kill it!"

While it is sick, kill it!

This thing is a scourge!

"do not move,"

Ye Huang immediately said, "Wait and see!"

Although Musa was screaming all the time at this time, the energy in his body should be very amazing, otherwise Si Yunqing's body would not have changed so much.

At this time, she would not necessarily be able to kill Musa, and secondly, she was also afraid of affecting the dispelling of the evil energy by the chaotic energy of Ashes.

Also, Si Yunqing's consciousness is still there!

"No, Si Yunqing, you are me, I am you!"

At this moment, Msa roared in Si Yunqing's brain, "Give up resistance, give me all this, give me everything!"

It can hold up! It found that this kind of energy was very dangerous to it at first, but it could use Si Yunqing, the fusion of human body and Zerg energy, to absorb and fuse!

This makes it amazing.

I didn't expect that in addition to the strange fire, there is such an energy that can make it grow stronger!

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