The Big Guy Who Wears Fast is Crazy Again

Chapter 1136: Is her brain flooded?

After Xiaotang listened to Nan Yuan's words, she suddenly felt that she didn't know the word hard work.

Over the years, Yuanyuan has made money in addition to making money, and it has been easy to make money. The time spent on Bei Tingting is limited.

That is, when necessary, Yuanyuan gave proper guidance, and after the guidance, Bei Tingting worked hard in the direction of Yuanyuan.

It's Bei Tingting who works hard.

Thinking of the business, Xiaotang said: "Yuanyuan, don't worry, the current Bei Tingting is not what it used to be, and it will never be like the original world plot, where the overbearing president followed him away. Besides, the current overbearing He is no longer the boss of the original world, hehe, he is looking for a substitute!"

Before, Xiaotang had to stare at Lu Tingyan every day, so that Lu Tingyan knew exactly when there was a lover by his side.

According to the plot of the original world, Lu Tingyan had no other woman after the heroine left, because after Bei Tingting left, he finally realized that he fell in love with this woman, and he wanted to find her and trap her tightly in Beside yourself!

but now……

Lu Tingyan did clean himself up, but he only healed himself for five years.

Five years seemed to be a critical point. After five years, Lu Tingyan finally couldn't stand it anymore due to the urging of his family and other factors.

Although he didn't get married despite the pressure, he began to look for a substitute.

In the three years that Xiaotang has been observing, Lu Tingyan has found three substitutes. He has been with him for the longest time, and has been a substitute for two years.

Mainly because this one is the most similar to Bei Tingting, not in looks, but in a simple, harmless and confused personality. Also, this person's voice is nine percent similar to Bei Tingting!

After Lu Tingyan's personal training, this stand-in has become Bei Tingting 2.0.

After reading tens of thousands of storybooks on the night of burning the lamp, Xiaotang has no teacher, and with the help of the kite, he quickly sees the essence of the matter.

Looking for a substitute is not a manifestation of the male protagonist's affection at all, but the male protagonist is satisfying his own selfish desires under the banner of affection!

No matter for the substitute, or for Bei Tingting, who was replaced, this is a very embarrassing thing.

The stand-in should have money to take, and free high-quality men to sleep with, but for Bei Tingting, it was a disaster.

Think about it, somewhere you don't know, there is a woman who imitates your words and deeds, but also uses this look to please the man you once loved, and has a good time with him in bed, how disgusting it is what!

Sugar: vomit!

Nanyuan is not as angry as Xiaotang, she said with a cold expression: "In a world of materialistic desires, whether men or women, there is no need to protect each other before a relationship is established. Everyone is an adult, not a monk, and they have a lot of desires. It's normal. Lu Tingyan can find a woman, and Bei Tingting can also find a man. It's just that Lu Tingyan shouldn't be looking for a substitute."

Xiaotang wondered a little: "But Yuanyuan, don't all the tyrants in this year's tyrant's articles have to defend themselves like jade for the heroine?"

"Writing is writing, reality is reality. In real life, if there is a man who is close to thirty and still a virgin, there is no doubt that there is something wrong with that man."

Xiaotang thought of something, and suddenly laughed, "Yuanyuan lied, when you became a man for the first time, let alone a 30-year-old virgin, you have been a virgin for a lifetime!"

Nan Yuan paused and silently added: "Well, except for those men who are first-rate in forbearance."

"Yuanyuan, as soon as you said this, I remembered a lot! In addition to the ninja turtles, there are monks, there are ruthless monks, there are demons who practice ascetic magic, and there are men mentioned in the book. The **** setting that the Lord can only react when he encounters a woman!"

Nan Yuan was expressionless when she heard the words "Ninja Turtles".

At this moment, Xiaotang was suddenly excited, "Yuanyuan, here we come! The highlight of the overbearing president falling in love with me is here, and I will broadcast it to you live!"

Bei Tingting's studio received a big order today, and the owner of this big order is very interested in designer assistant Bei Tingting, and hopes to talk to her alone.

At this moment, as soon as the door was closed, the boss Lu Tingyan grabbed Bei Tingting's hand suddenly, and pinched her wrist so green that she didn't even know it.

Lu Tingyan stared at the woman in front of him, with dark currents in his eyes, and an angry expression was written directly on his face, "Bei Weiyu, you're hiding so well! Eight years, exactly eight years!"

After Bei Tingting saw him unexpectedly yesterday, her heart was indeed chaotic, but after a night of frantic work, she has now stabilized.

When she was young and innocent, she felt that love was beautiful, that love was everything, and she just met a very good man at the right time, so she couldn't help but fall in love.

It was not until later that she suddenly learned that he had a fiancée and was humiliated like that by his mother, that she left in embarrassment and sadness.

But, eight years.

Eight years have allowed her to understand a lot and change a lot. She is no longer that love-oriented Bei Weiyu.

She still has her own dreams to complete, and many, many things to do.

If she gets entangled with the man in front of her, no matter what the final result is, her life will become a mess.

In this case, it is better to kill everything in the cradle as soon as possible.

She is very satisfied with her current life and doesn't want to change it because of anyone.

Bei Tingting looked at the man in front of her with a calm expression, "Mr. Lu, I'm Bei Tingting, not Bei Weiyu. Please let go. If Mr. Lu doesn't want to talk about work now, let's talk about it another day."

Lu Tingyan looked at her with a fierce look that seemed to kill someone, "Bei Weiyu, do you think I won't recognize you if you change your name and makeup? I recognize you even if you turn to ashes!"

Bei Tingting withdrew her hand and avoided his gaze, "What if I am Bei Weiyu? When I handed in my resignation, can't I leave?

In addition, Mr. Lu, work is work and life is life. I don't want the two to be confused. If Mr. Lu wants to talk to me about the past, he can ask a place to talk. Do you know that you want to meet me by name at the place where I work? , how much trouble did it bother me? "

Speaking of this, Bei Tingting gets angry.

When the boss asked her to come to entertain guests, the way she looked at her was wrong.

She is no longer a professional novice. Looking back now, I realize that a lot of things were not right.

When she needed it, Lu Tingyan did help her from the sky, but Lu Tingyan was a dignified president. If he really wanted to help her, he could just ask anyone, why did he have to do something special in front of all his colleagues?

She didn't think much about it at that time, she only thought that Lu Tingyan, the big president, was approachable, but looking at it now, it was not a kind of flattery.

If someone is not as capable as her but is favored by her boss, or even robs her of her job, she will be angry.

Putting yourself in her shoes, the colleagues who excluded her in the first place are not so abhorrent anymore.

Also, after being ostracized by her colleagues, she was obviously a novice in the workplace and hadn't learned anything yet, so Lu Tingyan promoted her to be his own private secretary, but because no one taught her, she still didn't know anything.

Occupying a nominally empty position, all precious time was spent flirting with Lu Tingyan.

Bei Tingting looked at Lu Tingyan with a momentary blank expression.

Why did she agree to be Lu Tingyan's private secretary?

Is her brain flooded?

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