The Best Entertainment Era

Chapter 1072: Self-exile

In the year that will pass, the movie with the highest single income in Relativity Entertainment is Pixar’s "Cars". The global box office share plus various offline channels, as well as peripheral derivatives and licensing revenue, have brought a total of nearly 1.4 billion dollars in revenue.

   The single highest-grossing film does not count as the "Dark Knight" cooperating with Warner Bros., this honor belongs to "Transformers", and its global box office is as high as 882.47 million US dollars.

   "Transformers" has achieved great success, and the sales around it are actually not much worse than "Autobots", but unlike "Autobots", the film's multiple income relativistic entertainment has to be shared with Hasbro.

   Therefore, the income of Relativity Entertainment on this project is not as good as "Autobots".

   In order to sell peripherals and toys, in the second part of the preparation, there will be many new Transformers characters, such as Hercules, Robot Dog, Horizontal Cannon, Flying Over the Mountain and so on.

   Optimus Prime will also appear in the final battle of the film with a brand new image.

  Relativity Entertainment can proudly announce that in order to sell peripherals and toys, we really fight!

In terms of TV series, apart from the accident of "Grey intern", which continued to cooperate with ABC TV, all the TV series produced by Relativity Entertainment were handed over to Netflix streaming media. Among the newly launched solo dramas, the best response is "Power of game".

   Netflix streaming media can’t wait to place orders for the second and third seasons of Shahai Entertainment.

   Other sequels like "The Big Bang Theory" and "Breaking Bad" can only be described as super popular, and the data such as word-of-mouth and on-demand is not in the "Game of Thrones" at all.

   The success of these dramas also proves that if web dramas want to win the hearts of the audience, scaling up is one of the elements for success.

   Relativity Entertainment is also constantly developing new solo dramas for Netflix streaming media. Compared with movies, dramas have more room for original types of operations.

   It is well known that even if the original movie is well made, the chance of hitting the street is quite high. Adapted movies or sequels often appear to sell badly.

   Audiences tend to be more tolerant of episodes, and the proportion of episodes in originality far exceeds that of movies.

   This actually provides a new model for Hollywood, which has also been reflected in recent years.

   Major Hollywood companies frequently adapt past successful episodes into movies, such as "Mission: Impossible" and "Thunderbolt Angel".

   Relativity Entertainment is also preparing to cooperate with Sony Columbia in this regard.

  Similarly, popular movies can also be adapted to TV series. Based on movies, TV series naturally have a certain audience.

  Compared to other Hollywood counterparts, Relativity Entertainment is faster in this category.

   The "Stumbling Block Project" that has already begun preparations is a typical example of this, and "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.", who is doing copywriting, can also belong to this rank.

   In addition, with the release of "Hurricane Rescue 3", Agent Bryant’s trilogy of rescue has temporarily come to an end, and Shahai Entertainment and Netflix Streaming Media are also preparing to adapt this popular movie series into a series.

   Like the "Stumbling Block Project" to the "The Bourne Shadow" trilogy, the "Hurricane Rescue" episode is not a continuation of the movie trilogy, but the story of Brian Millsted when he was young.

   At that time, Brian Mills had not retired.

  Of course, the story of the episode will continue the "Hurricane Rescue" model, with rescue as the theme, and each season will tell a big rescue event.

  As Hollywood’s most unpleasant father, Brian Mills will continue to contribute a lot of income to Relativity Entertainment for a long time to come.

   There is another person who can not afford to offend, the famous John Wick.

  This super killer movie project, Ronan has already started planning, the first two scripts have been written and registered copyright, only when the time is right, he can enter the formal preparation stage.

  The first choice for the actor is still Keanu Reeves.

Although he was a member of Hollywood’s 20 million club a few years ago, as a weird Hollywood star, Keanu Reeves has basically lived a self-exile life in recent years, occasionally starring in movies, such as Warner Bros. "The Detective of Hell" and "The Untouchable Lovers", are far from reaching expectations.

   Hollywood is a star-making factory that can produce the most dazzling stars in the world.

  Similarly, Hollywood is as forgetful as the audience. A star chooses a work attitude that is almost self-exiled, and it is impossible to stay in the top cafe.

   Stars like Charlize Theron, when the movie is not going well, they can still use endorsements and fashion to brush their presence and try to maintain their position.

   Keanu Reeves? Hippies are not popular these days.

   It is no exaggeration to say that Keanu Keeves now has a hard time wanting $10 million in salary.

  Perhaps, John Wick will become Keanu Reeves's most successful movie after the "The Matrix" trilogy.

  Relativistic Entertainment has basically maintained a stable trend, and has promoted the film and television project plan in an orderly manner. In this awards season, it will continue to promote public relations for "Slumdog Millionaire".

