The Book of Troubled Times

Chapter 826 The woman I like

Zhao Changhe's reaction made Cui Yuanyang not sure whether he should be happy or disappointed.

Fortunately, he was not particularly excited because he had "changed a partner", but was a little hesitant, which at least meant that other women did not have a higher status than Cui Yuanyang in his heart.

What is disappointing is that if this is the case, it will have no effect...

But Zhao Changhe stopped and whispered: "I'm sorry, I didn't know you would come out suddenly... It's better to go back to Yangyang."

Cui Yuanyang could only continue acting: "Can't you end it now?"

Zhao Changhe was very helpless: "Sister, I am in a state of inner demons now, which is not a state that I can easily control myself in daily life. It is already very difficult to stop and talk at this time! Why don't you come out instead of Yangyang, or simply knock her out I'm ready!"

Cui Yuanyang said angrily: "What if I don't even have it!"

"Fighting or not, I will continue!" Zhao Changhe's brain was almost fainted with lust at this moment, and he really didn't have any extra reason to think about why the other party didn't knock him out, so he just continued.

Everything Cui Yuanyang wanted to say was rushed back into his stomach, and his eyes rolled.

At the same time, there was another soul rolling his eyes in anger.

The strong stimulation made Piao Miao wake up in a daze, and she heard Cui Yuanyang playing herself. Does that mean that Zhao Changhe thought he had slept with him?

You shouldn't let Cui Yuanyang's prodigal hooves take over your body. Once she takes over, something will happen!

Now he is in big trouble. Even if he kills Zhao Changhe, it will not change his belief that he slept with him, and this belief is not wrong, because he is awake now! I feel everything! And the biggest tragedy is that he was so exhausted that he couldn't even lift up his strength. The strength he struggled with could not withstand the overwhelming weight of a tiger like Zhao Changhe.

Piaomiao was so angry that she almost fainted again. The most tragic thing was that she couldn't even faint even if she wanted to, so she just suffered.

"Cui Yuanyang!" In the brief moment when he could speak, Piaomiao finally dropped the brief harsh words: "Remember this!"

Cui Yuanyang could only answer "Uh-huh" and was speechless, but she wanted to laugh in her heart.

Because this sister's first reaction after being able to speak was not to refute the rumors about Zhao Changhe...

Is it because there is no use in refuting the rumors? Are you sure she's awake?

What the hell is this... Cui Yuanyang wanted to hum and laugh at the same time, with an extremely weird expression.

Zhao Changhe, who was venting his feelings over there, didn't know what was going on inside. He really felt that his inner demons had subsided, so he worked harder.

The inner demons will of course fade away. The subconscious desire to obtain the mist was triggered by Bo Xun at close range. Now that he has obtained it, it will naturally disappear. Originally, it was true that Piao Miao judged that if he really did it, he would sink, but the ancient Buddha did not brag. The Buddhist method was just right, and the two-pronged approach really suppressed it.

When it was completely over, the remaining remnants were gradually eliminated with the help of Buddhist golden scriptures. Except for the extreme exhaustion of the mind, which seemed like a serious injury, everything else had returned to normal.

Zhao Changhe glanced tiredly at the beauty in his arms, she had fainted, and both souls were in a coma.

Zhao Changhe checked and found nothing serious. It was obviously just too exciting, and finally heaved a sigh of relief. He temporarily summoned the guards around him, hugging his wife's body and falling asleep, too lazy to think about anything else.

"It seems that he has really recovered, and he actually remembered to ask for our protection." Longque asked Xinghe: "Is he wary of the monks here? I think the monks are fine."

"It's essential to be on guard against others, especially after going through the Demon Realm. It's normal for the suspicion to get worse." Xinghe thought for a while: "I think the main thing is to be on guard against Bo Xun. After all, Dad said that only the main body is tied up in chains."

"People will go crazy if they stay in that kind of place for a long time. I didn't recognize any of the authenticity. I used to be very sensitive to murderous intentions, but this kind of illusion can completely cover up even murderous intentions. Wow, oh, oh, I feel like I'm the innocent one. fish."

Xinghe said: "If you can't tell, just cut them all off. People will only be exploited if they have weaknesses. If there are no weaknesses, there will be nothing to invade."

"No, if it's really those aunts, I wouldn't be willing to cut them off. Zayu's father and I have the same heart... shouldn't you be willing to do it?"

