It was still very early the next day, while An Chen was still nestled in the warm quilt, the alarm clock rang.

Yawning, reaching out to turn off the alarm clock, An Chen shrank his whole body into the quilt. From beginning to end, An Chen didn't open his eyes.

Ji Xuan had already gotten up and packed up. He went to call Ling Han first. It seemed that after some time, he slowly walked to the door of An Chen's room.

There was a knock on the door, and An Chen agreed in a daze, and then struggled to sit up. There was no other way, the attraction of the bed was too great.

After sitting on the bed and waking up for a while with his eyes closed, An Chen rubbed his eyes and then took the phone over.

After looking at the time and the alarm clock that he turned off, An Chen finally left the bed.

After washing up, An Chen changed his clothes and joined the others. Ji Feng, Fang Yan, and their managers were also there.

The first job today is a group interview. After a simple breakfast, they don't have to go by themselves. A car will come to pick them up.

After arriving at the building where this interview was recorded, An Chen took a casual look and found that a large part of the interviews being conducted here were related to the film festival.

A staff member took them to the location where they would be recording later. Before they reached their destination, they heard a quarrel coming from not far ahead.

I don’t know what’s going on, but they always have quarrels in the past two days. What kind of weird luck is this?

Although they were not curious this time, from the discussion among the staff, they almost knew the reason for the quarrel just now.

The reason was almost the same as the quarrel we encountered at the hot pot restaurant yesterday. Yesterday it was the fans because of the seats, and today it was the artist because of the interview order.

In fact, the reason behind it is quite ridiculous. The order of the interviews was determined in advance, but maybe there was no notification in place. The two artists happened to arrive together. I thought they knew each other, but I didn't expect it to be so unpleasant.

When interacting with people who don't agree with you, there is no need to hit them directly on the cheek. You can also have your own position, but it is best that this position can make everyone more harmonious.

This is because the two people stood on different positions, each held their own principles, and then they quarreled.

The topic of the quarrel also spread further and further, gradually drifting to thousands of miles away, and finally even started to comment on the other person's life.

This is quite incomprehensible. Everyone can just live a life that makes them happy. There is no need to evaluate others by their own standards, and there is no need to evaluate yourself by the standards of others.

Although the quarrel between the two artists was inexplicable, in the final analysis, it had something to do with the staff responsible for the matter.

There is a big difference in the reliability of people. For some people, "Just because I said it doesn't mean you heard it, and just because I did it doesn't mean I did it." Some people can clean toilets better than others. The difference between people's abilities and qualities is so big.

The three people were taken to the interview room, which had been decorated in advance, and fresh fruits and drinks were prepared. Fortunately, their staff was very reliable, and even if they were unreliable, the three of them would not make any noise.

They arrived early, still a little away from the previously agreed time. Without speaking, the three of them looked at each other in tacit understanding, and then each occupied a place on the sofa.

Before the agents nearby figured out what they were going to do, they saw them closing their eyes and sleeping again? !

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