The Best Entertainment Era

Chapter 782: Back pot

From the beginning of the summer to the end of May, the North American film market is completely dominated by Relativity Entertainment, but "Revenge of the Sith" ended all of this.


   As the publisher of Twentieth Century Fox, after experiencing the tragic failure of "The Kingdom of Heaven", it can be considered proud.


   Unfortunately, at the premiere, apart from polite greetings, no one from 20th Century Fox would say anything to Ronando.


   In the past year or so, the two sides have faced each other tit-for-tat because of their interest demands.


   But none of this prevents the great success of "Revenge of the Sith".


   "Despicable Me" ended the three consecutive North American box office titles of "The Bournegro 3" at the premiere weekend, but "Vengeance of the Sith" did not give "Despicable Me" any North American box office title.


   The box office of the North American opening weekend of this film was more than $118 million.


   In this era when it is extremely rare for North America to open a box office of more than 100 million yuan, it can be said to be a very good box office performance.


   The two films of Relativity Entertainment are not bad either.


   "The Bourne Shadow 3" was released in North America for five weeks, with a total box office of 212.04 million US dollars.


  In addition to overseas revenue, the global box office is already close to 500 million US dollars.


   This film also sits at the top of the 2005 North American and global box office charts.


   Once an animated feature film is popular, the trend is generally very stable. "Despicable Me" is no exception. The next weekend North America collected another 38.92 million US dollars.


   was in theaters for ten days, and the North American box office of this animated film also had $135.87 million.


   Overseas screenings will begin later. There is no concept of Children’s Day in North America, but there are still such exclusive festivals in many overseas countries and regions.


   "Despicable Me" will also appear in as many overseas movie theaters as possible before June 1st.


   For Chris Leonard and his team, after being swept out by Twentieth Century Fox for more than two years, they finally achieved success in the animated feature film, and there is also a feeling of elation.


   "When Twentieth Century Fox fired us, did he ever think we would have a successful day?"


   Inside the Shahai Entertainment Animation Studio, Chris Leonard let out a sigh: "We don't do anything else, just to prove ourselves."


   Ronan recognized the achievements of these people and said, "You did a very good job."


   Chris Leonard shook hands with Ronan heavily: "Thank you, Ronan, thank you for your support. Without your support, we could not do it."


   Several other team leaders in the office also looked over, and they all agreed with Chris Leonard's point of view.


   Without the full support of Relativity Entertainment and Ronan, the boss, how could a group of people who were swept out of the house have made such an impressive result.


   Ronan smiled slightly and said: "You are too far apart, we are a team."


   At least for a longer period of time, Shahai Entertainment Animation Studio will be full of energy and create great value for Relativity Entertainment.


   Some people are happy, others are sad, especially the 20th Century Fox who abandoned the Chris Leonard team.


   Fox Tower, young James Murdoch looked at the box office data of "Despicable Me" and the resume of Chris Leonard, his face was not very good.


Jim Prolos knows why this is of course, saying: "The Fox Animation Studio headed by Chris Leonard originally worked for 20th Century Fox for many years, but in 2000, the group made the acquisition of Blue Sky Studio. Together with the failure of the animated feature film produced by Chris Leonard’s team, a group of people led by Tom Rothman suggested and promoted the decision to abolish Fox Animation Studios."


   James Murdoch was silent. The brain drain is inevitable in Hollywood, but the way of letting go is a bit hard to accept.


  Many traditional large companies with a long history not only have strong strength and foundation, but also have relatively fierce internal power struggles. Twentieth Century Fox is no exception.


   Jim Prolos seized every opportunity to suppress competitors: "Tom Rothman's wrong decision caused Fox to lose the animation studio."


"Don't ignore the role of Ronan Anderson." James Murdoch is not too old, but he is also a very shrewd figure. He can see the purpose of Jim Pross hiding behind: "As far as I know, from Xiao Huang The concept of people to the creativity of animated feature films all come from Ronan Anderson."


Thinking of that person who is a few years younger than himself, James Murdoch will have a feeling of admiration. Although the opponent is not from scratch, the situation he faces is much worse than him, but he can There is nothing to say about ability to make today's results.


   Unfortunately, Ronan Anderson is too ambitious to be acquired by Twentieth Century Fox.