"Why am I reluctant to give up? I have no friendship with them." Xinghe responded casually, and the scene where Ye Wuming appeared in the middle flashed in his mind.

Except this time, every other illusion could detect something was wrong, but it didn't notice this one, thinking it was really Ye Wuming. And in my heart, I was vaguely looking forward to the scene where the two people met properly, which could break the ice in the current awkward relationship.

But everything is fake.

Xiao Xinghe had a rare feeling of disappointment and a kind of hatred. He felt that Bo Xun... was a liar who should be stabbed to death by Xiao Xinghe.

Therefore, the seemingly indifferent Xinghe also has weaknesses, and the only weakness is actually Ye Wuming.

The devil who deceives others by using what they care about most is the most shameful and hateful thing.

Xiao Xinghe was sulking with a bulging face, and Long Que said calmly: "I never thought that you can really get rid of your inner demons by pretending to be Piaomiao. Dad now thinks that he and Piaomiao have slept together. What will happen next?"

Xinghe was really impatient: "You are so noisy."

Long Que said: "Weren't you afraid before?"

Xinghe was even more surprised: "What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of Bo Xun? Bo Xun is useless to us."

"If dad is really possessed by the devil, and Piaomiao is so strong, he will run away even if I don't kill him. If he runs away, then..."

"Are you afraid that he will go crazy and die?"

"Have you never thought that there are actually two women beside him?"

"?" Xinghe opened his big clear eyes and thought for a long time but didn't understand what Longque was talking about. Where did two women come from?

While he was confused, Xinghe's eyes suddenly turned sharp, and his sword energy surged. At the same time, the dragon bird sword light also appeared, and the vague shadows in the air twisted and dispersed. Sure enough, Bo Xun was taking the opportunity to make a sneak attack again. The spirit of the sword is isolated, and the weakened version of the devil's illusion can no longer invade its master.

Yuan Cheng's voice came from outside the door: "The main body of Bo Xun was suppressed by us with a secret method just now, and he was separated from the chain. He came here to return it to King Zhao. There may be a little spillage when he was separated. I wonder if King Zhao's place was invaded?"

The shadow of a girl with twin tails jumped out of the house: "Give it to me."

Yuancheng: "?"

Where did this girl come from?

Before she could react, the little girl grabbed the chain and returned to the house excitedly: "Go back, my father is sleeping." it the name for father in some dialects? Yuan Cheng was dumbfounded. Zhao Changhe was not very old himself, so how could he have such a big daughter? It was so fun.

Long Que excitedly broke into the Xinghe Sword: "Tie up Xiao Xinghe, this thing is fun!"

"Get out." Xinghe kicked Longque out of the house.

Zhao Changhe is dreaming.

He hasn't had a dream for a long time. In the past, he only dreamed about Ye Wuming. Now he knew that it was not a dream, but Ye Wuming entering the sea of ​​​​consciousness and having a conversation. And the dreams she had earlier before traveling through time, of cutting each other off with others, were also a kind of illusion arranged by Ye Wuming, or could be called dream weaving. It should be a way to filter out the people she wanted.

This time it seemed that it was really a dream, an ethereal spring dream similar to ancient times, which seemed to happen after she took a bath and entered the water. Then it was blurry, and I couldn't remember it clearly when I woke up. It is a typical sign of dreams for ordinary people, but it is very strange to happen to a person like Zhao Changhe who practices soul cultivation.

When I opened my eyes, it was already bright.

Turning around, he saw Cui Yuanyang nestled on his shoulder. As his gaze came over, his eyes opened just in time, and they looked at each other very close to each other.

Soon his eyes became fierce, and his whole body was full of demonic intent.

Zhao Changhe's first reaction was to protect the bed board, otherwise he was afraid it would collapse.

Piaomiao grabbed Zhao Changhe's neck: "Listen, it wasn't me last night!"

Looking back, Zhao Changhe also felt that something was wrong when he didn't knock himself out during the timeout, but in his mind, Cui Yuanyang didn't seem like someone who could pretend to be ethereal. The difference in temperament and tone was too big... and he felt her struggle later. , although he was suppressed by himself, Yangyang is really not that strong...

Generally speaking, I still think that it is really illusory. When she brought her into the backyard, she had a strong hint of using her body to make medicine. Of course, if she doesn't admit it now, it is just because she can't let go of face.

