The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1678: Ye Chen was angry

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The leaders of many forces communicated with each other and tried desperately.

Although they think that tens of thousands of people are gathered here, unless the people of the Five Sects are close, no one in the world can help them. Even if the Immortal Sovereign sees them, they have to retreat by three points.

But they are not fools after all, they want to make a decision and move.

"Hey, Yun Nixian Zun is also here. It is said that he is a castaway of Tianyin Gate, originally a closed disciple of Tianyin's ancestor, but he was afraid of being renounced by the master and succumbed to the sect. This is an absolute ascension. The strong."

"It is the leader of Jieqingmen. Although he is the first stage of Ascension Realm, he once assassinated the giant of the Ascension Realm!"

"It is Longxiang Immortal Venerable, but he is an ascendant mid-level giant in Ascension Realm!"


Soon after, amazing news came together. More than a lot of forces, there are even top-level powerhouses, each of which is a fierce name, a Megatron, and even a giant in the middle of the ascension.

You have to know that the mid-level of Ascension Realm is already a strong one of the level of the five demon kings, even in the entire central galaxy, it is extremely rare.

"Since the last expedition to Wanxianxing River that year, there have never been so many top powerhouses."

A monk said with emotion.

"Wealth is touching, a billion spirit stones is enough to fight hard. Moreover, this time, with so many organizational forces coming, and not fighting alone, the danger is extremely low. You can make a fortune when you are alone. No. The only thing I worry about is that the powerhouse, who knows nothing about the sky and the ground and is arrogant in the central galaxy, sees our lineup.

The person next to him sneered.

At this moment, the communication magic weapon next to the leaders of many forces suddenly heard the voice of the front line: "Our Condor sect has detected the enemy. The enemy is a man, a male, and a black suit. It is not good. The enemy found us. He is ..."

The sound came to an abrupt end.

Then among the magic weapon of communication, only a tingling silence came.

The leaders of many organizations, their faces sinking at the same time.

"Although the Condor Squad is an obscure squad, they are all monks who are proficient in escaping hidden skills. They have been wiped out without even saying a word. It seems that the other party's forces are terrifying, and may even exceed our expectations. "

Blood roar teaches the palm to shrink the pupil.

"No matter who it is, ready to fight, it's the Xianzun, and I have to retreat by three points in front of me."

The King Kong Sect's master didn't have the kindness of the monks, and he said angrily.

With the orders issued, the tens of thousands of people gathered in the angry star immediately spread like a tide. These large martial arts, each with hundreds of people, are all heavily armed and naturally cannot be swarmed together.

From the sky, it looks like dozens of battle arrays, laying on the entire planet. They didn't go to Ye Xing in the galaxy, but directly plugged into this glaring star, which is the only place Ye Xing entered the center.

At this time, on the wrathful star, the battle clouds were scattered.

Many headmasters sat quietly and sat cross-legged, waiting for the frontline news.

"Taiwu organization lost contact."

"Nine, ninety-one, and eight floating spirit thunder arrays are broken."

"The enemy has passed through the sniping position, and all the 16 top killers in Jieqingmen have lost contact..."

News one by one came from a distance.

Everyone's face is getting more and more ugly. In order to detect Ye Chen's identity, they have set up the Tianluodi network and arranged the next line of defense, including many small organizations, long-range drones, camera probes, wandering thunder arrays and so on.

But since the first Condor sect contacted Ye Chen, within a few minutes, the seven or eight lines of defense had been broken continuously. The enemy seemed to stop without stopping, and rushed in one breath, like a wild beast that was rampant.

Even all kinds of magic weapons for detection have no way to capture the figure of the other party.

"A great enemy, an unprecedented enemy."

Long Xiangxian Zun said coldly.

He is the strongest among all the players on the scene, and he has a high level of ascension. He has played with the disciples of the five great immortals many times. He has won more and less losses. Although he has not challenged the elders, he has enough records. Awesome.

"No matter what the enemy is, we have to retreat in the face of our position. This is tens of thousands of fully armed masters."

Yun Ni Xianzun embraced his chest with both hands and glanced around.

It is on this humble and unremarkable planet that numerous organizations have set up the world. The weapons they carry are the latest war equipment developed by the Five Great Immortals, except that Garuda is a relatively backward model.

Not to mention, their small-scale team battle forces, as well as many elite and powerful, true immortal, and even immortal Venerable, are even more terrifying.

"The three great immortals, who didn't show up themselves, but pushed us with a lot of money, the other party must be a peerless powerhouse, and may even be a magnificent grand immortal."

Jieqingmen master shook his head.

"What about Daxianzun? The court of truth can kill Daxianzun, and I can kill one to show them later."

Yun Nixian's bright red tongue licked his lips, and his eyes showed the light of killing.


A shocking explosion came from a distance.

Everyone looked across with a look of sternness, that was the last line of defense, set up there, but the small Tiansha, who had spent a lot of money to get their hands, asked for jade.

"It's Daxian Zun, at least he must be seriously injured."

Many people are thinking about it.

Although Daxianzun is powerful, when facing Tiansha, he is also powerless. It is said that a few days ago, there was a Xianzun who could carry Tiansha and jade, but there are not many metamorphic universes, naturally. Not under consideration.

But what appeared to them all was a shocking picture. A cyan light and shadow stepped out of the sky flame, unharmed, just like the devil.

"he is……"

At the moment of seeing that blue light and shadow, countless people's pupils shrank, including Longxiang Xianzun and others, they were all like ghosts.

"Shuangye Xianzun?"

Ye Chen raised his head with a hint of anger in his eyes.

He used to travel in the galaxies of Youlan, thinking that these people had been taught and would not come to attack him again. Unexpectedly, when he was close to leaving, he was blocked one after another.

Ye Chen cut those wind falcons, small-scale organizations, wandering thunder arrays and the like.

But the sniping positions under the Jieqingmen cloth were a bit scary.

A total of sixteen top assassins, using top-notch Xianbao, if Ye Chen were not prepared, maybe they were all injured. The explosion just now was so shocking that Ye Chen was disgraced.

"Since you are looking for death, don't blame me."

Looking at the dark piece in front of him.

In the eyes of Ye Chen, the murderous intention was a big victory, and his body of light soared.

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