The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 391: Jiu Xuan Wan Jian Jue

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In addition to magic tricks, colorful, colorful lights also appeared from Isby.

This black cardinal has carried out more than one massacre in the West, and the power of the annihilation is not known how many. Every time it is greedy and plundered, and there are so many magical weapons, it is simply appalling, some even from The Holy See robbed it.

At this time, he used all of his life to survive. Although he was a little bit distressed, Esby knew that as long as he stopped this guy for a while, other people would definitely do their own tricks, so that the kid named Ye could not survive!

Others also saw that Isby was desperately trying to hold his breath, accumulating strength, and just waiting for Ye Chen to stop, throwing out his strongest moves and sending him to heaven!

But Ye Chen's sword, what a horror?


Only a crisp sound, the golden mask, suddenly sag, showing a deep sword mark. Then the reticle could no longer support it, and burst with a bang.

The magic trick known as the strongest defensive spell in the Blood Alliance was actually cut directly by Ye Chen.

Immediately afterwards, the crackling sounds sounded one after another, and the colorful light was dissipated. The various body protection babies on Esby's body couldn't bear Ye Chen's fierce swordmans, they exploded, and finally the whole person exploded. Go out, like a backward arrow. As he flew back, he spilled blood into the air.

Isby retreated several hundred meters away, only to stop her body.

His already pale face, now there was no blood on his face, and his breath faded to the extreme. Everyone was surprised to find that there was a sword awn with a depth of three inches on his chest. The clothes around the fist prints were all broken, and the blood and bones were all cut off, revealing a beating heart.

The sword was so fast, even the cut wound did not bleed, and even the cut object itself did not feel that it was cut.


Everyone took a breath, the magic tricks, many body protection instruments and the physical body of God Realm were almost cut in half by Ye Chen's sword!

The power of a sword is so horrible!

Lucifer, who was staring at this time, shot a long **** mane, and the others were sinking into the water, especially Nayali, whose heart was almost scared to pause. If the sword came to her, I am afraid that he has been cut by the waist.

"I can hold you together, I don't know, how many swords can you hold me?"

Ye Chen stood on the back with his hands behind his back, and his eyes were cold. At this time, he had completely controlled the power of Jin Dan, and the swordsmanship he used was no longer the low-order Xianwu trick of the Xianwu 4th type.

This is the treasure of the township of Wanjianmen. Nine Xuanwanjian tactics, the cultivating of this sword tactic, is the Jindan monk, and it is possible to kill Yuanying’s mighty power. It is based on this sword tactic. Become one of the seven famous mysterious gates of Xingyu.

How can such a horrible swordsmanship be confronted by the black cardinals?

"Together, cast spells, limit his shape, and not let him move."

Joyce took a breath, waved his palm, and the huge devil's breath instantly shot like a purple breath. The werewolves Fenrir, Oriana, and others, also urged momentum, several energies, such as the Tianhe draining, overwhelming.

But this time, without the hostages, Ye Chen was no longer hard-wired.

He has just tried it, and these seven people joined forces in one blow, which is comparable to the power of Xuanxian. Even Ye Chen now can't bear it. But as long as he played the Suzaku of the Four Elephants, it was as fast as lightning, and the guys on the opposite side could not keep up with him.


At the next moment, Ye Chen broke into the void again and instantly flashed in front of Naiyali.

Among the seven, Yinai Li and Oriana were the weakest, while the latter also had Lingbao body protectors, but the former did not show anything that made Ye Chen's eyes shine.

The same is true of the fact that the status of succubus as a dark creature is not high. Even if Nayari is a succubus princess and is ranked as a bishop in black, the strength she can show is quite limited.

Naiyali's expression changed drastically, and he shot a protective spell, a huge black rose, blooming in the void.

However, Ye Chen's sword spirit was so powerful that he directly cut the black rose apart, and Nayali was too late to dodge and was cut into two pieces by the volley.


Ye Chen narrowed her eyes and raised her brows in surprise. He could feel that Nayali, who had just exploded, was just an avatar.

He moved his head, looked around, and as he saw it, hundreds of meters away, another Nayali appeared. The ruby ​​ring on her hand glowed brilliantly, and it was as red as blood. There were four ghost teeth on it that seemed to be decorative, but there were only three now.

Although the succubus is not strong enough, it is good at pleasing men. Nayali has served the blood demon well, and the other party also rewards her with a life-saving treasure.

The four ghost teeth on this ruby ​​ring, but the blood demon personally sloughed off, each one can be replaced once, but Nayali did not imagine that she could not escape in the arch guard of the other six colleagues. Ye Chen's Excalibur was forced to consume a ghost tooth.

"Stop him!"

Joyce's look changed drastically and gave orders. If he was one of the few enemies and was first killed by someone, then I'm afraid everyone's morale will be reduced to freezing point. .

With the order of the Archbishop, all the staff showed their magical powers, and the giant monster Jet rushed up. Only his flesh was able to carry Ye Chen hard.

"Boom Boom--"

After three strokes, Ye Chen slashed the giant monster Jet and flew out. Even this king of monsters can't bear the power of Jiu Xuan Wan Jian Jue.

But at this time, other people gathered around again to give Jett time to breathe and heal.

Ye Chen carried Tianlei with his flesh, crushing the claws of the werewolf Fenril with a punch, easily breaking away from Nayali's **** vines, and had originally killed everyone to retreat, but no one was his one place.

But at this moment, a dark cloud covered the sky, and the surging demonic power emerged. Ye Chen cut it with his backhand, but he felt like he was chopping on cotton, and was soft and weak.

"Demon, right, let me see how much you have!"

Ye Chen laughed, ignoring other people's attacks, and immediately joined hands with Joyce.

"Oh, uh--!"

I saw Joyce's misty figure, like a huge bat soaring to the sky. His magical energy was very condensed, almost comparable to the true element of the fairy repairer, so even in the face of Ye Chen's fast sword, he can temporarily withstand.


Seeing this, Ye Chen not only did not be frightened, but also saw the heart-hunting joy, Yang Tianchang smiled and said: "Well, their group of people, when the sandbags are too soft, you are still at your fingertips!"

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