"Mr. Sheng, take the liberty to ask, have you encountered any problems in the construction of your group in Africa? If it is a technical problem, we can cooperate in depth." Lu Zixin asked.

Sheng Wenyan thought for a while and said, "It's not something that can't be said. We Guangtu Mining have acquired a total of two mines in Nigeria, and the development right of each is 30 years."

"One is a tin mine and the other is an iron mine. According to the plan, there should be no problem. But recently we have received inside information that the mining rights of these two mines may be revoked by the local government!"

"Take it back? Could it be that there was a loophole when you went through the formalities?" Lu Zixin asked suspiciously.

Sheng Wenyan smiled bitterly and said, "It's not like that. We strictly follow local management regulations. They learn European management laws, which are more complicated than our domestic ones. We spend what we should and what we shouldn't spend. It is the aid materials that have donated tens of millions!"

"However, the political situation in that place is not stable. Even the established policies can be revised!" Sheng Wenyan said here, feeling helpless, "Now they recognize our mining rights, which is recognized by the current government. A general election will be held after this year. According to our information, if several leaders who may be elected are elected, there is a good chance that our mining rights will be withdrawn by then. For example, the 30-year mining rights we bought will be forcibly shortened. Three years, five years... I can't say a word or two about the interests involved, and it's hard to say some things."

"But the result is that if we can't mine enough ore for more than a year, our two mines will be given to the Nigerian government for nothing! Give it away!"

Domestic entrepreneurs may be surprised to hear that they do not understand some foreign routines because they have been doing business in China for a long time. But in Africa, it's not the first time this kind of thing happens, it happens often.

In the past few years, many Chinese entrepreneurs went to Africa to expand the market. As a result, due to the change of regime, their management rights or mining rights were withdrawn, or they were fined and paid for by various new policies!

Because of its experience, Guangtu Mining wants to prepare in advance to reduce the risks it may face.

"So that's the case." Lu Zixin nodded, "But at this time, I'm still a little nervous."

"I can't help it. How much can I recover the cost?" Sheng Wenyan said, "Maybe with luck, our mining rights will not change after a year?"

"I hope you are lucky." Lu Zixin said, "Since this is the case, then I will let the company find a way to prioritize your business and design and produce new mechanical equipment as soon as possible!"

"Thank you, thank you, I'll trouble President Lu!" Sheng Wenyan hurriedly thanked him.

"Don't be too busy to say thank you." Lu Zixin said, "Actually, I also have something to trouble President Sheng."

"You say."

"Guangtu Mining is very strong, especially in the production of raw materials such as ore. And our companies such as Pengyun Automobile and Pengyun Machinery have special needs for metal raw materials. There is also Hongxin Group, which also has a great demand for raw materials of high-tech materials. . And the domestic market is basically saturated, we are considering going directly to Africa to purchase, or even mining raw materials.”

"But we are not familiar with the raw material origin, policies, etc. of African countries. Can we cooperate with you in these aspects?"

Before the negotiation, Lu Zixin asked people to prepare the investigation materials and preview them in advance.

"Of course..." Sheng Wenyan agreed immediately, he was worried that he didn't have a strong partner.

The raw material market in the African market is very huge. He is afraid that it is not competition, but there is no strong competition. You know, because of the historical legacy of Africa, it is the British and French multinational companies that occupy the African raw material market now, and they are the real giants.

The former European powers, although their economic status has declined, still play an important role in the world economy.

In the African market, Huaxia Enterprises is really a rookie in the face of these large British and French multinational companies.

And Hongxin Group is undoubtedly a new giant enterprise on the world economic stage. Sheng Wenyan is very happy to cooperate with Hongxin Group.

And Lu Zixin had already investigated. Guangtu Mining's business in Africa is almost the best among Huaxia enterprises. Since there is such a relationship, cooperation is also a wise choice.

Both parties were interested, and the atmosphere of the negotiation was naturally very harmonious. Lu Zixin immediately assured that even if he personally supervised, he would also let Pengyun Machinery build an intelligent high-power mining machine.

Sheng Wenyan also assured that he would cooperate with Hongxin Group in terms of raw materials. Provide them with stable raw material supply channels or help Hongxin Group enter the African market.


"Mining machine? It's even more efficient. I'm not mining, I'm a fighting Cybertronian!" Dongfang Hao emphasized in the private villa. As he spoke, he drank a can of concentrated gasoline into his stomach. This is his drink.

"Have you learned so many drawings for nothing?" Lu Zixin asked rhetorically.

"Dad, you have to figure it out." Dongfang Hao explained, "Even on Planet Cybertron, there are special classifications for mining robots. Just who, yes, Megatron, the nemesis of Optimus Prime's boss, he He started out as a miner and then rebelled."

"You were still an iron-headed baby when you were born!" Lu Zixin said contemptuously.

"This time is different from the past!" Dongfang Hao opened another can of gasoline, making the house smell of gasoline, "Now I am a liquid metal mechanic! Which Cybertronians have a body as advanced as me? What about a mining machine? , let the fool do it."

"Zhang Qiang, can you handle it?" Lu Zixin asked RI-8901.

In order not to make people suspicious, the image of RI-8901 is somewhat different from before. His bionic skin has been processed more carefully, and he also has a beard, and his burly figure looks like a big Russian!

"Master, in my database, there are hundreds of design drawings of mining robots. According to different types of minerals, different mining robots can be designed. Even the magic gem mine, I can also design mining!" Zhang Qiang replied.

"Mining robot?" Lu Zixin wanted to get a mining machine, but he didn't expect RI-8901 to have a mining robot.

"Show me the information." Lu Zixin ordered.

"Yes, Master." RI-8901 transmitted the data to the Red Little Quantum Database, and after being screened by Red Little's intelligence, it was shown to Lu Zixin.

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