The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 298: Blood Alliance appeared

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"Stupid girl, stupid girl..."

Bai Zhanqi wept silently, stuttered, and said things for a long time.

It turned out that shortly after Ye Chen left, the curse on the silly girl suddenly broke out, directly letting her collapse on the bed, unconscious, Bai Zhanqi ran throughout the big hospital in Yanjing, and also found a way Master, even the greedy wolf came to see it in person.

The result was nothing, only the greedy wolf told him that the curse was probably related to the famous vampires in Europe and America.

In despair, Bai Zhanqi thought of Ye Chen. On that day, the strength shown by the other party had already deeply convinced Bai Zhanqi. Long Teng couldn't find Ye Chen for a while, and Tang Shiyu came to Penglai from time to time, hoping You can meet him.

But today, she was blocked in the inn by Liu Ruochen...

"Vampire..." Ye Chen's brow furrowed, a little more realized in his eyes, and said: "Take me to see!"

In this way, when he pulled up Bai Zhanqi and Tang Shiyu, he had to walk to the back hall, but at this moment, Liu Ruochen stepped forward and shouted, "Slow!"

A trace of murderousness flashed in Ye Chen's eyes: "Huh?"

Seeing this, Liu Ruochen couldn't help but took two steps backwards, but he soon thought that the Liu family had already married with the Xiao family, and then he had confidence, proudly: "Ye Chen, you take this old guy, I'm too lazy to ignore , But Shi Yu is my fiancee, you..."

"I am not his fiancee!"

Before his words were finished, Tang Shiyu interrupted eagerly, hiding behind Ye Chen and looking at Liu Ruochen with hostile eyes.

Liu Ruochen saw this, his face twisted for a while, and said in a deep voice: "Ye Chen, I know you can play well, even the island country swordsman is defeated in your hands, but... here is Yanjing!"

"Yanjing's four big families, the power is monstrous, just because you are a rash and arrogant guy, dare to be arrogant here?"

"Last time you broke my knee, I haven't counted this account with you yet, but this time if you dare to disturb me talking to my fiancé... Hum, my Liu family is now married to the Xiao family, you No matter how arrogant, Xiao Lao will control you!"


With only a muffled sound, Ye Chen slapped Liu Ruochen's face with a slap. His chin was dislocated directly, his mouth was full of blood, and he fell to the ground.

Seeing this situation, everyone suddenly was terrified. This Ye Chen was really wanton. This is one of the four major families in Yanjing, Liu Liu, the Liu family!

His slap was equivalent to hitting Liu's face, and the consequences afterwards were simply unimaginable.

"Ye Chen, you!"

Liu Ruochen's eyes were blood-red, staring at Ye Chen violently, and the anger in his heart was almost on the top of his head, and he wished to swallow this guy.

Damn, he has clearly mentioned the name of Old Xiao, how dare he dare to act like that?

Ye Chen flashed Hanmang in his eyes and said, "You just took Liu Bingyao away."

Liu Ruochen was also angry from the heart at this time, and the evil turned to the courage, and said: "Yes, it is Ben Shao, how dare you? How can you do! Now my cousin has to marry Xiao Dao, ha Hahahaha, you are wearing this green hat!"


With a crunch, Liu Ruochen's two legs were trampled on, and Ye Chen said coldly: "There will be a way for Liu Bingyao, but you guys... damn."

As soon as the words came out, the cold killing intention immediately choked Liu Ruochen. What the **** did he just say?

Ye Chen struck her feet like wind, instantly stepped on Liu Ruochen's limbs, only to hear the rattling voice, Liu Ruochen began to scream, but in the end, she could only moan weakly.

At this point, he already understood the meaning Ye Ye wanted to express. This guy, this guy really wanted to kill himself!

After stepping on Liu Ruochen's limbs, Ye Chen didn't stay at all, slowly raised his hand, and there was real unity in his palm, which was obviously determined to kill.

Liu Ruochen was really scared now, and said with a trembling: "Ye, Ye Chen, you dare to kill me, the Liu family will never let you go."

Ye Chen said coldly: "Then I will wipe out the entire Liu family."

Hearing this, everyone was completely speechless and could only sigh that Ye Chen was indeed well-known. This opening was to wipe out the Liu family, one of the four major families in Yanjing.

They did not know that Ye Chen of the last world had fought against all realms, slaying the gods to destroy the domain, even killing all the creatures on a planet, or even directly smashing the entire planet, it was just a matter of thought.

Now this Liu family really makes him extremely angry, and the idea of ​​genocide naturally appears in his mind.

However, just as his hand was about to fall, the blond young man suddenly stepped forward: "Mr. Ye, you can't kill him."

This guy’s Mandarin is somewhat blunt, but still fluent: "Mr. Liu Ruochen, is an outboard member of our blood alliance. He offended the gods and strong people. You interrupted your limbs to teach this guy. We have no objections, but the blood alliance members’ Life is all belong to Lord Blood Demon, if you kill him, you are an enemy with Blood Alliance!"

"Blood Alliance!"

When Tang Shiyu heard this, his face suddenly changed wildly. This is the organization of abilities in Europe and the United States. There are countless talents in this field. Some people can even compete with the masters of the Holy Land and even the Divine Realm by virtue of their special functions. The most terrifying underground organization in Europe and America.

She took a deep breath and asked: "Blood League and Huaxia have always been well watered, why did you suddenly come to Yanjing? Is the Blood League also interested in the duel between Xiao Lao and Ito Musashi?"

Hearing this, the fair-haired young man sneered disdainfully: "We abilities are not interested in rude groups such as warriors. Whatever wins or loses in the duel has no effect on us. I came to Yanjing this time, yes To help Lord Gorefiend choose the Cardinal Black Awakening."


Tang Shiyu immediately took a breath. According to Longteng's intelligence network, there are eight black cardinals in the blood alliance, each of which has a very powerful special function, and each one has the power to destroy a small country.

She immediately frowned: "What is the relationship between your black cardinal in blood alliance and Huaxia?"

The fair-haired youth said lightly: "In this China Yanjing, there was a little girl who had been blessed by Lord Gorefiend, but then her force was forcibly suppressed."

"Severe blood demon awakened a few days ago, and told me to wait. There will be a big change in the world, and the blood alliance needs new combat power, so I was sent here to help the ninth bishop awaken."

Speaking here, he showed a greasy smile and looked at Bai Zhanqi, who already knew what had happened, but said: "Her name is Bai Yuhan!"

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