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The battle on the top of Huashan Mountain spread rapidly across the earth at almost lightning speed.

Whether it is the many forces in the dark world, or the intelligence agencies of countries around the world, they are all dumbfounded and looking at the information in their hands.

"Xiao Yi is about to lose?"

"Xiao Yi's impending breakthrough, wielding a sword of Xuan Xian!"

"Ye Chen is like a fairy in a fairy tale, recreating the flesh?"

"Xiao Yi has never stepped in the realm of Xuan Xian and became the first person in thousands of years!"

"Ye Chen fiercely kills Xuan Xian and completes an unprecedented myth and legend?"

This battle is full of twists and turns, full of grief, beyond everyone's imagination. Xiao Yi alone was able to break through to the realm of Xuan Xian, and he was shocked.

You know, before today, many people even wondered whether the state of Xuan Xian exists or not? But Xiao Yi's peerless breakthrough in Xuan Xian broke all doubts.

But what is even more shocking is that Ye Chen actually defeated Xuan Xian, and, in spite of the second kill, he used only one punch and one arrow.

"It is among the oldest historical books that I have never heard that mortals can defeat gods and mysteries?" Many people shook their heads in disbelief.

"It's not bad, whether it is a Western deity, an Eastern mystery, or even Africa and South America, it is clearly recorded that the mystery and the **** realm are the difference between the fairy and the mortal."

"These two realms are ten times and one hundred times different from any previous realm. Perhaps Wu Sheng can defeat Wu Shen, but there is no possibility of Shen Realm fighting Xuan Xian, even if Xiao Yi is just promoted and his breath is unstable, it is impossible. ."

An old sacred domain strongman asserted decisively.

Once promoted to Xuanxian, it is equivalent to the unity of heaven and man, more than ten times the real energy mana consciousness of divine realm. Plus all kinds of secrets, heaven and earth perception, power synthesis and so on. A true Xuanxian combat power is more than 100 times that of ordinary gods.

But this kind of existence was defeated by Ye Chen. How can everyone believe it?

"Maybe Ye Chen is a peerless genius beyond the ages, and one of them has been created for thousands of years. Otherwise, there is no way to explain how he could reach the divine state in his twenties. This is also not recorded in ancient books. "

Some people who witnessed the event stood up and calmly analyzed.

However, even if so many well-known figures have seen it with their own eyes, this explanation still cannot calm everyone's doubts.

Numerous forums have turned upside down for this battle, and various masters, great gods, and keyboard men have appeared:

"You still doubt something there, but I was there with my own eyes, and I saw the earth-shattering arrow. Even if Mr. Xiao barely resisted with the majestic power of Xuan Xian, he was unable to take the punch afterwards."

"I think Mr. Xiao has just set foot in the Xuanxian Realm, and has not yet been able to get through, and he can't exert his maximum strength. This is only succeeded by Ye Chen."

"Oh, upstairs, did you forget that Ye Chen was Xiao Yijue of the spike, even if he practiced for another three or five years, he could fully exert his strength, at most it was from a spike to a few moves. Only, defeat is inevitable!"

"I actually think that Ye Chen moved his hands and feet on Mr. Xiao's body. After all, his body was reshaped by him. Who knows if there are any weaknesses to cover the door, only he himself knows?"

"You fart! Those two are superhumans, and they are sympathetic to each other. Why is it so mean?"


In addition to warriors, warlocks, dark masters and other people, even major internationals could not sit still and studied one after another until a video appeared.

This video is called-Battle of Zhuxian!

This is a video recorded by satellites, drones and remote high-definition cameras, and edited to record the battle between Ye Chen and Xiao Yijue in detail. The publisher is Dragon, the official power of China Dragon!

Obviously, Longteng's move is to warn other countries. These two are our official Chinese people. If you want to start, we must first measure whether we can bear our anger, and... Do you have the ability .

After all, these are two powerful men with the power of Xuan Xian!

The video is only ten minutes, but in these ten minutes, the power shown by Ye Chen and Xiao Yijue is simply devastating and incredible.

Whether it's the Tianwen swordsmanship at the beginning, or the later Xuanxian sword, and Ye Chen's magical ability to reshape the flesh, and the final cold and gorgeous Moon Mands Arrow, countless people were stunned, like miracles.

The most terrifying thing for those countries is tantamount to the stormy waves that Ye Chen exerts. Xiao Yijue’s moves, although they are strong, but after all, the coverage is not large, but the stormy waves are the entire Canglan River. Proper national ban ban.

If this country offended Ye Chen, this guy ran to your coastal city and came to such a big tsunami, who can bear it?

Zuo Siyou thinks, they all feel that they take a huge risk, and it is not worth it to secretly calculate that this strong man with the protection of the official power of China is too. In the end, they can only helplessly order and drink all the forces of their own country, not to provoke Ye Chen.

And those strong forces of the dark forces are more concerned about the other powers exhibited by Ye Chen.

For example, the four major moves of the Sun, Moon, and Stars that can be suppressed even if the swordsmanship of the heavens is asked; for example, the Qinglan wooden armor that cannot be punctured even by the sword of the Xuanxian; for example, the last blow, killing the Xuanxian’s Moonman Arrow.

Especially in the last scene, countless people turned over and over and replayed countless times.

I only saw the vast sky. Behind Ye Chen appeared a beautiful and beautiful phantom like a fairy in the moon palace. He pulled the ice bow mysterious arrow in his hand and shot it directly at Xiao Yi.

The small and delicate Moonman Arrow flickered with the most dangerous light, like the center of a twelve hurricane, like the Milky Way, so beautiful and deep, condensing terrifying energy.

This scene deeply shocked everyone in front of the screen. Whether it is a high-level country or many dark world powerhouses, looking at this scene, they can't believe it.

Is this really the power that human beings can exert?

Finally, a paragraph of Lu Xinghe made a final conclusion for all the arguments.

"This arrow is just like Pangu breaking the earth, and it is like Nuwa making up the heavens, and it will be forever imprinted in the annals of history, and no one will forget it for thousands of years. That represents the mortal victory over the gods! It represents the unveiling of a new era! It represents the rise of the strong in the East and the beginning of the decline of the West."

"It also means that Master Ye Chen and Ye Xian have reached the top of the world and become the first person in China or even the earth. No one can challenge!

None of the people who heard this passage spoke in silence.

On May 17th, 2019, Ye Chen was on the top of Huashan Mountain, defeated Xuanxian Xiao Yijue, and reached the top of the world, becoming the first person in the Chinese martial arts world!

World famous!

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