Since the person can’t let go of his face, he should coax him first. Zhao Changhe quickly raised his hands and surrendered: "Okay, okay, it's not you. But now you..."

Piaomiao was stunned for a moment, then realized that she was now naked in the man's arms.

There's nothing to say about this, it's true that she is ethereal and naked in the man's arms.

Piaomiao was so angry that she really wanted to kill someone this time, and the energy in her hands exploded.

Zhao Changhe stood up for a moment.

The ethereal energy dissipated instantly, and his face was as red as blood.

It turned out that not only was she in the man's arms... but she was always connected and never came out.

"Zhao Changhe, you!"

"Is it you now?"

Piaomiao's mind shut down for a moment, and she really didn't know how things turned out like this... Was it destined to have such a day since sharing a body with Cui Yuanyang?

The most outrageous thing is that this is the demonic state that everyone is afraid of. At the moment when they are full of anger, they are actually fucked.

When he came back to his senses, he went completely demonic and crazy, and punched Zhao Changhe desperately with his fists. Zhao Changhe found that he couldn't hold it down anymore, but a chain suddenly appeared in his hand. Without having time to think about it, he got into the misty spiritual platform and tied her tightly again.

At the same time, Piaomiao's palm was already printed on his chest, and Zhao Changhe spurted out a mouthful of blood. Fortunately, he was tied quickly. This was a critical moment.

Zhao Changhe breathed a sigh of relief: "Where did the chains come from?"

Longque said: "The old monk brought it over last night, saying that Bo Xun was temporarily suppressed by them."

"For the time being..." Zhao Changhe pondered for a moment, but decided to take care of Piaomiao's situation first, and quickly entered Piaomiao's sea of ​​consciousness.

As we saw last time, Piaomiao and Cui Yuanyang were tied up together. Cui Yuanyang was obviously still asleep, Piaomiao's soul had turned black, and the demonic aura was worse than before.

This... Zhao Changhe had a headache. He felt as angry as if he had been raped, which aroused even stronger hatred. Was it really not you last night?

Seeing him entering the sea of ​​consciousness, Piaomiao struggled: "Kill me!"

"Impossible." Zhao Changhe squatted carefully in front of her, stretched out his hand to caress her face: "I didn't know if there was a misunderstanding before... If I formally pursue you, can you give me a chance?"

Piaomiao glared angrily: "Now is the easiest opportunity to kill me and save your Cui Yuanyang! It's best to differentiate in such a state, there will be no risk of accidental injury, why bother to be pretentious!"

"Why would I kill the woman I like?"

"Like it? Is that lust or liking? Don't you know?"

"You said I was training you while I was treating Yangyang tenderly. Which one do you like more?" Zhao Changhe said in a low voice: "What about now?"

Following the words, he slowly bowed his head and kissed Piao Miao's forehead gently.

The soul was shrouded in black mist and ferocious and twisted, but he still kissed her tenderly, without any hesitation.

When their souls touched each other, Piao Miao trembled and lost her voice for a moment.

Zhao Changhe said in a low voice: "If you talk about lust, you are really unfair to me...just like you are really not good-looking now."

Piaomiao: "..."

"Even though I haven't seen you a few times before, most of the time you talk to me with Yangyang's face. I also said that your face is a bit strange to me. I can't even figure out what you look like. Taiqing, where is the lust? What’s more embarrassing is that before I saw Ye Jiuyou taking a bath, I had even forgotten that I had seen you taking a bath. I didn’t worry about it at all. It was because I traced her taking a bath. I remembered that something like this happened here..."

"You bastard!"

Zhao Changhe continued: "I admit that I am a bit lustful, but in this matter, I really don't admit that it is lust. I respect the mist that forged four swords in ancient times to stabilize the rivers and mountains; I respect the people who protected the rivers and mountains but were attacked by surprise. I pity Piaomiao who died; I have very complicated feelings towards Piaomiao who came back with hatred but did not touch Yangyang because of her kindness. If it were any other existence that occupied Yangyang's body like this, I would definitely kill him, but for You, I don’t even want to say harsh words.”

Piaomiao sneered: "It's not just a sarcastic comment."

Zhao Changhe said: "That's because I'm really unfamiliar with him. Do I have to say those greasy words I've said in the past two days? What kind of words are they?"

