"No, this is a gift for your sister!" Lu Zixin emphasized.

"I like it too, please! I know you can definitely do it." Su Xiaomeng ran over, hugged his arm and begged, "Is it okay?"

"There's really no more." Lu Zixin said seriously.

"Sister, look at my brother-in-law, he bullied me!" Su Xiaomeng looked at Su Zhirong aggrievedly, and Su Zhirong showed a helpless smile.

Lu Zixin pinched Su Xiaomeng's nose and said, "I knew you would do this, so look!"

He pointed out the window, another logistics drone with a metal box hanging from it.

"The airdrop is coming!" Su Xiaomeng said in surprise, "Don't rob me of anyone!"

Saying that, she happily ran out and opened the metal box. A big white inside quickly inflated and popped out. This big white and Su Zhirong's appearance were different. This was a black and white inflatable airbag.

"I'll call you Dabai or Dahei or Black and White Fatty?" Su Xiaomeng said, "I'll just call you a stunner."

Dabai: "(●—●)!"


The first batch of medical assistance robots, Lu Zixin gave one to his relatives and friends. With this, you can take care of them on your behalf when you are inconvenient in the future.

The second batch is ready to be commercialized and sold to the outside world. During the preparation of the medical assistant robot to pass the civil robot approval and obtain the sales qualification, Hongxin Group accelerated the construction of the future city central science and technology tower, which is the place where various press conferences and ceremonies will be held in the future.

In the center of the city of the future, the technology tower is like a sharp sword, straight into the sky!

Its main structure has been completed, and only the decoration and layout of each floor is left. The ninth floor, which is used to hold the conference, has been completely constructed.

One month later, on the ninth floor of the Science and Technology Tower, the second session of the Future City series conference was officially opened!

Media from all over the world come to this building full of technology to visit and report.

The ninth floor, a special session of the technology conference. The area is huge, with the main hall, powder room, backstage, lounge area, and more.

In the main hall, there is currently the most advanced virtual projection equipment in the world, covering the entire main hall. With vocal music, light and shadow and other equipment, it can give people an immersive experience.

This time, for the second press conference of the Future City series, the tickets were sold out within an hour of the release day.

The much-anticipated press conference finally started, Lu Zixin walked into the center of the main hall, and the applause already sounded. After the last press conference, Lu Zixin has long been known to the world, and various media have reported him. Some media rated him as one of the most influential people in this century, and even invited Lu Zixin to accept the award, but he refused. .

After a brief opening remarks, Lu Zixin said: "This conference is the second of our Future City conference series. Today's conference stage belongs to the Future City Intelligent Technology Robot Company!"

"As you may already know, a few months ago, the firefighting robot that was popular on the Internet was the product of the robot company. Now, the robot company has brought a new robot to the press conference."

"I will hand over the stage to the real host of today, Da Bai."

After Lu Zixin finished speaking, a large white balloon flew over above the stage. This balloon has been noticed for a long time, but no one cares, thinking that it is just a decoration for the stage, and now it seems that it has another function.

The big white balloon flew to Lu Zixin's side, and under everyone's attention, it "tooted" its hands and feet.

"Is this a balloon doll?" Everyone was puzzled and found the white doll standing on the ground.

A "(●—●)" pattern appeared on the small balloon on its head, as if it opened its eyes, and then a childish and cute voice sounded: "Hello everyone, I am your medical assistant. Robot, Dabai, is there anything I can do to help you?"

"Wow!" The audience watching the press conference exclaimed. They never imagined that this big balloon was actually a robot!

"This robot is so cute!"

"Baibai is fat, I really want to hug!"

"This is a new product, hurry up and record it!" The media workers were hurriedly filming.

Lu Zixin stepped down from the stage, and this special "host" started the introduction.

Dabai first introduced himself: "It's a pleasure to meet you. I am the first-generation medical assistance robot developed by Future City Intelligent Robot Company, Dabai. I can scan your physical condition and provide corresponding auxiliary medical assistance."

"Today's press conference is hosted by me, I hope to make everyone's mood happy."

Dabai started to host. It first introduced its various functions in detail, and invited guests to come on stage to experience it.

"This lovely lady, could you please come to the stage to cooperate with me?" The intelligence of this "big white" was actually specially written by the staff, adding the "stage host" intelligence that other big whites do not have.

The selected young girl was very excited, "Is it me?"

"Yes." A light hit her, making her the focus of the conference.

The girl immediately flushed with excitement. The world watched Hongxin's press conference. At this moment, she seemed to be the focus of the world.

After taking the stage, Dabai scanned her body, and after obtaining her consent, announced her health status and gave corresponding treatment assistance.

"Really, you are so right, thank you!" The girl thanked her, and her eyes were full of longing. She also hopes that having such a close-fitting medical assistant robot can help herself when she needs it.

The scene of the conference was transmitted to all parts of the world in real time.

"So cute and cute, I want it!" Netizens expressed that they also want one.

"What kind of boyfriend do you want with it?"

"How can I have no culture, I'm going to go around the world with a word of shit, shit!"

"Thousands of words turned into a cow comparison!"

"Hurry up and quote, my money is ready!" The local tyrants couldn't wait.

The price is usually announced last, and the launch is still going on. Next, Dabai introduced the emergency rescue robot, which is the previous fire robot.

At the press conference, everyone learned about its more detailed functions and information. This robot is extremely expensive, and if you want to buy it, you must be eligible to purchase it according to the newly set special robot management regulations! In order to avoid criminals buying and using it to do evil.

The last one is the industrial octopus. The peculiar appearance and powerful functions of the industrial octopus have also attracted everyone's attention. Of course, those factory owners and entrepreneurs are more interested in this product than Dabai.

In addition to the three robots, Future City Intelligent Robot Technology Co., Ltd. also released the human mechanical exoskeleton developed in cooperation with Hongxin Medical Institution. This is a device used to help the disabled to exercise.

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