The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 333: I am the swordsman

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Everyone looked up and couldn't help but jumped their eyes. It turned out that the person standing outside the door at this time, full of grudges, was Qin Hongshuang.

"Second Sister, listen to me..." Qin Xuerong just tried to persuade him, and when he saw Qin Hongshuang red his eyes, he shed tears and ran away without looking back.

Qin Zhiqiang suddenly jumped up and shouted: "It's broken, I'll chase her back!"

Qin Slong sneered and waved: "No, let her go."

Qin Zhiqiang said anxiously: "In this way, wouldn't the kid know the truth?"

"That doesn't matter." It was Qin Shuhuan who spoke at the moment, with a look of excitement on his face, and said fiercely, "Even if he knew what happened, things had already caused a sensation in the world, could he still fail now? ?"

Everyone heard them and nodded their heads. Yes, although the decisive battle has not yet begun, the forces and the powerful have already started to rush to Huaxia. The underground gambling game has already opened a tens of billions of gambling markets. If Ye Chen is at this time Withdraw, let alone Xiao Yijue, these people will not agree.

Qin Shuhuan said with a sneer: "If he is now a tortoise, then there can be no place in the whole world."


Everyone in the Qin family laughed together...

At this time, Ye Chen was playing the Zhu Xingjian idlely in the villa.

"Huh, the day after tomorrow is about to go to war, you are still idle."

Qingchuan Yingjiao groaned with dissatisfaction. In her heart, she already admired Ye Chen for a long time, but she was unwilling to serve her softly and bowed her head, so when she opened her mouth, she found an opportunity to run against him and wanted to attract the attention of the other party.

"Every Xiao Xiao is absolutely terrible. I can hang him without my hands." Ye Chen yawned and lay on the sofa. Sayuri Aokawa was sideways, massaging his calf for him.

Qingchuan Ying retorted: "As long as he knows to brag, Xiao Yi is a universally recognized sword god. His heavenly swordsmanship is even hailed as a peerless skill that can compete with the star evil swordsmanship. If you care less than your enemies, you must lose. "

Ye Chen shrugged and said, "I can't even look down on the star sword spectrum of the stars, let alone let him ask about swordsmanship. What I teach your sister is better than that."

Qingchuan Ying suddenly couldn't speak, but she saw Ye Chen's Xingxie sword spectrum, like rubbish, thrown to Lu Xinghe, she could not help but say:

"Do you really have so many powerful exercises? I don't believe it unless you teach me one?"

Ye Chen said with a curse: "When it comes to the end, it still doesn't show its original appearance. Your little girl's foundation is too bad. I won't accept you."

"You!" Qingchuan Ying was suddenly anxious. She was one of the best talents among Ito Musashi disciples. Since she was accustomed to all kinds of praises from an early age, she didn't expect Ye Chen to be so dismissed.

"Okay, okay, say a few words."

Seeing Qingchuan Ying being bullied, tears twirled in his eyes, Liu Bingyao came with a plate of fruit to round the court:

"How do you say people are also famous sword gods, you are not afraid?"

As she spoke, she lifted the fruit with a fork and fed it to Ye Chen. The latter swallowed it in a single bite and calmly said: "There are more sword gods, he is old."

On the other side, Qin Hongshuang burst into tears, ran back to the villa, and saw that Ye Chen was still in a state of nothingness, lying on the sofa and wandering, she couldn't help but frowning and stepped forward:

"Xiaochen, let's compare."

"Huh?" Ye Chen raised her head, but she didn't look surprised, but smiled, "Mom, what did you hear?"

Qin Hongshuang looked ugly, and recounted what he had just heard. Suddenly, all the women were furious. Qingchuan Xiaolii copied the dragon bone whip on the spot and went to find the Qin family to settle the bill.

Ye Chen waved calmly: "All calm, duel, I must go, otherwise, wouldn't it make the world's heroes laugh?"

When Qin Hongshuang and others heard this, they all looked ugly. At this time, they realized that Ye Chen had obviously been brought into the trap by the Qin family. At this time, forces around the world were paying attention to this decisive battle. He Even if you don't want to fight, you can't.

Ye Chen seemed very calm about this, and said: "If I don't go, the one who might take the initiative to kill the door comes, do you mean, Miss Tang Shiyu?"

When everyone heard this, they all looked up at the door, and they saw Tang Shiyu, who had a military uniform and a strong figure, and his eyes came to him in a complicated way.

"Unexpectedly, this day is finally here." Tang Shiyu said softly.

Ye Chen said lightly: "Since the day I killed Ito Musashi, you Longteng thought of this day. You gave me the name to enjoy the treatment before, or you were prepared to use the power of Longteng to shelter me, hey, but I did not expect Xiao Righteousness never gives face."

Tang Shiyu nodded with difficulty, and there was an unbelievable look in his eyes. Obviously Ye Chen's words were all right.

But Ye Chen is still calm, the analysis is like a stream, and his eyes are clear: "You come today, you want to persuade me to stop it. Isn't Dragon promised that as long as I refuse to fight, you can protect me and my family?"

After all, Ye Chen's last life was the emperor of immortality. Where is the Qin family's trickery? It's just that many times, Ye Chen is too lazy to think about it. After all, the power is in your hands, and you can do everything you can. I am cut off with a sword.

Tang Shiyu has become speechless and turned into a wood carving.

In her heart, Ye Chen is a reckless man who only knows to kill. Although powerful, he is not awesome. But when I saw it today, Tang Shiyu saw Ye Chen on the other side. It was a divine king who traversed the world and walked through the sky. No secret in the world could be concealed.

Speaking of this, he laughed three times: "Why am I Ye Chen, where do you need your protection? Go back and tell Qin Shuang, I will definitely go to this duel, and, I will definitely win!"

Ye Chen stood up with his hands on his back and looked at Xiao Fu. His thoughts spread like mercury in the land, and he collided with a sharp soul. The other party is like a sword, and it is integrated with the long sword in the whole sword mound, and it is magnificent.

The spirit of the two is divided at one touch. But Ye Chen already knows who the other party is, and the other party also knows Ye Chen's identity.

Tang Shiyu gritted his teeth and said, "But all this is just a plot of the Qin family. Are you willing to be their sword?"

Ye Chen calmly said: "They thought I was a knife, but in fact, I am the real swordsman. The reason why I went to grab my relatives is that Bing Yao is my friend, I wouldn't let him fall Tiger Cave; the second is to give her mother some time to let her see the face of the Qin family."

Hearing this, Qin Hongshuang's body suddenly felt agitated. She has been persuading Ye Chen to forgive the Qin family these days, but she didn't expect that her son had already looked at what the Qin family did, just waiting for herself. Find.

"Child, mom is sorry for you..."

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