The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 396: Xiao Tian Si Shen mantra

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The appearance of this sound proves that the weapons used by the two are extraordinary products, and the impact is not an entity, but pure energy.

Between the hands of the two, the mountains and rocks can be broken, the tsunami can be tossed, the flames can be hundreds of meters away, and the gigantic waves are not too much. The two sides collide in mid-air and produce large and large clouds.

Later, Ye Chen and Lucifer battled together and walked all the way from Penglai Inn to the Yanjiao suburb. The places they passed by were almost destroyed by ruins as if they were hit by a storm.

Fortunately, Ye Chen could control the direction, walking in the wilderness and wilderness, with no casualties. But everyone in Longteng looked at this scene with a stunned look.

At this time, even if the military satellites are unclear, the film can only be vaguely seen in the mist, as if two people are fighting.

Some people living in Yanjiao have witnessed this moment, but in their hearts, how can people have such power?

"Isn't there a fairy who can't fight?"

One was dumbfounded, and the people around him were all turned into statues, and they couldn't believe it.

In the end, Ye Chen and Lucifer broke into the Qingjiang River. This is China's second, second only to the long river of the Canglan River, and it can't bear the battle between two powerful people with the power of Xuanxian.

I saw countless rivers tumbling, raging waves, and a column of water, like a long dragon, caught in the sky.

Here, Ye Chen is even more powerful, to know that all where there is blood and water, is where the sea emperor can do everything!

"Xian Fa • Water Dragon Bite!"

Ye Chen waved his hand and used the immortal method, a huge water column in the sky and sky, sweeping towards Lucifer.

"Skyfire burns the city!"

Lucifer roared loudly, and the black flames above the two swords skyrocketed, forming a huge flame vortex in an instant and swept toward the water dragon.

The battle between water and fire turned out to be a sharp crackling sound, a fairy law that Yechen Jindan could only urge, and even Ito Musashi had to drink hate, but it was ruined by Lucifer with fire.

After all, it was the power of fallen angels, coupled with the blood perfusion of blood demon, Ye Chen could not help him for a while.

Although Lucifer's swordsmanship is far worse than Xiao Yi's first half, but his self-healing ability is incomparably strong, the majesty of the true element is even more terrifying, far longer than Xiao Yijue, who is burning fiercely.

"Can't go on like this, otherwise it will inevitably hurt the innocent."

Although Ye Chen regards everything as a ants, but also has his own pride, if it hurts ordinary people because of his fight, it is extremely unwilling.

"Lucifer, you have the honour to see this trick, and die without regret."

Ye Chen stood up to the void, his eyes glowed with awe-inspiring light, and since he had made up his mind, he had to show off his hidden killer skill without hesitation!

"this is?"

Lucifer narrowed his eyes, and a great crisis came to his mind.

Behind Ye Chen, there was an illusion of the four dragons of the Blue Dragon and the White Tiger and the Suzaku Xuanwu. The four giant beasts looked up to the sky and screamed together. Sphere.

The sphere is one meter in diameter, densely covered with divine patterns. As soon as it appeared, everyone in Longteng felt breathing difficulties even if they crossed the screen, as if his own soul must be included in it.

Although Sixiang Xuangong was his introductory practice method at the beginning, it was directed at Yuanying's powerful exercises. At this time, Ye Chen had condensed Jindan, and Sixiang Xuangong also rose to the fourth level. What came was the incidental tyranny.

"This is the power of the four great beasts of the poor poles, and the supreme tricks gathered by it are the power of Yuanying, and they dare not take it.

Ye Chen finished talking calmly, and waved his hand gently to make a throwing gesture:

"Xiaotian Sishen Mantra!"

With a whine, the huge ball of light cut through the sky and brought up a streamer that shines through the sky and earth. This brilliance is different from Jianmang. What it passed was that even the air was completely exhausted and formed. A short vacuum.

Regardless of Lucifer's fierce flames, the double swords protect the Lord, and even the strong body protection Qi, even the body of the angel who has been tempered by the blood of the blood demon, in front of this light ball, as if it does not exist, it is worn. Ever.

As an immortal emperor, Ye Chen certainly knows the truth of keeping everything at hand. He knows countless magical secrets. After setting foot in the Golden Pill Realm, many secrets that could not be practiced before can be reluctant to play. He will naturally prepare many cards for himself...

Qinglan Mujia is one, Jiu Xuan Wan Jian Jue is also counted as one, but the biggest killing trick is still this Xiao Tian Si Shen curse.

He didn't encounter the real Xuanxian, he didn't want to use this strongest move, even when he was fighting against Xiaoyi, he never showed it. But today, in order to kill Lucifer faster, I can't care much.


The ball of light has a hazy color, like smoke and fantasy, like a dream bubble.

The tremendous flames, monstrous vitality, the various defensive spells laid by Lucifer, and even the body protection gang Qi before the Divine Mantra seem to be non-existent. When this light ball flies, it seems to be completely inaccessible in another world. Only when it hits the enemy will it appear.

"Hey, what spell is this?!"

Lucifer had only one time to scream and was hit by the ball of light.

At this moment, his expression was completely solidified. Even if it was turned into ashes, it could be reborn as a strong body, decomposed and broken little by little, and finally turned into a powder, and there was no possibility of recovery.

The Xiaotian Four Divine Mantra is a powerful immortal law that directly attacks the soul. If there is no corresponding body protection magic power, even if the real Golden Pill is here, it will have to die.

Lucifer was just a pinnacle of divine realm, and even the golden pill did not condense, not to mention the magical power of the body, how could it survive this blow?

In the end, there was only Ye Chen left in the world, standing proudly on his back, like a real god...

Soon, the news came out, and the whole world lost its voice again because of one person!

Lucifer, the fallen angel, the energy angel who was born for war in the Holy See, was personally baptized by blood demon essence and blood after the fall.

The witch Oriana, the first person of the Western magician, holds the Lingbao and glances at the world.

The giant monster, Jet, the first person in the blood alliance to refine the body, the king of the monster.

The werewolf Fenrir, a mythical existence in Northern Europe, had thousands of werewolf believers sitting down.

Clown Isby, who had carried out several unprovoked massacres in the Western world, and even the priests of the Holy See had been slaughtered, and was called the most dangerous existence in the Western world.

The succubus Nayari, the succubus princess, and the blood demon's mistress have the surrogate treasures given by the other person in their hands.

There was also Joyce who ran away, the archbishop in black, and more than 10,000 people under one in the blood alliance, Megatron West...

In this way, the seven Divine Powerhouses combined almost half of the strongest combat power in the world, which means that the Western Divine Powers came out of the nest, and finally they were all killed by Ye Chen. Only one Joyce ran away.

Who in the world can't be surprised? Who can not be afraid?

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