Jim Prolos did not give up easily, and continued: "The creativity of Ronan Anderson is the key, but the technology of the Chris Leonard team is the foundation. Without the team of Chris Leonard, the best idea will always be Just creativity."


  He said softly, "James, do you know "Peppa Pig"?"


   "I've seen a little bit, the UK is very popular now, cartoons and peripheral products sell very well." James Murdoch asked: "This is also the work of Shahai Entertainment Animation Studio?"


   Jim Prolos said: "Yes, the original idea came from Ronan Anderson, and then Chris Leonard's team was responsible for the specific design and production."


   James Murdoch was not surprised by this, because Relativity Entertainment has only Shahai Entertainment Animation Studio.


Jim Prolos mentioned the most critical part: "According to market estimates, Relativity Entertainment relies solely on the "Little Pig Page" project. In terms of animation copyright and related peripheral income, last year it was 350 million. More than US dollars."


This number cannot be ignored for Twentieth Century Fox. James Murdoch has also been studying movies and related industries. He is very clear about one thing. Cartoons like "Little Pig Page" can For many years to come, hundreds of millions of super income will be contributed every year.


   Ronan Anderson is such a genius! Just a pink pig can make so many articles.


   It is nothing to give up Fox Animation Studio, after all, Fox still has Blue Sky Studio.


   James Murdoch couldn't help but shook his head slightly. It was the biggest mistake to acquire this company before the development of Relativity Entertainment.


   "In this matter, I will instruct the board of directors to hold Tom Rothman accountable." James Murdoch just said one sentence and then changed the subject: "Surely "Kings of Heaven" failed?"


   Jim Prolos did not evade: “The investment cannot be recovered in the short term.


   James Murdoch asked: "Since the project has failed, why continue to collaborate with Ridley Scott on a similar type of film project? And the investment is higher?"


"The biggest responsibility for the failure of "The Kings of Heaven" lies not with Ridley Scott, but with the producer Bruce Dewan." When it comes to the ability to dump the pot, Jim Prolos is no less than any company. Executives: “The original director’s cut version submitted by Ridley Scott received a good response, but producer Bruce Dewan thought that the director’s cut version had a lot of problems, so he personally convened another editing team to review the film. Edited again..."


  James Murdoch frowned: "Is there such a thing?"


Jim Prolos continued: "Bruce Dewan has many years of rich work experience. I... and other management personnel have always believed in his abilities, so I also agreed with his approach. As a result, the film was released and the response was not good. ideal."


   This kind of thing is universal in the whole world. With the credit, the leader is first of all. If there is a problem, the subordinates must carry the pot.


   The position and power of the two are also the key to this phenomenon.


  James Murdoch said: "I see, don't let Bruce Dewan participate in the next big project." He asked again: "Are you sure Ridley Scott is suitable?"


   The project has already invested tens of millions of dollars in the early stage, and the loss will be even greater if it stops. Jim Prolos has finally succeeded, and it is impossible to deny himself, saying: "Ridley Scott is still trustworthy."


   James Murdoch himself is not good at producing films. He believes more in the judgment of professionals in this regard, but he said a few more words: "In large production projects, we must be cautious."


   Even if the Fox family had a big business in the twentieth century, they couldn't stand the fiasco like "The Kings of Heaven".


Jim Prolos said confidently: "The current production plan is based on the development of "X-Men" and related derivative series, as well as the projects of Ridley Scott and Roland Emmerich. Roland has cooperated with us many times, which is a guarantee of success."


   James Murdoch said: "I hope that the situation like "The Kingdom of Heaven" will not happen Prologis made psychological expectations in advance: "The prospect of "Fantastic Four"..."


   James Murdoch knows all these recent events between 20th Century Fox and Marvel Entertainment. He waved his hand and said, "Even if the movie fails, we cannot make concessions in this regard."


   With the first concession, Ronan Anderson and Relativity Entertainment will be more aggressive, and even demanded to take back the copyright of the "X-Men" series.


   This is the ace film series of 20th Century Fox. It has formulated a related development plan for the next ten years. Where can there be half a concession?


   Jim Pross said: "Yes, I will let the copyright department continue to deal with Marvel Entertainment, the big deal will be delayed."


  The success and failure of big movies are affecting the companies behind each.


   Soon after "The Revenge of the Sith", Ronan rented a business jet and rushed to Turkey's famous Istanbul with Will Smith and Tom Cruise.

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