
Makarov shouted softly, stepped on his feet, and did a few forward somersaults.

"Bang!" His head hit the guardrail on the second floor.

Trembling, I stood on the second floor guardrail.

He took out a stack of documents in his hand and said with an ugly expression: "You have caused trouble for me again, haven't you! Take a good look at how many documents have been sent from the council."


"Huh?" Gray looked stern, obviously feeling that he had done nothing wrong.

"There was no problem until you caught the smuggling gang, but why are you wandering around naked on the street after that?"

"In the end, he stole someone else's underwear hanging outside and ran away!"

Gray was very embarrassed when he heard this and was discovered: "No... that, it's not good to be naked."

"Then don't get naked." Elfman complained beside him.

Makarov glanced at Elfman and sighed: "Elfman! You kid actually used violence against the object of your protection during the mission."

"Because he said men should look at their academic qualifications..."

"Cana Alberona, falsely reported funds, went to a tavern and drank fifteen barrels of wine, and still went to review the budget reports."


"Loki, for provoking the honest granddaughter of Councilor Reggie, a certain entertainment company will also ask you to compensate them for their losses."

"Then Natsu... wiped out the Devon clan of thieves, but destroyed seven homes."

"You also knocked down the long-standing clock tower in Juli Village."

"Burn all the churches in Phrygia."

"Destroyed part of Rubinas City."

“The observatory in the Narina Valley also had to cease operations due to the collapse.”

"Alzack, Levy, Sarusuk, Lidas, Varun, Bisca..."

"You guys...have caused me to be scolded by the judges all the time?"

"..." The guild fell silent.

"But...those commentators should all eat shit."


All the documents in Makarov's hands burned.

"Huh?" Lucy didn't expect the president to do this.

Makarov threw the lit document down, and Natsu jumped up and caught it in his mouth.

"Listen, all powers that are beyond common sense are born from common sense. Magic is not a miraculous power, but is manifested from the fact that the 'qi' in our body matches the wavelength of the 'qi' flowing in nature."

"Magic is the result of condensing mental power and concentration, no, it is the result of pouring all your soul into it."

"If you care about what the people above you mean, you won't be able to make progress if you touch it."

"Don't be afraid of those fools like the commentators, just move forward on the path you believe in!!"

"This is the magician of Fairy Tail!!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!"

After hearing the president's speech, everyone in the guild cheered, with smiles on their faces again.

After finishing, everyone in the guild began to clean up the smashed things.

"You brat, come here!" President Makarov gave Su Chen a look.

Su Chen also came to the president Makarov and began to report on the mission.

This mission was not one that Su Chen took on himself, but one assigned to him by the president.

Because some people in the guild disappeared after receiving the mission, Su Chen was asked to investigate.

Disappearances are actually not uncommon for the Magisters' Guild. The reason is simple. Don't look at the bustle of the Magisters' Guild.

Being a guild mage is actually a very dangerous job. If you are not careful, you may not see the sun tomorrow.

Therefore, most of the magicians in the guild are in a state of carpe diem, enjoying life while they are still alive.

In order to ensure the success of the mission and to protect the safety of guild members, every time someone takes a mission, the guild leader will look over it.

Determine the difficulty of the task and whether the wizard who accepts the task can complete it. Only if he thinks he can or is almost able to challenge the president will he allow the wizard to accept the task.

But the future is unknown and there are always countless variables.

The president only made his judgment based on his own experience after living for so many years.

There will always be an accident, and when an accident occurs, the president will increase the risk of the task to a higher level.

If it really cannot be completed, the task may be transferred to other guilds.

The mission Su Chen took over was also taken over by the president from other guilds. For this mission, several teams of magicians died.

Even a regular magician's guild was wiped out, and ordinary small guilds avoided such dangerous tasks.

A regular magician's guild has been wiped out, and they would probably be wiped out too if they interfered.

But someone still needs to resolve this matter, otherwise the regular guild will lose all face.

Moreover, who knows whether it will affect his own guild. As the strongest president of the local guild alliance, President Makarov will naturally take over this troublesome matter.

Gildarts went on a century-old mission three years ago. He hasn't come back yet, and he doesn't know whether the mission was a success or a failure.

Therefore, he can only rest assured that this matter can only be left to Su Chen, the strongest magician of Fairy Tail Guild.

And this mission is indeed not simple. It involves more than two dozen dark guilds, and it is a medium to large dark guild alliance.

It took Su Chen three months to eliminate all these guilds from the continent.

"well done!"

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