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The forces of the He family were obviously more exaggerated than the Shen family. In order to please Ye Chen, they directly packed a passenger plane and sent him and Qingchuan Sayuri to Yanjing with a special plane.

Qingchuan Sayuri was very happy. She was not left on Ao Island, but was taken by her master, making the girl excited. Her big eyes kept peeking at Ye Chen, and almost water dripped inside.

"My master can easily create a powerful god."

Thinking of this, Qingchuan Sayuri felt throbbing in her heart, which young girl did not contemplate spring? Since ancient times, beautiful women love heroes, like Ye Chen, who is as handsome as the gods, and extremely powerful, which makes her difficult to control her heartbeat.

Ye Chen felt the hot eyes of Qingchuan Sayuri, opened her eyes slightly and looked at her, and immediately made the girl's cheeks flush, lowered her head, and gasped slightly in her mouth.

Looking at her pretty face with Hanchun and her gaze, it seemed like she was asking for luck, but Ye Chen was as calm as her heart, and she closed her eyes lightly, recalling the composition of the Chinese martial art circles.

Seeing Ye Chen like this, Qingchuan Sayuri looked slightly sad, but soon recovered, holding her chin in both hands and looking at the master's cheek intently. At this time, Ye Chen did not use the magic body of the Emperor's glazed body, and her appearance was very ordinary, but she was intoxicated and immersed in it...

On the other side, Ye Chen recalled the intelligence of the Chinese martial arts circles learned from Sun Huaixing and Hong Dafu, and could not help but whisper.

Although it is now the 21st century, the age of science, but the Chinese martial arts have a long history. Today, there are still many famous schools, forming a small river and lake.

Those who were called by Cheng Boxuan at the time were all second-rate forces, and those really powerful famous names were simply not what the Cheng family could call.

At present, the most powerful martial force in China is "one house, two pavilions, three gates and four schools", and the beggar gang where Wu Shenghong Dafu sits can only be regarded as the leader of the second-rate gang.

One of the palaces does not need to be detailed. It is Yanjing Xiaofu, where the sword **** Xiao Yijie sits in town personally. The internal forces are unknown, but it is said that Xiao Yijie has seven disciples and is called the Canglong Seven Swords, but he never walks. Cross the rivers and lakes, so no one knows their specific forces.

The second pavilion is the Yixian pavilion and the Tianyi pavilion. In addition to the patriarch who is a strong player in the sanctuary, there are several masters in the sanctuary. The Tianyi pavilion is also known for assassination. The four killers in the pavilion are famous. .

The three gates are Tangzhong Gate in Shuzhong, Dragon and Tiger Gate in Guangcheng, and Jubei Gate in Mobei.

The four factions are Shaolin, Wudang, Xiaoyao, and Emei, which have a long history. These long-time big factions have many disciples, and the good and the bad. And they are somewhat indisputable. There are many classics in the door. Those with high talents should practice first-class scholasticism, and those with low talents should practice some superficial martial arts skills.

For example, Shaolin’s seventy-two stunts. Ordinary monks can build one in their lifetime, which is already a genius. The seventy-two doors are all made, and only the legendary Dharma patriarch.

"This duel is full of uproar, not to mention the second-rate, three-door, four-door faction, the clan gang and other second-class forces, as well as various lone masters, it is estimated that they will all gather in Yanjing, and even more, all kinds of foreign forces. All must be sent, it can be said that it is a rare golden age."

Ye Chen was half lying on the chair, seemingly leisurely, but inwardly awe-inspiring: "I have been invincible since my rebirth, but I must not underestimate the heroes of the world. Can't follow their footsteps."

Ye Chen thought so, could not help immersing Shen Nian in the space ring, and counted his own Aodao income in the same way.

"Pearl jade, Qingxu bamboo, ebony sword, and a few different treasures presented by the Lin family... It is enough to condense Jindan's materials. The question is... How can an excellent Jindan be condensed on the earth."

"Jindan's grade is closely related to the future development, especially when Jindan Huadan, the top grade and top grade Jindan can even condense directly into a first grade Yuan baby!"

Ye Chen's previous plan was to use the true elements of the Emperor's glazed body to transform the wood-type aura in the Qingxu bamboo into the pearl jade, and then slowly refine it.

But at this time he started the ebony sword and several other treasures, he could not help but let Ye Chen's mind live up, can he combine the ebony spirit with the spirit of the Qingxu bamboo, and then use the sea Emperor's glass body Zhenyuan rearing, and strive to cultivate the top grade Golden Dan

This matter sounds very difficult, but Ye Chen is the talent of the Immortal Emperor after all, so it is not impossible.

While thinking this way, he was prepared to do it. The vastness of the Emperor's glass body was instantly injected into the Qingxu bamboo and ebony sword, trying to purify it slowly...

On the other side, Yanjing and Penglai Inn.

In the twenty-first century, naming an inn instead of a hotel is enough to illustrate some problems. This inn is a place specially opened for martial artists.

It was noon at this time, many people came and went, some checked out and some checked in, but since the news of the duel of the two swordsmen, the room was still full no matter how many people walked in this inn.

This unprecedented grandeur made the innkeeper happy and frightened. Naturally, the joy was the daily advance of the gold, but I was afraid that the group of warriors would live together.


As the so-called fear of coming, when the first steamed bun in the afternoon came out, a scream broke through the still air.

Soon, the sound of heavy objects came to the ground, and a corpse was added at the door of Penglai Inn.

Fortunately, Penglai Inn is located in a remote place. Ordinary people would basically not come here. Some, only a group of warriors who like to watch the bustle.

They quickly formed a circle and pointed at the corpse, but more people remained calm and sat quietly in the lobby drinking tea.

A young man sitting next to the floor-to-ceiling windows changed his expression slightly and said, "The one that fell down should be the horse-horizon nicknamed "Hengdao Lima". This guy usually loves to do business on weekdays. Today he is looking for his own way."

The person sitting in front of him was actually Xiao Fu. The old man looked calm and said lightly: "It doesn't matter whether you like to be busy or not, the important thing is that Ma Hengdao is not weak."

The young man nodded and said, "It is indeed not weak. With only eight swords in that night, he is also good enough to match Master Martial Arts."

Hearing this, Xiao Fu smiled kindly and said: "Then how many people in this inn have the ability to kill him, you should know, Master Xiao Yao?"

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