The Call of Sports Arena

Chapter 162: Teammates working hard

The importance of the first shot is second only to the last shot in the relay game, and each team also excludes strong opponents in the relay team. ≠

The British team is the world record holder of 100 meters backstroke Lam Tancock. Its freestyle strength is also the world's top. They are ranked fourth in the preliminary round and are in the sixth lane.

The first team of the Australian team was James Magnuson, the strongest contender in this year's 100m freestyle singles championship. They ranked second in the preliminary round, next to the British team in the fifth lane.

On the other side of the US team is Jason Rezac, the "old ray" who completed the magical surpass at the Kyoto Olympics. They ranked third in the preliminary round in the third lane.

Alan Bernard, the world record holder of the top 100m freestyle sent by the French team, was the first in the preliminaries, and naturally was the fourth lane with the best vision.

It can be said that every opponent, regardless of fame or strength, must be stronger than the Chinese team.

Although the players are full of confidence, there is no doubt that China's 100-meter freestyle relay is an absolute weaker in finishing strength.


As the referee issued a standard English pronunciation, the players all bent over and prepared.


Along with a burst of electron guns, the players jumped into the water one after another.

After entering the water, Magnussen showed his peak swimming status this year. He was the first to grab the first place of all players. After him, Bernard and Rezak were hotly pursued, and the British team Tancock ranked. Fourth, followed by the German team, Ning Zetao worked hard, and the first player to surpass the Canadian team ranked sixth among all players.

After 50 meters, the ranking did not change, and Ning Zetao held his 6th position.

"Chinese team cheer up!!"

At this time, the audience at the scene tried their best to cheer loudly, and the cheers of the entire venue did not stop for a moment.

Perhaps it was the infection of this atmosphere. Ning Zetao made a strong effort after 50 meters. Before the finish line, the player who surpassed the German team took the lead to touch the wall, raising the position of the Chinese team to fifth.

After touching the wall, he coughed violently, and he could see that he really tried his best this time.

The second stick of the Chinese team is veteran Lu Zhibin, who won the gold medal in the Asian Games men's 100m freestyle at last year's Asian Games.

Different from the way Ning Zetao broke out all the time, Lu Zhibin was a typical fierce player who rushed in the early stage. After going into the water at this time, he directly started a crazy acceleration.

In the cheers of the audience's excitement, he successfully surpassed the British team's Simon Bright, raising the Chinese team's position from fifth to fourth.

This time the entire stadium is boiling, as long as it is faster, hurry up, the Chinese team hopes to get the medal historic!

Lu Zhibin is still accelerating at full speed, but the fourth is clearly his limit.

At this time, whether it is Garnett Weber Geller of the US team, or Manado Jr. of France, or Matthew Abd, all players are far more powerful than him.

And in the second half, his weakness in the back of the road was highlighted, and when he reached the last 20 meters, British player Simon Bright overtook the past.

In the end, Lu Zhibin failed to rush into another one on the basis of Ning Zetao, but barely kept the fifth position.

However, after touching the wall, the veteran's face was pale and almost exhausted.

This high-intensity competition is definitely under pressure, not to mention playing against the world's top freestyle swimmers.

However, it can be seen that they did what they said before the match and tried their best.

Lv Zhibin was followed by Sun Yang.

The 100-meter freestyle is not Sun Yang's strength, but this time, among the people who came here, he is also the one who catches the duck.

After launching, Sun Yang started to erupt directly. This may be the first time he did not need to save energy in the competition.

Sun Yang's speed is indeed not fast. After starting 30 meters, his fifth position is in jeopardy, and he is almost overtaken by the German team behind him.

But it can be seen that Sun Yang is fighting, and he is furiously fetching water.

"Sun Yang! Come on! Sun Yang!"

The audience shouted the name of Yang Yang loudly, cheered him up, not even a teenage fan, and did not know if he was affected by his crying problems. At this time, he couldn't help crying and crying.

Entering the 50-meter turn, Sun Yang showed his advantage in height. Using his excellent turning skills, Sun Yang successfully opened the gap with the German team and kept his fifth position.

In the second half, Sun Yang worked harder than the first half, and he was working hard to reduce the distance between British team Grant Turner.

A wave of cheers overcame a wave, and Sun Yang was completely desperate. Finally, he could see that his explosive power was quite strong.

Looking at the struggling Sun Yang, and then listening to the explosive cheers at the scene, his entire adrenaline surged upward.

If there is anything worth his hard work tonight, it is the game in front of him, because it is not just a game for him, but a team.

Now that everyone in the team is doing their best, it is time for him to put a perfect stop to this effort!

Sun Yang finally hit the wall with a disadvantage of only 0.05 seconds behind Turner, while maintaining the fifth position, he also pulled into the distance between the fourth place.

After touching the wall, Sun Yang almost slipped to the whole person. Fortunately, he supported Chi Bi and stabilized his body, which did not affect Tang Hao's departure.

It can be seen that the 100-meter desperate swim is no easier than his 1,500-meter swim.

Tang Hao is still in the fifth position after entering the water, and because of his height, the distance between him and the German team players has been pulled back a bit.

At this time, the top four leading teams are Australia, the United States, France and the United Kingdom.

The Australian team can be said to be the team with the highest probability of winning the championship. Although their previous three clubs, although they have little advantage, they have always been The combined advantages of these three clubs put them ahead of the first. The second half of the American team is mostly.

The last stroke of the American team was handed over to superstar Phelps. He has been struggling to catch up after entering the water, but the last team of the Australian team is also superstar Emmon Sullivan. It is difficult for him to surpass.

Only behind the US team with a weak disadvantage is the French team. The famous French player Ferry Burritt is launching a fierce pursuit of Phelps.

This is the first group army, the last stick of the fourth-ranked British team is the famous star Ed Brown, who is half a position behind Grete.

After that, Tang Hao's China team and Biddleman's Germany team, they are behind and have a small position, which has to catch up, and still face so many world famous players, the difficulty is almost the same as climbing the sky. .

"Tang Hao set a new Asian record in the previous domestic swimming championship and became the first man to swim for 48 seconds in the 100-meter freestyle. This time, as a final shot in the relay race, what kind of results can he swim out of? It also makes people look forward to." The home commentator said nervously and expecting this time.

(To be continued.)

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