   Although this film has won a lot of praise, it is difficult for anyone to predict the follow-up development in this chaotic awards season.

  Because of the screenwriters' strike intensified.

   After a number of Hollywood movie and television projects were suspended due to the screenwriters' strike, on December 18, the screenwriters union announced that it refused to write lines for the Golden Globes and boycotted the Golden Globes.

   The Hollywood Foreign Press Association had no choice but to cancel the Golden Globe awards ceremony in January next year and announce the results directly in a press conference.

   This caused a huge shock both inside and outside the Hollywood circle.

   Many people are beginning to worry about the Oscars next year. If the Oscars are also cancelled, it will not only be a loss of money, but also the face of Hollywood.

   The major Hollywood companies are well prepared. The producers’ union rejected the conditions of the screenwriter’s union, which reflected the will and interests of the large and medium-sized Hollywood companies.

   If the strike lasts for three months, the major Hollywood companies may lose about 300 million U.S. dollars. However, under the terms of the screenwriters’ union, they may lose 3 billion U.S. dollars in the next few years.

   The senior executives of major Hollywood companies held another meeting. They were basically in agreement with each other. Even if the strike continues, they will not easily give in to the screenwriters’ union.

   The Producers’ Union and the Screenwriter’s Union not only failed to make any progress at the negotiating table, they broke down again.

   This strike hurts the interests of the entire industry. Compared with the producer alliance backed by major companies, the screenwriters union will bear greater pressure.

   Correspondingly, if the strike continues, the income of more than 10,000 screenwriters will remain unchanged.

   After the news that the negotiations broke down again, it attracted the attention of the United States.

  The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences finally couldn’t sit still. They met with representatives of the Producers’ Union and the Screenwriter’s Union, and wanted to get the two parties back to the negotiating table to reach an agreement as soon as possible.

Unlike Hollywood’s major production companies’ unhurried and competitive negotiations, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is most worried about the suspension of the Oscars. This is Hollywood’s largest decorative facade, and no one wants to see it. It happened.

  With the Golden Globe Award before it, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences simply announced the cancellation of the nominees luncheon and directly changed it to a press conference to announce the nominations.

  Worrying that the Oscar awards ceremony will be suspended due to the screenwriter’s strike, they have made two preparations for this. If the strike continues at that time, the college will launch an emergency party.

   The rotating chairman of the Academy also visited the top 15 companies in Hollywood, hoping that the management would take the lead in making concessions and reaching a new agreement before the new year.

   But it was rejected without exception.

The Washington authorities are also making efforts. The country’s more sensitive economic situation cannot withstand the torture of a prolonged strike. Hollywood has been tied to Wall Street for many years. There have been accidents in Hollywood, not only the entertainment industry The industry will have problems, and even directly cause turmoil on Wall Street.

  The producer alliance has always been tough. This is a necessary attitude to the outside world, even if the companies and people including Ronan and Relativity Entertainment are ready to make concessions.

   Breaking the screenwriter's strike can only be made by the Producers Alliance to make certain concessions. There is no other way.

   Similarly, the conditions of the screenwriters’ union cannot exceed the bottom line of the employer.

For any industry to operate normally, both employers and employees must abide by the "rules of the game" that recognizes each other's fairness. The tens of billions of dollars in profits in the entire entertainment industry every year ~ ~ share a slice of the pie to the screenwriters, it seems natural and proper. .

   But capital is inherently profit-seeking, and moving the cake of commercial groups is undoubtedly digging meat from capitalists.

   Major companies are not charitable organizations, and when capital touches on benefits, it has a ruthless side.

   Hollywood's larger companies have turned their attention to overseas and non-union screenwriters, and even hired screenwriters from the UK and Australia.

   In addition, the support of the actors' union and directors' union in the industry is more verbal.

   Under the leadership of the Washington authorities and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, both labor and management are sitting at the negotiating table again, but the negotiations have basically made no progress.

  In some respects, this is also a huge rebound that the Hollywood film and television industry has long ignored against screenwriters.

  The producer alliance is actually under pressure, and listed companies are facing pressure from shareholders.

  The turmoil in Hollywood, coupled with the seemingly stable economic situation in the United States, which has actually become sensitive, is directly reflected in the stock market.

   Listed companies like the Big Six in Hollywood, although their stock prices have not plunged, they have suffered setbacks.

   In contrast, Relativity Entertainment, a company with a simple shareholding structure, stood firm, and there was good news.

   December 20, 2008 is a time for Netflix to remember the company’s history.

   After successfully operating and listing, after several years of rapid development, the overall market value of Netflix exceeded 100 billion U.S. dollars for the first time, and firmly stood above the 100 billion market value!



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