The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 520 Preparations before the attack (for subscription)

Although Chen Wei has plans to deal with new players, he has no idea of ​​uniting with other empires.

Like that new player, Chen Wei also has ambitions.

It's just that Chen Wei didn't show this ambition at first.

From Chen Wei's point of view, it is not easy to judge whether the water depth of this world is deep, but the so-called empire in this area is just their own playing there.

No empire has only one city.

It is also known as a single-city empire or an isolated city empire.

At this level, standing up is slapping the players in the face.

Also not sure how they got through the novice world.

Could it be that this novice world is divided into simple and difficult.

If there were only such a weak empire in this area, Chen Wei would not take the initiative to attack like this.

He will only expand his territory step by step, making his territory bigger and bigger like a snowball.

Finally occupy the entire area.

But now a new player jumped out who wanted to take down the entire area.

Chen Wei had no choice but to act early.

Chen Wei also understood that if he didn't make a move, it would be extremely difficult for Chen Wei to regain the situation after the new player whose name he didn't know took advantage.

So when Wood established a fortress five thousand kilometers away from Chen Wei's territory, Chen Wei immediately had an idea.

Build a forward base and send your troops near the new player's empire.

Although Wood's level is higher than Chen Wei's, he is just a hero, and he doesn't consider things as comprehensively as Chen Wei.

When hearing Chen Wei's order, Wood just thought about it and took it.

In his mind, the only question is whether the task can be completed.

As for what kind of impact will be brought after the task is completed, in fact, Wood doesn't care much.

The task given by Chen Wei is not difficult for Wood.

Whether it was before becoming Chen Wei's hero or after becoming Chen Wei's hero, he was used to fighting independently like this.

"My lord, I have taken over the task."

"Okay." Chen Wei was satisfied with Wood's attitude.

Because of this, Chen Wei is also willing to give Wood more opportunities and support.

"I will arrange some more troops for you. In addition, if you encounter the heart of the city, you can use it first. If the attributes are not suitable, I will help you deal with it and adjust the attributes of the heart of the city."

With Chen Wei's words, Wood's eyes lit up.

As the hero of the mixed army, Wood is very clear about his position.

At the same time, he also understood what he was missing now.

He did not have a suitable source of troops.

The troops he is carrying now are either the elf troops he collected from the elf giant tree city before, or Chen Wei's field camps have not been transformed into natural troops.

Although each of these troops listened to him, at the same time, there were some druids or elf heroes who joined him.

But for Wood, such troops are one less than one dead.

This makes Wood always think about the supplement of troops when he makes a move sometimes.

Now that Chen Wei agreed to this matter, the situation is different.

No matter where this new city will be built.

With the support of this new city, Wood's troops will not be as scarce as they are now.

Even if he wants to train some troops that suits his wishes, it is not impossible for him to do so.

For example, Wood now wants to have a group of Druid troops.

"Don't worry, my lord, I'll leave this matter to me."

Regarding Wood's situation, Chen Wei was still willing to believe it, so Chen Wei put his attention on the fortress in front of him.

Although Chen Wei wanted to use this fortress as a forward base from the very beginning.

But it doesn't mean that Chen Wei doesn't pay attention to the existence of this fortress in front of him.

On the contrary, Chen Wei has many requirements for advancing the base.

First of all, the forward base must have the ability to protect itself.

There is a distance of five thousand kilometers from Chen Wei's territory.

At the speed of Chen Wei's fastest troops, it would take at least three days to arrive here, and a normal march would take five to ten days, and there would be no way to transport troops or supplies.

That is to say, if something happens to the advance base, unless Chen Wei is willing to use his great mana to use the portal to send troops in batches.

Otherwise, it will take at least ten to fifteen days for them to send troops to support.

If the advance base does not have the ability to protect itself, the battlefield may have been cleaned up by the time reinforcements arrive.

Even the enemy still has enough time to turn Chen Wei's forward base into theirs.

So no matter what, this forward base needs to have the means to withstand fifteen days of attacks.

Even if it doesn't work, you must be able to take the enemy away in a wave when the enemy invades the advanced base.

Regarding this point, Chen Wei couldn't help but think of the pollen centaur back then.

If he brings these pollen centaurs over, he can definitely turn the nearby woods into his own umbrella.

But now Chen Wei has no such opportunity. What Chen Wei can do is to strengthen the defense of the fort, and block the entire road through the fort just like he did with the river passing through Hongguang Town before.

Arrange some guard posts in front of the fort, and arrange one or two villages behind the fort.

In order to ensure the safety of the fortress.

Of course, the most important thing is the construction of the portal.

The role of the advance base is not aimed at those empires that are relatively close to Chen Wei.

It's for the new player.

This portal is actually the focus of Chen Wei's visit this time.

Now Chen Wei is transporting all the materials needed for the portal from the rear one by one.

In fact, for Chen Wei, he has done many small things like building a portal.

Given the coordinates, he can easily lock onto any location.

Of course, before that, Chen Wei still had some things to do.

Before the defense system of the fortress was completed, Chen Wei would not activate the portal on his own initiative.

After opening the portal, Chen Wei needed to borrow the fortress to withstand a wave of enemy attacks. Only in this way would he activate the portal and send Wood's troops there.

And he will bring his troops to station here for a period of time to defend the fortress.

After Wood knew Chen Wei's plan, he didn't say anything, but immediately went to find various troops suitable for fighting.

Now Wood doesn't think so much anymore, as long as he can use the troops, he brings them all.

Demons are not unacceptable either.

There are also the forces of the source power bee and some animal trainers, such as the biped dragon and the dragon fly, which Wood is now willing to accept.

Now Wood is adjusting these troops, arranging heroes and fighting positions for them, and getting familiar with their fighting styles.

Waiting for Chen Wei to arrange everything.

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