Chapter 97 - An unexpected strategy

The Green Day Massacre took it's effects, taking the lives of nearly one hundred innocent Mutants men women and children who were nothing to do with the Blackwatch or any Mutant's militant, their death count affected across Brown, Yellow and West-Red Zones, Blackwatch government immediately varied a protocol for cleaning the bodies and tons innocent blood spilled over the ground, the people taking out their anger upon Yurie Atara as she became the most hateable woman in the city.

Day after the Massacre, doctors declared Yurie's death, thus Masamune quietly request them to leave him alone with her for a while.

"I'm sorry about your sister, Lieutenant Masamune" Ichiro Kyousuke shows his condolence to Masamune, he was only one who check on him in the Blackwatch's Medical Care, "Truly am, and the world would be a better place with her in it,"

Expect Ichiro, no one was here for Masamune, and he empathize that,

However, Masamune stayed absolute quiet, sitting beside Yurie's dead bed, no affecting by anything or anyone.

She died before Masamune could able to reach her into medical care, the fearsome blade attack in the gut was too much to handle, therefore she took her last breath in Masamune's eyes. Doctor, nurses, and staffs left him to his own device sensing his internal grief and sorrow.

Ichiro came to check on Masamune, when he heard about Yurie's fate,

"I don't know what to say but, are you okay?"

"Does it matter?"

Masamune suddenly interrupts Ichiro's questions, ignoring the fact about his well being,

"She's already dead, by the time she stepped in the TYZ, the duty falls into me to protect her, I failed, I miserably failed! Her killer Redtron is still out there, plotting to kill and destroy hundreds of innocent people for his insane motivation and people blame her, calling names like genocidal manic, Scientist Massacre, Mad executioner, and I couldn't do anything to stop him", Masamune clenched his hand in full of regret, "What would I do, rank as a Lieutenant, there is nothing I can do".

"There is something" Ichiro taps into Masamune's shoulder, "I understand your mental state If you want revenge on Redtron and end his evil schemes, I could help you,"

Hearing Ichiro's all the sudden proposals, extremely surprised Masamune, he glared at Ichiro with surprise as well suspicion,

"What are you saying?",

Ichiro sighed then explained Masamune in brief manner,

"Yes, to my deductive ability says, the massacre is part of his plans to proceed into his next stage,"

"He's what!?" Masamune bugs out burst out in anger "He massacred his own kind to prove his plans, that f.u.c.k.i.n.g immoral bastard!"

"There is a possibility" Ichiro mildly notified "Within days his real plans come into reality, and I know how you can stop him,"

At first Masamune felt little suspicious about Ichiro's selfless generosity nevertheless he questions him this time, "Why would you care? What you gain by helping me, there is no one in this world who willing to help someone without any benefits or motives, coming along with it"

"Exactly!" Ichiro scoffed, replied , "That's why I'm here to make a deal with you, not helping you for free"

After Masamune agrees to listen Ichiro's proposals, he fully explained about what Masamune going to do for for catching Redtron,

"But you don't tell me the specifies, why do you want this, and how can you know about them?" Masamune confusingly questioned, after he heard Ichiro's plan,

Ichiro answers without been reluctant "Doesn't matter now, the main question is, are you in? Though, there will be beneficial for you if you agree,"

Although Ichiro came up with the proposal to Masamune himself, but he wanted something in return,

however, Masamune agreed, "Fine, just tell me what to do and I'll get it done,"

Ichiro smiles, clapping his hand "Excellent, now we must come up with a strategy, since my father, hence The Supreme One is currently out of the Capital, attending an important meeting in Saint Petersburg, we should proceed on our own"

After Ichiro briefly explained his current strategy, he and Masamune formed a truce for catching Redtron,

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