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Xiao Yi was standing in the sky by no means, and there was no hurricane Jianmang holding him up. His white clothes hunted, and the whole body glowed strangely.

The vitality of heaven and earth in the surrounding circles was gradually attracted, and began to strike him as a center, like a storm.


I could only hear the color change and the thunder and thunder.

How vast is the power of heaven and earth in a few miles. Far from being controllable by mortals, Xiao Yi's sideburns began to condense a trace of sweat beads, but if he didn't realize it, all his mind was betting on manipulating the world.


Xiao Yi never controlled the world, and a sword was swung out.


His condensed vitality was like finding a vent, and it was like a flood in the embankment, rushing towards Ye Chen. The vastness of this vitality is far beyond everyone's imagination.

The void was trembling, and countless rocks were stirred into countless storms. The top of the entire Huashan Mountain was severely cleaved, and a crack of hundreds of meters appeared.

"One sword opens the mountain!"

At the same time, Xiao Yijue's huge cry was also recalled in everyone's ears: "Why are you born?"

Hearing this sentence, all kinds of natural disasters emerged in everyone's minds-earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, plague rampant...

In their hearts, an indignant color emerged involuntarily. Yeah, why is Heaven so unfair, so harsh, so cruel to the world?

Cangsheng...what's wrong?

This battle is almost everyone's imagination. The horror of Xuanxian's prestige is simply staggering. Even the rich children who stood in the farthest to watch the battle were so frightened that they only felt that the end of the world seemed to have really arrived.

Faced with Xiao Yijue's hearty question, Ye Chen raised a cruel sneer in his mouth, and said: "I don't feel it, I don't know how to dye it, how can I live innocently?"

This rant was like the initiation of Daigo, and the roar of King Kong, roaring the people who were originally angry, and roaring at the same time, revealing a shameful expression.

Even Xiao Yijue's expression changed, his momentum weakened involuntarily by three points.

Yeah, how can innocent people hate the world?


At this time, Ye Chen had already punched. In an instant, the immense and magnificent true elements rushed out of him, and the endless blue light shone through Tianyu. At this moment, the most peak was mentioned. Even the strength of the Sea Emperor's glazed body and Jindan are used, and the whole person turns into a blue meteor, slamming into the mighty sharp sword energy.


Ye Chen hit the Jianqi tide with a punch. Although he punched the air wave in front of him, he was pushed back by other forces and receded all the way. He even retreated several tens of meters in the air before barely stopping his body.

At this time, a 300-meter-long crack has been drawn on the top of Huashan Mountain.

Even the Living Buddha and others, could not help but clenched their fists.

"Xuan Xian, this is the true power of Xuan Xian. My generation has been struggling for thousands of years, seeking up and down, not to control such a force, and to be free from the world since then?"

The war wolf king's eyes were strangely light, and he was trembling with excitement, and the other **** realms also looked at him with wide eyes, fearing to miss a little detail.

This is the power of Xuanxian. If you can realize more than half a second, it will bring you huge benefits.

And the girls of Qin Hongshuang Liu Bingyao have already mentioned their voices.

Xiao Yijie's power at this time is no different from that of a fairy. Ye Chen actually fell into the downwind, does it mean that Ye Chen will soon be defeated?


Ye Chen's last punch dispelled the air wave in front of her, sneered and said, "Useless, Xiao Yijue, you don't even have half of the most basic Jin Dan, you can only manipulate these worlds and strengths with strength, no matter how strong they are. , What can you do if you can’t get together?"

Cultivators who are above the Jindan period, join hands to change rapidly, how can there be time for you to condense the true yuan for so long? More people are fighting for things like immortal magic, supernatural powers, Taoism, and spiritual treasures...

Xiao Yijue's power of control is stronger, but as long as he can't break the glass body of the sea emperor, he can't help Ye Chen.

He obviously had this too, and he started to feel anxious suddenly.

"Oh, uh--!"

A fierce sword spirit was waved out by him, slashing towards Ye Chen.

But how strong is the Sea Emperor's glazed body, Ye Chen is hard to carry the sword with his flesh, and is not afraid. Instead, he waved his fists from time to time and attacked Xiao Yijue. But they were all sensed by Xiao Yijue from the change of vitality in advance, and a Dao Jianqi barrier was placed to block Ye Chen's attack.

"No, let's fight like this, the one who died first is me!"

I saw Xiao Yi stomping his feet and the Huashan Mountain, which stretched for ten miles, was trembling, as if an earthquake was coming. Everyone only felt the mountains at the bottom of their feet, shaking back and forth. Many people were scared, and they fell on the ground, almost scared to pee out.

"Don't panic, this is Xiao Yi's arrogance to borrow the earth's veins." Those who are strong in the realm of the realm shouted without fear.

Sure enough, I saw a surging atmosphere, turned into a yellow awn visible to the naked eye, gathered from all directions, attached to Xiao Yijue's Haotian sword, and burst into a stream of light.


As the air of countless earth veins condenses, the Haotian Jian Han Mang in Xiao Yi's absolute palms shines, which is the shape of Huashan's main peak. At this moment, he seemed to hold a mountain. This mountain is formed purely by the vitality of the earth's veins, and I don't know how much it weighs. It was Xiao Yijue, who was also extremely strenuous.

"Ye Chen, look at me this way, where is the reincarnation?"

The yellow sword-mans of the size of the scabbard flew out of the sky, without Xiao Yijue's restraint, and began to skyrocket in an instant. In the end, it became like Wuzhi Mountain, and the sky fell!

I don't know how many tons of power fell from the sky. Although it is only one-thousandth of Huashan's strength, or even one-tenth of a millionth of its strength, it is still awesome.

"Here, this is the real Xuanxian practice! It is because martial arts can achieve this effect. What does the area technique count?"

Seeing this scene, countless masters of martial arts and martial arts, shaking with excitement, bowed to Xiao Yi to worship.

They thought there was no way ahead, but Xiao Yi definitely showed them how terrifying the power of Xuanxian. Although it is only the power of Xuanxian rather than the realm, it can use the power of heaven and earth to exert a power that is thousands and hundreds times that of human beings. Even modern technology is inferior.

"Samsara among the six."

Ye Chensi had no fear, he first responded to Xiao Yijue's "Heaven's Question" with a calm and calm words, then folded his hands together, slammed outwards and shouted:

"Xiao Yijue, let's see the real fairy magic..."

"Xian Fa Sen Luo Vientiane!"

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