The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 388: Show their abilities

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About a month ago, the Penglai Inn was suddenly full of noise, and lived full every day. There were a lot of strangely dressed people in and out, and some inexplicable fighting sounds came from time to time.

There were a few bold young people who touched it and wanted to see what happened, but the result never came back. Later, when the nearby residents mentioned the group of people, the color of the smell had changed...


Ye Chen ignored all the people under the mountain, and urged Zhu Xingjian directly, slashing the thunder with one sword, Jianhong shook the sky, and slashed to the witch Oriana.

Although her powerful spells are powerful, they are inferior to Xuan Xian. After all, Xiao Yi is here, and they may not be able to block Ye Chen's sword, not to mention an Oriana.

"Get up!"

The witch Oriana had a dignified face and slammed the necklace on her chest, only to hear a "boom", and brought out a thunderlight and flew out, colliding with Zhu Xingjian.

Just listening to "Bang", Leimang was directly torn apart. Although her necklace is a spiritual treasure bestowed by the blood demon, its power is infinite. However, Ye Chen's Zhuxing Sword is also a spiritual treasure. The two treasures have the same rank. If they collide with each other, it depends on the strength of the user.

There is no way for Witch Oriana’s true element to sneer compared to Ye Chen, her body shuddered, and blood spilled from the corner of her mouth.

But Ye Chen showed no mercy, waved a finger directly, Jianhong rose again, and pulled out a golden arc in the air,

"Chop again!"

The fierce sword gas came through the air and slashed to Oriana without mercy. The latter's complexion changed. At this time, her old strength had just been exhausted, and her new strength had not yet been born. She could not stop Ye Chen's sword.

"The third bishop can't support it, help."

Naiyali spoke in a deep voice, and saw her hands, like a lotus flower blooming, ten green onions and jade fingers, one root at a time, squeezed out a weird seal, turned into a pink thorn whip, and flung lightly towards the gold Jianhong.


But her long whip just stopped Zhu Xingjian for a moment, and was split into two halves. Naiyali couldn't help but look pretty white, and suddenly took a few steps back. The Fayin collapsed in her hand and her heart was horrified.

"I cast the whip of temptation passed down from generation to generation of succubus, and I couldn't stop him with a sword. How terrifying is this guy's cultivation? No wonder he is said to be invincible."

Nayali is now a high-level cultivation practice of God Realm. Although she has just stepped into it shortly, she has few rivals in the Western world by virtue of this spell, but she can’t even stop Ye Chen’s sword. How can she not be in her heart? Horrified?

However, it was enough to win less than a second, but it was enough for others to come to the rescue.

"go with!"

The clown Isby flipped his palm and showed a playing card. He threw and flew out into a comet. The volley hit the Zhuxing sword, shaking the spirit treasure. The werewolf Fenrir stepped out in one step, his hands turned into wolf claws, and caught in the air.


The dazzling claw light flashed, as if the lightning cut through the black dress, and it was almost impossible to describe this claw in words.

The dazzling claw awn spans hundreds of meters, and it is extremely condensed. As the Milky Way falls straight down for nine days, the sky and the earth seem to be torn in half by this claw. The claw awn has not arrived yet, and the fierce momentum has been overwhelming. , Almost splitting the eyes of bystanders.

This is Fenrir's fame to learn Caesar's claw. This claw is driven by the high-level power of God Realm. From the sky, it seems that even if there is a big mountain in front of it, it can be divided into two.

Wherever the father and daughter of the Bai family can withstand this kind of power, they are all shaking and crumbling.

If it was not protected by Ye Chen's body protection, only the overflowing claw front was enough to tear the souls of the two into pieces. But even in this way, Bai Yuhan felt out of breath in the face of the collapse of Tianhe.

This sixth cardinal in black, the corresponding Tarot card is originally strength, pure brute force, even the giant monster Jet is not his opponent.


Ye Chen's gaze was also slightly dignified, and he lifted the crystal-like fist like a jade and punched him in the air.


Vibration in the void, bright blue fists, like a comet hitting the moon, traversing the sky. Fisting across a distance of tens of meters, he slammed into a hundred meters of claws. It can even be seen that among the punches, a little starry star appears, like raindrops, permeable.

Xinghui Muye!

Fenrir was shocked, only to feel that his claws were numb, and the sharp claws like steel were slightly cracked, just like being split apart by the peerless sword.

"How is he so powerful?"

Fenrir was horrified. These wolf claws, but he was the most proud of things, not to mention palm fist, even diamonds and irons, can be crushed and crushed, which can be said to be truly invincible.

"Boom Boom Boom--!"

Obviously only one punch was thrown, but there were hundreds of muffled crackling noises. After a collision, Ye Chen just wobbled slightly, but Fenrir could not help but take three steps backwards.

The prestige of a single blow makes a difference.

Especially this is Fenril's full claw, and Ye Chen is just a punch, still using the Zhu Xingjian to cut across the sky.

Fortunately, Fenrir got the time for this claw, and Oriana slowed down in time, manipulated the Thunder Flame, and entangled with Zhu Xingjian again.


There was a roar in the void, deafening and deafening. Every time she collided, Olianna shook her body. She just felt like a sledgehammer hitting her heart, and she was about to vomit blood.

"What I say is also in the middle of Divine Realm, and it is said that Ye Chen has not yet entered the Realm of Profound Immortals. How could he be as powerful as several times me?"

Olianna was shocked, but she didn't know that Ye Chen was just a mid-level god, but Zhenyuan was strong and her moves were fierce. Even ten she couldn't compare with each other.


Fenrir eased his breath and cracked again. Although his wolf claws had cracks, the werewolf’s ability to heal itself was so strong that even if the claws were completely broken, they could grow out again. The rift was already intact in a few breaths.

And Esby also linked his hands and ran out of five playing cards one after another, namely the red hearts 9, 10, J, Q, K. These five cards are like a ball-to-ball solitaire, forming a line and flying straight to Ye Chen.

Red hearts straight flush!

Naiyali even pointed to the void, and saw the thorns blooming, and roses appeared all over the sky. The rose thorns intersect each other, forming a large net full of sharp spikes, which stretches against the wind and comes towards Ye Chen.

"Come well!"

Ye Chen laughed, the surging real elements in his body appeared at this moment, even the flesh showed the color of glaze, Zhu Xingjian flew back to his hand automatically, and gave out the excitement of eager blood.

"Break me!"

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