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Seeing Ye Chen’s ability to wave down the mountain, the five Immortal Sect’s masters all fixed their eyes, let the mountains rise and fall, even Yuanying Tianjun can do it, but they can control the power so subtle, even broken Even if the stone does not fall, the kung fu will be deeper.

It can be said that with this hand alone, this Shuangye Xianzun has the qualification to stand side by side with the five great immortals.

"When was there such a pervert in the universe, so young and amazingly powerful."

The Fire Moon Fairy was astonished, and a pair of eyes that seemed to be able to speak clearly shone with interest.

Demon Sect is not ceremonial and has a unique style. It is not serious about the so-called Sect's reputation. Instead, it has a good impression on Shuangye Xianzun, a deviant young master, plus the previous corpse feather fairy. , Fire Moon Fairy naturally treats Ye Chen differently.

"Oh, I heard that this kid will still be the four elephants of my spirit beast peak. I really look forward to it."

He was wearing an ancient alchemist robe, Eguan Bo belt, and stepping on the **** beast Yukong. In his eyes, there seemed to be heavy pupils shining, strange and abnormal.

"No matter how strong he is, he is not an opponent of Immortal Sword."

Zhou Daoxuan said lightly.

"That is nature. The sword master was invincible in the universe three million years ago. After three million years, he was an old monk, and he couldn't see the depth of the sword master."

Master Dawei held the rosary and lowered his eyebrows.

The heavy water curtain has already unfolded on all planets of the universe, broadcasting this unprecedented decisive battle to the entire universe.

This World War I will eventually open, but few people have confidence in Ye Chen. Tan Qiongyu is just praying that Ye Chen will not die.


The top of Qianjian Mountain is full of radius. Ye Chen stepped on it as if stepping on a steel plate, making a crisp metal symphony.

At this time, there was only one Tsing Yi man on the top of the mountain, standing with his back to Ye Chen. Although he is only more than one meter tall, the breath of the whole person is connected with the vast peak under his feet. It stands like a peerless mountain.

That man is the God Sword Immortal Venerable.

"Shuangye Xianzun, you shouldn't be here."

The Immortal Sword Immortal stood in front of the mountain and said lightly:

"In the past three hundred years, there were a total of 18 people on the summit of Qianjian Mountain, and all of them were the famous little fairy emperors, but they all died here. No matter how many famous names they have in front of them, they have been silenced now. There are very few people who know what to do. You are still young. If you are qualified to climb this mountain and be my opponent in a million years."


Ye Chen was unsure.

"You kill me sword slaves, there are only two ways to choose from, either enter my sword sword sect, plant the gods and spirits forbidden, and never betray. Or die!"

God Sword Immortal said calmly, as if the gods were deciding to die.

"On your own, you are not qualified."

Ye Chen smiled contemptuously.


God Sword Immortal snorted softly, and the tone was always Gujing Wubo: "Thousands of sword mountains, the world thinks it is just a strange peak. But I have searched the ancient books and have practiced by it for thousands of years, but I know that it is really a piece Invincible artifact, but I don’t know which powerful sword of ancient times. Today, this magical soldier is finally going to be infected with the blood of the world."

After speaking, the Excalibur Sword officially turned around.


In the void, it seemed to hit two lightning bolts. It is almost impossible to describe the appearance of Immortal Sword Sovereign with words. His face is very ordinary, but his eyes are sharp as a sword.

The air was cut open by his eyes, making a whimper.

Immortal Sword Sovereign did not use a trace of power. It was purely that the sword in the spirit of God was accidentally released, causing such a spectacle. It can be seen how strong he is, how powerful he is.

"Three million years ago, no one has dared to talk to me like this for a long time. You are the first one. I will cast your corpse into a new magic sword to commemorate you as a monk of the evil level."

Immortal Sword Fairy with long hair fluttering, Jianguang more and more in the eyes. An overwhelming momentum surged from him, quickly surpassing those high-level monks who ascended the realm, and even beyond Zhou Daoxuan, reaching an unimaginable level, filling the world.

The entire Qianjian Mountain peak, even the air condenses.

The vitality around him is even a trace of no flow. Immortal Sword Immortal stood there, this vast square, just like his realm, any power was manipulated by him. Even if Daxian Zun is here, he will be shocked to find that he can't guide the world's vitality at all, as if he was shot down from the soaring realm.

Soaring to the top, only the strongest person who has reached the highest peak in the Ascension Realm and has touched the border of crossing the robbery has such an ability to control the world!

Seeing this scene, most Immortal Venerables are still puzzled.

But the ancestors of the spirit beast, etc., looked a bit condensed. They are all monks who walked far away in the high order of Xianzun. They are very close to the crossing, and naturally know what this represents.

"According to legend, the Emperor Dujie just stood there, and his eyes were on his own territory. The law did not invade and the enemies were unbreakable. Unexpectedly, the sword master came to this step, and the old monk was willing to worship. "

Master Dawei sighed.

Zhou Daoxuan smiled faintly, and looked at Ye Chen as if he were dead. Basically, the realm is weaker than that of the Immortal Sword Immortal. Once it falls into his gaze, he can't help himself.

But the scene that surprised her happened. I saw Ye Chen blowing like a breeze, uncontrollable, and instead scorned with a smile:

"You can bear this?"


There was a trace of suspense in the calm and calm face of God Sword Immortal.

He didn't seem to think that Ye Chen broke away from his control so easily. But I don't know, Ye Chen is an immortal emperor, and he is confronted with countless powerful people who cross the robbery. How can he be affected by the monks who have ascended the territory?

However, after all, the Immortal Sword Sovereign is the first person in the universe.



If the original vision of the God Sword Immortal Lord was only in his own peaceful territory, then at this time, thousands of horses and horses had sprung up from this territory, and he was madly killed at Ye Chen Town to crush him. broken.

The originally frozen vitality, at this time, seemed to turn into steel, and it instantly condensed into a mass. If the top of Qianjian Mountain was under the water and the action was difficult before, it is now the deepest part of the bottom of the sea, and the pressure is so great that if the monk is not enough, I may not even be able to move one finger and be directly crushed into fragments.

Fire Moon Fairy's eyes gradually became dignified. Of course, she could see that the Immortal Sword Sovereign had already put out her full efforts. If the ordinary Immortal Sovereign was here, I would be directly pressed into a meat patty by this terrifying heaven and earth, even the body of the Sage Sovereign. Crisp as thin paper.

"So, with the courage to challenge the young people of the five immortals, how do you fight the immediate crisis?"

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