The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis

Chapter 536 Instant Kill (for Subscription)

"Damn it, the whole army dodges!"

Looking at the things falling in the sky, Orlando couldn't help but screamed.

But it's too late.

No matter how loud Orlando yelled, he couldn't get all the soldiers out of the attack range of Death from the Sky in the first place.

And Wood didn't know that the forest goblin under him was not very good at making Death from the Sky, so the ingredients added to the Death from the Sky were double or triple.

In the beginning the jungle goblin was there, and by luck, Death from Heaven didn't go wrong.

But after throwing it out, the problem of death from the sky becomes even bigger.

After positioning at a high altitude, Death from the Sky has become unstable.

When falling down, Death from the Sky actually exploded when it was close to the ground.

The power that could have destroyed a city exploded ahead of schedule.

There was a bang.

With this army station as the center, everything within a radius of 30 kilometers was blown up.

The troops brought by Orlando didn't even react, and were blown out directly.

A large number of soldiers were thrown fifty kilometers away.

Because of the explosion, all the armor on these soldiers was gone. When they hit the ground, they couldn't even move.

And this is still good, because many soldiers were located in the center of the explosion at the beginning, and under the big explosion, there were not even corpses left.

Of the more than 10,000 soldiers, only 3,000 were injured in this explosion.

Standing at the fortress, Chen Wei couldn't help saying something while looking at the situation over there.

"Death from the sky exploded a little earlier, and the direction of the effect is wrong, which is a waste of materials."

When Chen Wei said this, Wood nodded affirmatively.

"Yeah, if you try to explode some more, those troops may be gone."

Looking at the situation in the distance, Wood also sighed. Such a good opportunity was finally missed.

However, Wood's reaction was quick. After realizing that he had missed the opportunity, he immediately ordered.

"Dragonflies and Wyverns attack the troops behind the enemy. No matter how many of them there are, kill them all. The other troops are ready to attack."

"Are you going to attack?"

Chen Wei glanced at Wood.

In the initial plan, there was the idea of ​​attacking in the direction of the enemy's sentry after defeating the enemy.

But it seems a little early to act now.

Maybe because he saw Chen Wei's thoughts, Wood said immediately.

"My lord, I can't wait. Right now is a good opportunity. As long as we kill them as soon as possible, we have an 80% chance of capturing the enemy's sentry post."

"Okay, let's send troops. If the road ahead is difficult, then use the Shuhai regiment to open the way."

Chen Wei is not a hesitant person either.

This battle has already begun, so he will throw all the troops out.

The objection just now was just the reason why Chen Wei didn't expect that this battle would go so smoothly.

It seems that the situation is really different now.

Chen Wei would not want to miss such a good opportunity.

"Fight, go directly to the guard post in front. You don't have to worry about the defense in the rear. I'm here. I'll mobilize new troops here now."

Hearing Chen Wei's decisive order, Wood also quickly responded.

Then Wood sent out the troops guarding the fortress.

Because of Chen Wei's presence, Wood was quite straightforward. He took out all the troops that had been incorporated into his Second Mixed Army before.

Even the logistics soldiers were brought along. It can be said that Chen Wei did not leave a single soldier.

Seeing this situation, Chen Wei also had to notify Stanford to call his troops from the rear.

Because of the situation in the fortress here, Chen Wei did not mobilize the undead natural disaster troops this time, but transferred the three demonic legions, the Demon Shield Legion, the Demon Flame Legion and the Blasphemy Halo Legion.

Along with the three demon legions, there are also a large number of imps and ordinary demons.

Chen Wei planned to build the village here first when Wood attacked.

Wood didn't think so much, for Wood, time is money, no, time is victory.

So after dispatching troops, he immediately led his troops to the enemy not far away.

The combat effectiveness of the troops brought by Wood is average, but most of them can move freely in the woods. When they travel, their forward speed does not leak at all.

When Wood rushed to the place where Orlando's troops fell, the troops on this side had not yet reacted from the big explosion.

Some of the soldiers who were still alive finally got up from the ground, but instead of saving others, they tried to save themselves.

Because this player is taking the technological route, their soldiers have some exoskeleton mechs on them.

These things are not comparable to serious armor, but in this kind of big explosion, they still play a role.

The most important thing is that each of them carries a self-rescue kit.

Although this kind of self-rescue kit is useless, it will give the soldiers some psychological comfort.

As long as these soldiers can still move, they can support themselves by the strength of the exoskeleton mecha.

Then use this supply pack to heal yourself.

When they are cured, they can save others.

Seeing that they were about to rescue people, Wood rushed over with his troops.

The first one to rush over was naturally the dragon fly.

This kind of flying troops moved very fast, and they rushed to the soldiers who were being treated immediately.

Dragonfly's special ability, Weakness, works on everything.

If one becomes weak, the exoskeleton mecha that could support a person will have problems.

When those mechs fell to the ground, they directly crushed many soldiers who hadn't been rescued.

However, at this time, some mechas reacted, holding up their weapons and slashing at the dragon fly.

At this time, the wyverns arrived just in time, and they rushed at the troops that were still able to move.

Along with the wyvern are two white dragons.

These two are the real main force.

After they jumped down from the sky, they sprayed randomly on the ground.

The breath of the white dragon is weaker than that of the red dragon and the green dragon, but the breath of the dragon is always the breath of the dragon. It cannot be calculated based on who is stronger or weaker. Most of the mechs will be melted after a burst of dragon breath.

Not to mention the damage caused by the dragon's breath.

Under the breath of the dragon, those soldiers who hadn't woken up fell down again.

By the time the Shuhai regiment arrived here, the battle was almost over.

Dragon Fly was constantly flipping through the corpses on the ground, trying to pick out the surviving enemies for the final make-up.

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