The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 315: Qin Family Banquet

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"That's our cousin Ye Chen?"

"It looks pretty ordinary, but his girlfriend is so beautiful and very temperamental. I don't know how much stronger than my girlfriends."

"Quietly, it is said that my cousin is very promising, and even the old man appreciates him very much, and the identity is not comparable to us."

Many third-generation Qin families or younger generations are eagerly discussing. Ye Chen's two names are very strange to the juniors. He has never seen it before, and he doesn't know his skill. However, only the elders of the Qin family and the core descendants like Qin Shuhuan knew the true identity of Ye Chen.

And sitting in the chief, stood a few older young people.

They are out of the ordinary and seem to be separated from the people around them. They are just a few of the elite figures of the third generation of the Qin family. Who is headed by Qin Shuhuan?

"This is Ye Chen?" One of the young men flashed contempt in his eyes. "That's all it is."

He is a child of a distant relative of the Qin family, named Qin Shujian, but because he is very good at mixing with Qin Shuhuan on weekdays, he is regarded as a follower by the latter, and his identity is obviously superior to other juniors.

"Oh, Ye Chen, a great prestige. Just under the Red Maple Mountain, I cleaned up Yang's family's Yang An. After coming up, I didn't even call my grandfather, let alone say, Erbo was unworthy to be his uncle. , Don't take our Qin family's eyes at all."

A beautifully dressed girl holding a brand-name bag said bitterly, she is Qin Xuerong's daughter Qin Shuqi, it is clear that her father is a backwards door.

She said a few words, her eyes were red with anger: "And he dare to do it in the face of grandpa, almost killed my mother... Huh! I will never let him go!"

She said this, focusing her attention on Qin Shuhuan, the first one, and said coquettishly: "Cousin, do you want to be the master of me, hurry and get rid of that leaf dust."

Qin Shujian also turned his eyes and patted his chest and said: "Cousin, as long as you say a word, I will immediately take someone to beat him up and throw it down the mountain!"

In their eyes, as the son of Qin Zhiqiang, Qin Shuhuan can be said to be Yanjing's top student, compared with Liu and Xu, they are leaders in the third generation of major families.

But Qin Shuhuan still stared at the wine glass in front of him, his eyes full of resentment, and the voice of his cousin and cousin could not be heard in his ears.

"Ye Chen, Ye Chen..."

He repeatedly chanted the name in his heart and told himself that it was this person who was about to take away everything that belonged to him.

When he thought of his own Qin family, he was about to be taken away by a wild species. Qin Shuhuan's complexion could not help but grow up, he was born on his own cup, holding out the cracks.

Qin Shujian and Qin Shuqi were shocked at once: "Tang, cousin?"

Qin Shuhuan raised his head and looked at the terrified faces of the Qin family juniors around him, realizing that he was scared of them, he took a deep breath, waved his hand, and said, "I'm fine."

"No, absolutely not let these people know that I am no longer the future heir of the Qin family, no!"

Qin Shuhuan forcibly suppressed his anger and said: "You don't want to act rashly. Ye Chen really has some skills. He started from scratch and integrated all three provinces in East China. He created an East China Union Chamber of Commerce. Is the net worth more than 10 billion?"

Hearing this, the juniors were amazed. Even if they wore the name of the Qin family, their daily living expenses in the weekdays were several million, compared with their younger cousins ​​who were young. It is simply the difference between cloud and mud.

There are a few young girls with juniors, who can’t help but see little stars:

"Gosh, it turns out that my cousin is so powerful."

"Hundreds of billions of dollars, no wonder Grandpa valued him so much."

"Hey, I'm going to have a good relationship with him, and then hug my cousin's thigh."


The juniors of the Qin family, after all, are too far away from the dark world. The name of the chairman of the East China United Chamber of Commerce made them amazed. If they knew Ye Chen's true identity, he would be fainted with excitement.

Seeing this scene, Qin Shuhuan's heart was full of anger, and his fist was held sharply, and his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes: "Ye Chen, if I don't kill you, I will follow your last name!"

At this time, the angry Qin Zhiqiang went out and summoned Qin Shuhuan and others to let them into the house.

As soon as Qin Shuhuan entered the room, several people felt that the atmosphere was not right: Ye Chen and Sayuri Aokawa stood in front of the deep windows, facing away from everyone, overlooking the mountain scenery, seeming to ignore the Qin family completely. While Qin Hongshuang was sitting in a difficult position, the second generations of the Qin family around him were all dissatisfied, especially Qin Zhiqiang had a sullen face, and his anger was hard to overcome.

"Shu Yao, you will arrange it tonight, let Xiao Chen and his maid live in the guest house villa." Only Qin Silong, still calm, spoke lightly.

"Yes, Grandpa." Qin Shuyao responded respectfully.

At the family banquet, ten people twisted, and no one spoke on the entire table. Many junior juniors outside the small building also seem to be affected and dare not speak. Qin Zhiqiang was even angry, he didn't drink a sip of water. Only Ye Chen remained as usual, gorging on after serving the food, completely ignoring the others.

Qingchuan Sayuri was full of tenderness, served tea and poured wine, and treated herself as a maidservant at first glance. Qin Hongshuang hesitated for a long while, or she got the courage to clamp a piece of Dongpo meat and put it into the Yechen bowl.

Ye Chen glanced at her and didn't speak, but she ate the meat. Qin Hongshuang immediately showed a joyful expression, almost crying.

A family feast ended in Ye Chen gobbling up and eating most of the food...

After the banquet was over and Qin Shuyao left with Ye Chen, Qin Zhiqiang finally couldn't help the anger in his heart, and patted the table and shouted:

"What do you really think you are a big man? It's just a warrior. I was his uncle, but he not only did not cry, he even nearly strangled Xuerong, he wasn't even in the eyes! Here, it’s almost lawless, has no respect, and has no upbringing at all!"

Qin Xuerong also said sourly: "Yes, it's too presumptuous. What Ye Xianshi, Ye Wushen, those who were just the soldiers carried him, bragging."

When they got angry, they never thought of it. At that time, it was the Qin family who forcibly dismantled Ye Chen's parents, let Ye Chen live for 23 years without a mother, and also used his own power to intimidate Ye Nian and Qin Hongshuang.

But now they saw Ye Chen turned out, and wanted to stop Ye Chen, and could not hold his face. To be honest, Ye Chen did not destroy the door of the Qin family. It was already very kind.

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