The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 313: I don't recognize you!

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Qin Shuang was directly broken by the other party in this way, but his expression remained unchanged. He smiled and said: "I think it will help you solve it, there will be a reputation for humiliating Ye Wushen, this will not come out until you solve the Yang family father and son. ."

Ye Chen glanced at him, and said with a smile, "You are going to see how much skill I have before deciding whether the Qin family will recognize me."

Qin Shuang quickly waved his hand and said, "How could it be, the old man always felt ashamed in his heart, and he was ready to make you the future heir of the Qin family, hurry up, come in with me."

Hearing this, Ye Chen snorted coldly. For the words of this group of old foxes, he could only believe a few at most, and followed Qin Shuang up the mountain.

Only Qin Shuhuan was left at the same place. He just felt that there was a pot of cold water splashing on his head. He had just been confident. But now, the position of the heir of the Qin family has become Ye Chen?

He only felt that he had fallen into an endless nightmare. How could his own thing be taken away by the **** Ye Chen in the blink of an eye?

Qin Shuhuan selectively forgot how he secretly counted Ye Chen, and gritted his teeth in his heart: "Ye Chen, how dare you dare to grab my stuff... This big boy will never let you go!"

The matter of Yang An is only a small episode for Ye Chen.

Ye Chen and others went all the way up and finally saw another manor at the top of Hongfeng Mountain. Among the manor, there are many villas, one of which is simple and elegant, and is located on the top of Hongfeng Mountain, overlooking the entire Yanjing.

The Yanjing Qin family has finally arrived!

A gorgeous woman dressed in red is standing in front of the door and waiting for everyone. Her face was full of tension, who could Qin Hongshuang be?

Originally, Grandpa Qin let Qin Hongshuang go down to greet her son, but she was nervous and frightened, fearing that the other party would not recognize herself, so she asked her brother to go instead.

Seeing Ye Chen, Qin Hongshuang's face was very excited, and her eyes were full of tears, and she couldn't help saying: "Small, little dust."

Ye Chen looked calm and nodded lightly, but didn't speak.

Seeing this, Qin Hongshuang's tears fell all at once, and Qin Shuang secretly sighed in his heart. Sure enough, Ye Chen's resentment against the Qin family was far deeper than everyone thought, even his own mother, for a time Unwilling to admit.

In fact, Ye Chen's heart is far from being so calm on the surface. Why doesn't he want to recognize his biological mother? At least during the time he was in contact with Qin Hongshuang, he could feel his mother's feelings for him true.

However, Ye Chen knew that the Qin family called himself to come, it was definitely not as simple as to recognize their relatives. Today’s meal is not an exaggeration.

So he will never show his feelings for his mother, lest he be caught by the other party's weakness.

Seeing Ye Chen's expression was indifferent, the little girl kept crying, Qin Shuang could not help sighing, and said in a round scene: "Come in, the old man is waiting for you inside."

Ye Chen finally looked at the crying mother with Yu Guang, frowned slightly, and then strode forward, pushing the door open.

I saw a gray-haired old man sitting on the old-fashioned sofa in the hall. The old man has been almost eighty years old, but he is still majestic and solemn, just like the parents of the ancient big clan.

Behind him, stood a middle-aged woman with heavy makeup, these two people are Qin Silong and Qin Xuerong.

Seeing Ye Chen enter the door, the old man raised his head, Gu Jing's gaze was slightly fluctuating. Ye Chen also showed no signs of weakness. The two people's eyes collided with each other, sparking a spark.

Seeing this scene, Qin Xuerong was dissatisfied and said: "Xiaofan, what do you want? Don't you call Grandpa and Aunt?"

Although he was unhappy in his heart, since the father Qin made a speech, Qin Xuerong was not afraid. Although he didn't know how many words he scolded Ye Chen, on the surface, he still called Xiaofan affectionately.

However, Ye Chen ignored her at all, but nodded indifferently to Qin Slong and said, "I have seen Qin Lao."

As for Qin Xuerong, Ye Chenshao did not glance at him, just like the air.

As soon as he said this, everyone in the hall suddenly changed his face.

There is a trace of dissatisfaction in Qin Xuerong's brother Qin Zhiqiang. Qin Xuerong's whole body shivered, and Shengsheng pinched his favorite gold bracelet to Shengsheng. Qin Shuyao, who had a close relationship with Ye Chen, was so wide-eyed that he couldn't believe it.

In the hall, only Ye Chen stood still, his eyes squinted.

What mother and family, blood of relatives, giants of Yanjing... In his eyes, they are nothing but eyes, and you have thousands of relationships with me, all kinds of blood, I don’t recognize you!

For Ye Chen, who had cultivated tens of thousands of cents in the last life, his family's affection was already very light.

In his last life, he was to rob the immortal emperor. Shouyuan was calculated in millions of years. And mortals have turned into dust for centuries, and those who cultivate immortals are, strictly speaking, two different levels of life.

As for blood ties and the like, it is common for those who cultivate immortals to rebuild their homes and move and change their bodies. It is as simple as eating and breathing. Even if they are like Nezha using Lingbao to rebuild the Taoist body, it is common to completely abandon the blood and flesh of their parents.

So Ye Chen came back to life, focusing only on those who are good to themselves or want to make up for the guilt of the previous life.

His father, mother, Xia Yuting, Liu Bingyao and others are what he really cares about. As for the others in Yejiazhuang and the Qin family, there is no difference between him and the ants in his eyes.

Qin Zhiqiang frowned and said angrily: "Xiaofan, what do you call it. This is your grandfather and aunt!"

Ye Chen glanced at him nonchalantly and said lightly, "Who are you again?"

Even with Qin Zhiqiang's palace, he almost suddenly changed color. The indifferent and calm expression on Ye Chen's face clearly conveyed such a message to them.

I don't intend to recognize you!

If it is changed elsewhere, I am afraid that Qin Zhiqiang has already been booming, but at this time in front of Qin Slong, he dare not make the order and can only say coldly: "I am your uncle Qin Zhiqiang."

"You do not deserve."

Ye Chen finished speaking, not looking at Qin Zhiqiang, who was trembling with anger, but looked at Qin Slong, who was sitting on the throne, leisurely.

Even if Ye Chen is so arrogant, Qin Silong still sits on the sofa without saying a word, his face is calm, and there is no trace of fluctuation in his eyes. It is worthy of being an old fox that is extremely subdued, even as an immortal emperor, he can’t see it. What is his plan?

But Ye Chen didn't care.

What about Qin Silong's wisdom? In the face of absolute power, it is still vulnerable. In the last life, the man who fought against all realms and forced all the immortals to bow was not Zhuge Qingyun, the old man of wisdom, but his Ye Chen!

With all her strength, she is crushing the dust of all beings!

Qin Xuerong didn’t dare to get angry at Ye Chen, so she turned to Qin Hongshuang and said: “Second sister, your son is to our elders, this attitude?”

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