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After the end of the amazing wedding, Ye Nian and Qin Hongshuang were glued together. The loving couple hadn’t seen each other for more than 20 years. Now they can’t wait to get tired every day. The intimacy is more exaggerated than many young ones.

But at this time, Ye Chen left Yanjing in defiance...

Of course, he did not leave for the purpose of improper light bulbs, but the news came from the north of Jiangsu, his elder disciple Cao Xinxuan, went out.

After she left, the little girl kept retreat and practiced hard. Even the wedding of Ye Nian and Qin Hongshuang failed to attend, and Ye Chen also agreed to her. When their name moved the world, it was when the two met.

After getting off the plane in northern Jiangsu Province, Ye Chen felt a sharp wave of soul, suddenly raised her eyebrows and smiled, "This little girl, did a good job."

In this way, when he stepped on the foot, the whole person turned into a streamer. When no one could find it, he suddenly came to Caojia Manor.

Then I only heard a silver bell sound from the manor: "Master--!"

I saw a white light, rushed out of Cao Jia Manor, the little girl Cao Xinxuan rushed out like a wind, and plunged into Ye Chen's arms.

Long time no see, the little girl appeared more and more water spirit, she had been nourished by Qiongjiangyulu, her black hair turned aqua blue, and her face was exquisite, looking like a dragon.

But her stickiness was getting stronger and stronger, and she hung directly on Ye Chen. No matter what Lan Cai'er said, she was unwilling to come down.

When Yang Lin knew that Master Ye Xian had arrived, he hurriedly arranged a banquet to catch up with him, and Ji Hualing, Ji Junlan, who had received the news, and Ding Liangcai, who had their own hair, all attended.

Ye Chen hugged Cao Xinxuan and chatted with her hair, and the younger Cao family could only stand sideways, watching Ye Chen surrounded by the stars in the elders, and she was in a trance.

After the banquet was over, Lan Cai'er came over and whispered, "Ye Xianshi, there will be a party later, all come from the second generation of the rich family of Hedong Hexi family, I don't know if you are interested to see Look?"


Ye Chen raised her eyes slightly and looked at this respectful girl. After a while, her cultivation behavior became more profound, as if she was already approaching Wu Sheng.

Since the Qiu Lingyun incident, he and Lan Cai'er haven't talked much. Although this arrogant guy hadn't dealt with him very much before, anyway, the two often confronted each other. But as Ye Chen's identity became higher and higher, the gap between Lan Cai'er and him became larger and larger, and he already felt pressure and alienated a lot.

"get together?"

Ye Chen was somewhat interested in lacking. Wasn't he a bully in this junior gathering?

Nowadays, he is always a big man such as Xiao Yijue and Qin Shuangna. Focus on where the juniors are still, although in terms of age, he is indeed a person of this generation.

"This gathering is basically the core children of the major families in Hedong and Hexi. Our East China Union Chamber of Commerce recently made business there, and will naturally be crowded out by the old forces. As long as you come out, you just need to show your face. . Many family transactions and negotiations will be much smoother."

Lan Cai'er saw that he seemed to have refused, and quickly said.

At this time, Cao Xinxuan also ran over, hugged Ye Chen's thigh and shouted, "Master, I will go too."

No matter what, Ye Chen could only smile and nodded. Just let him show his face, just drink and have fun, anyway, he does not need him to communicate and negotiate.


The party was arranged in the Green Leaf Clubhouse on the outskirts of the city.

It is said that it is a group of juniors. In fact, the people who come are all the core figures of the third generation of major families in Hedong and Hexi. The weight of each of them will not be much lighter than those of Ji Hualing and Shen Hanlin. These people get together and discuss the plans for the various family industries next year.

This involves collisions, transactions, etc. between each family. Although Ye Chen does not understand, he also knows that no family can be a big one, so in the end, they have to compromise. The key is the size of the benefits obtained.

Lan Caier said to Ye Chen while driving:

"Hedong and Hexi, the traditional big families are the Feng, Chen, Chu and Wei families... Among these, the Hedong Feng family and the Hexi Wei family are the strongest, especially the Hexi Wei family. A big family in Yanjing is very close. However, if you have Ye Xianshi here today, even if the head of the big family of Yanjing came in person, you wouldn’t dare make it."

Lan Cai'er said this, looking at Ye Chen's beautiful eyes with different colors.

In the battle of crowning the world on the top of Huashan Mountain, although Lan Cai'er did not attend the battle in person, he also heard rumors of various versions in the future. While he was still working towards the Sanctuary, Ye Xianshi was already able to kill Xuan Xian, and the gap between them was even greater than that of Tian Yuan.

"Why didn't I see that he had such a talent?" Lan Caier sighed secretly.

"So, as long as these two families are cleaned up, everyone else is not afraid?" Ye Chen held Cao Xinxuan in her arms and squeezed her small face while casually asking Lan Cai'er.

Lan Cai'er said with a chuckle: "Of course, these families have their own different intentions. Compared with our iron-based East China United Chamber of Commerce, they have fallen into the disadvantages, that is, those two early bird families, can barely support a while, but If you come today, they will become grasshoppers after the autumn.

Ye Chen nodded. Whatever the Feng and Wei families are based on power or wealth. When power is exhausted and wealth subsides, it will naturally decline. This is different from the martial arts giants such as Xiao Jia and Tang Men. Those families will stand forever as long as the great masters come out from generation to generation.

Especially the Xiao family, with the mystery of Xiao Yijue, it can be passed down for thousands of years, and it stands in the world!

Thinking of this, Ye Chen's eyes were extremely deep, quietly thinking.

He has been thinking about forming forces recently. After all, as he cultivates stronger and stronger, the enemies he provokes are getting stronger and stronger. He couldn't completely protect his family. No matter how powerful the body-protecting jade charms are, they will be able to withstand the surprise attack of the powerful gods?

Today, although he has good relations with Long Teng, others are very busy. It is impossible to send someone to protect his parents and friends at all times.

"It seems that it's time to set up my own martial arts, not only for myself, but also for those who I care about to practice the exercises, so that when the day of rejuvenation comes, there will be no self-protection."

Ye Chen thought in this way, the corner of her mouth raised slightly, rubbing Cao Xinxuan's flesh face and said: "You say our martial arts, what's a good name?"

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