Piaomiao said angrily: "Have we become very familiar with each other in the past two days?"

Zhao Changhe said: "Although the time is short, joining hands to fight against the enemy and protect each other is already a life and death friendship for me. At the moment when I risked my life to take out the chains that locked you to deal with Bo Xun, you did not hurt me. , that is the comrade you can entrust your back to."

Piaomiao didn't answer.

In fact, there was no mutual protection, it was all Zhao Changhe who was protecting her. In the second half, it was said that she was protecting Zhao Changhe in turn, but she actually didn't do much. She just beat up Bo Xun who was already captured. I'm embarrassed to say it.

Zhao Changhe said: "To be honest, my relationship with Ye Wuming is very special. She took advantage of me and now angers me, but it has not reached the bottom line. And she helped me a lot before and taught me a lot, He is also a teacher, a friend, and an enemy. We have been together for nearly three years, even if we hold a stone for three years, we still have feelings for each other, let alone a living person."

"What are you talking about?"

"I want to tell you that cooperating with Ye Jiuyou to deal with her is a sign of anger. In a real fight, I won't necessarily side with whom...but cooperating with you means that I really feel that she did something wrong in this matter, and I will be firm. On your side.”

"That's just Wang Zhao's justice, it doesn't mean anything."

"In the illusion of Bo Xun, Ye Wuming is an important part. You can imagine the importance of being a part of my inner demon... You must know that the other illusion is Sisi, and that is my wife." Zhao Changhe paused. He whispered: "However, there is another illusion that is ethereal, and it is also the link that finally triggered my inner demons and almost collapsed. Bo Xun is an enemy, but it is true to ask questions through him, but he cannot be false. Those words that were triggered by my inner demons, They are all words that were originally hidden in my heart and would not be spoken, and they cannot be faked."

Piaomiao didn't know how to respond, so she actually said: "What you say now is not much better!"

"I locked you just now, but you were too impulsive at that time, so I had to restrict it. Now that I have finished speaking, remove the chains, kill or behead, and leave it to your will." After Zhao Changhe finished speaking, he actually removed the chains. The chain allowed Piaomiao, who was blackened by the devil's intention, to escape and stand in front of him.

Piaomiao escaped from the trap without any preparation, which was a bit incredible: "Are you really not afraid of death?"

"If last night was an accident, it means that I took possession of you without your consent. I will bear any punishment I deserve."

Piaomiao was in a daze for a long time. If you say that he used force against his will, it really doesn't count. It can only be regarded as a debt. If the blame is really to be blamed, it will be put on Cui Yuanyang's head. not him.

The most important thing is that as long as he is not in such a violent and impulsive state, he really can't kill him.

Probably... I was really moved...

The reason for the anger may just be that it happened without my intention, and I was filled with panic and irritation.

But he has sincerely confessed his love and pursued her. Is there still a blockage?

Piaomiao never thought that a being like herself would fall in love with a human being, but she knew that if such a thing happened, it could only be with the Lord of Mountains and Rivers. That is her "favor". The word itself has two meanings, one belonging to gods and one belonging to women.

After being in a daze for a long time, it finally turned into three words: "Get out!"

Zhao Changhe obediently withdrew from her sea of ​​consciousness, and the two became naked and hugged each other again.

Piaomiao really wanted to hold her forehead, how could this happen...

Zhao Changhe didn't behave, he quickly turned around and put on his clothes, went to the courtyard to get a basin of water and came in: "Wash up, let's go check on Bo Xun's condition. If you have to kill Ye Wuming to relieve your possessed state, then We have to be prepared that it will never be completed... I think killing Bo Xun should be enough."

Piaomiao didn't know why, but she actually asked: "Are you dissatisfied with being in a possessed state all the time?"

Zhao Changhe twisted a towel for her, wiped her face and body, and responded: "I said, I quite like this...but I know you don't like it yourself, and that's not the real you after all."

"You always said you said it, should you believe it when you said it?"

"You can believe that everything I say to you is true." Zhao Changhe smiled and said calmly: "Including this sentence: the woman I like."

The warm towel was wiped on the body, caressing the brutal hickeys and bruises from last night. A warm feeling came, and the sunlight shone through the window lattice on Zhao Changhe's serious side face. He looked at it steadily, motionless and allowed him to serve him, and finally said no more.

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