57 – {It’s no fun to do it the way you want it to be}

{It’s no fun to do it the way you want it to be.}

“It’s a sudden tournament.”

The information about the tournament was delivered to the emperor of the Arkan Empire that day.

“Yes, Your Majesty. It seems that the Britannian Empire is trying to ascertain Theo’s identity very blatantly, as they have begun to guess.”

At the words of the Duke of Skyroad, the emperor of the Arkan Empire nodded.

“Yes. I think so too. Huhu, I’m already looking forward to the fact that the truth that Prince Skylord is the Chosen One will finally be known!”

As the emperor of the Arkhan Empire, he couldn’t hold back his laughter, as if just imagining the fact that he could deliver a huge blow to the Britannia Empire was exhilarating.

“Your Majesty, I’m also worried about my son… Words like that are a bit…”

At the words of the Duke of Skyroad, who protested by saying, “Isn’t this too inconsiderate of himself?”, The emperor of the Arkan Empire smiled and said.

“I think the Skylord Prince would have said it differently? Wasn’t this all what the Skylord Prince intended? Whoops.”

“Whoa! That’s true, but…Isn’t there such a thing as a feeling?”

“hahahaha! That’s right! Yeah, that must be a bit of a bad feeling as a parent! Cancer.”

The emperor of the Arkan Empire smiled as if he understood and nodded his head, then stopped laughing and spoke slightly seriously.

“Still, this job is very important. I’ve talked to Duke Arsane to some extent…But I don’t want Prince Skylord to tell me the truth about the Chosen One yet, so I’m going to have a hard time.”

“Whoops, what can I do? Relationships between men and women are complicated.”

“Yes, it’s very complicated. But you don’t have to live in captivity like Duke Arsane.”

The eyes of the emperor of the Arkan Empire, who had helped to appease the Duchess of Arsene a while ago, were those of a person who seemed to have been liberated somewhere.

He also spent a lot of energy to help the Duke of Arsene and convince the Duchess of Arsene.

“Anyway, Theo seems to be thinking of telling Princess Yuria this time.”

“Tsk, anyway, he’s struggling to set the mood. It seems that the guy who’s always been confident is not good at things like this.”

“Huh, isn’t that how you grow? But it’s good that we’ll get along well even after we get married.”

The Duke of Skylord smiled heartily as his father. Seeing that smile, the emperor of the Arkan Empire quietly thought of something.

“If the fact that Prince Skylord is the Chosen One is known this time, the appearance of the Britannian Empire will be very impressive.”

Just imagining the sight of the Britannian Empire falling was exciting and refreshing.

Emperor of the Arkan Empire, Philip I, felt that the moment was very much anticipated even though it was coming soon.

* * *

Minst Academy was crowded with people who wanted to apply from Wednesday morning to participate in the tournament next Friday.

Classes are held normally, but each department has its own break time.

During that break, I tried to somehow go to the teachers’ office and register my name as a participant in the tournament.

However, I found out belatedly that there was a test that was not written in the notice, although all Minst Academy students could apply for it.

According to the professors, there was only a simple test, but a significant number of students were caught in the beginning because they failed to pass the test that is taken when applying.

“Oh, this is too much.”

“You’re telling me to block the professor’s attack once!”

It was to block the attacks of professors from various faculties, such as swordsmanship, magic, spiritism, martial arts, and so on, even once.

However, most of the students could not block the professors’ attacks even once.

“The seniors and the second ranks often block it, but… You mean you can’t participate unless you’re a really top-ranked kid.”

On the other hand, the senior and second-in-command students of various faculties in each grade easily blocked the attacks of professors who were examiners, as if to prove that they did not receive such grades for nothing.



“Thank you, Professor.”

Owen Lawrence, the head of the swordsmanship department in the second year who was defeated by Yuria, was also recognized for passing the exam after blocking the professor’s sword attack.

With this, his name was also officially registered as one of the participants in the tournament.

‘This is how they filter out the chaff.’

If all Minst Academy students were allowed to participate, it would definitely be a problem.

It would have taken a year for so many students to compete one by one according to the bracket.

But Theodore thought it would be interesting because of this test.

‘The Britannia Empire would think that things were going well as they thought.’

A chance to make a name for yourself and even a huge prize.

I’m sure most people would roll their eyes at this.

But neither was interesting to Theodore.

‘Anyway, even if you don’t want something like honor, it’ll come along. It’s annoying enough.’

The chosen ones were not simply in a position to enjoy honor and glory.

It was an obligatory position to take on extremely dangerous work, and it was laughable to see the Britannia Empire, which was only blinded by glory.

It’s been a long time since William Artin and the Britannian Empire have already forgotten something important.

“Prince Theodore, I will apply soon.”


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Now it was YuRia’s turn.

Even though it was already her third day, most of the people still couldn’t take their eyes off her just by passing her by YuRia’s beauty.

“Yuria Arsane, an international student from the swordsmanship department of Jayha Academy, applies for this tournament.”

While revealing her identity, Yuria revealed that she would be participating in this contest, and she applied.

The professor who had just tested Owen nodded.

“I see. Are you that Miss Yuria Arsane? I heard that she defeated Mr. Owen Lawrence.”


As Yuria waited for her test, she was ready to draw her sword at any moment.

And while the professor also admired Yuria’s beauty, she admired that part again, perhaps realizing that at the same time, she realized that her swordsmanship was by no means shallow.

“Your posture and feel are good. Then I’ll check your skills!”

With those words, I saw the professor swinging his sword at high speed.

Yuria raised her sword and blocked the professor’s sword.

Chae Ae-Aeng!

Swords that had been strengthened with energy collided.

Yuria, who stood still and blocked the professor’s sword, didn’t lose an inch of her posture.

In terms of her power, she was clearly pushed back, but she lost most of the power from her opponent’s sword by skillfully using her ki rather than her swordsmanship, removing most of the burden on herself.

It was a skill that was only possible with skill in manipulating ki, not just swordsmanship.

“As expected, that’s great. Passed.”

“Yes, thank you.”

Of course, YuRia Arsaein also passed the exam.

She returned to Theodore’s side, saluting politely as she drew back her sword.

“Well done.”

“Yes, Prince Theodore. I learned a lot from Prince Theodore.”

Yuria said with a smile.

“Okay, then let’s go back.”


YuRia had already heard what he meant by now, so she was tuning in.

And when Theodore was just about to leave, the professor, who of course knew how to apply, looked flustered.

“Wait a minute! Theodore Skylord!”

“What’s going on?”

Theodore knew why he had called him, but he pretended not to know.

“No, are you not participating?”

The professor asked directly.

Perhaps the emperor of the Britannian Empire ordered Dean Albert to make a statement to several professors, including him.

‘It’s not to the extent that I might be the chosen one, but at most it’s that you let me participate in the tournament at all costs.’

I already knew their intentions.

Their actions were also done according to their own intentions.

But it wouldn’t be fun if they just did what they wanted.

“I’m not interested in this competition.”

Therefore, Theodore declared that he had no interest in the contest.

Just looking at the professor’s expression, I could see that it had changed to ‘Isn’t this what it is?’

“Do you mean it?”

“Yes. I will not participate.”

Theodore made it clear that he would not participate in the competition.

“That’s true! Don’t you have any fighting spirit? If you win in this place where many students participate, you will be rewarded with great prize money and honor!”

“It’s a shame. If I participate, I will win so overwhelmingly that everyone who participated in the competition will face an insurmountable wall and feel frustrated. Rather, it would be beneficial for many people if I did not participate.”

Theodore deliberately took care of his tone to sound even more arrogant.

It was a provocation to the entire Minst Academy.

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