
More than ten people came to Ha Yeon-woo’s house, including the representative, Ilseong Gate.

It consists of three companies including Ilsung. lawyer. There were various people from all walks of life, from nobles who belonged to the National Magic Stone Committee.

These were some of the members of the interests group called Zipia, which emerged with the gate industry.

And from the start of one of the dogs, he spoke softly as if he was the representative of them.

A former high-ranking official in the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, and currently an outside director at Ilsung Gate, a man called Advisor.

“Please don’t remove the gate?”

“Yes, that is it.”

I was wondering if they walked as a group to say something even to this completely controlled place, which is only a house. The end of the long-winded words of zipia and all was a request in a different direction from the Blue House.

As the cube disappeared, literally dogs and cows were barking.

I saw that even the odd guys came to me and told me to put it down.

“Why should I?”

It’s the same question I posed to the president, but if it was just a question, this one came from the heart.

“Because there are huge benefits.”


“In exchange for removing the cube, give them the desired territory… . Don’t you think that’s too much of a climb?”

Issues that have not been communicated to the media or the public because they are still confidential.

It hasn’t been long since I’ve been to the Blue House, but a lot of information has already spread.

Well, it was strange that they didn’t know the inside details when they openly said that they were connected to government power.

“Do you think so?”

Although he was expressing that he was climbing the president’s decision, his face was not ashamed at all.

For them, the interests were more important than the national catastrophes defined by the world.

“Of course. Ha Yeon-woo has already obtained that right just by reclaiming North Korea. Even if the government had to make a fuss for a hundred days, without Ha Yeon-woo, there would be no results. Don’t you know?”

Ha Yeon-woo heard the words of the guy in front of him.

It’s because you’re stupid that you spread it like a hoe.

“Please refuse. Also, why don’t you take advantage of the convenience provided by us as well?”

“Convenience? What convenience?”

I was dumbfounded, so I laughed and asked, and the guy continued talking with an arrogant expression.

“I would like to say that if Awakeners like Ha Yeon-woo dominate the Gate era with force, we are a group that can support in all other areas. I think you will know. That this is an era where even danger becomes a material for money and fame. And the fact that the ingredients taste so different depending on who cooks them.”

His words did not stop there.

“There must be a cube to have a gate, a gate to create a monster, and a monster to exist for Awakened people like Ha Yeon-woo to live as heroes. Regardless of the era, the power beyond necessity that has lost its goal… . It has become a common target for eradication.”

The last one clearly had a terrifying tone.

“What is carrot and stick?”

“hahahaha, it can’t be. I would appreciate it if you would consider this a thoughtful and respectful proposal.”

The reason why they were so outraged while screaming that they couldn’t even eat it was simple.

Cube itself is their food line.

It was the basis for maintaining wealth and fame.

As a result of the global catastrophe, all markets have suffered a terrible downward leveling.

Cash flow increased, but the money in the stock market and banks in which money was put aside or invested decreased, and companies focused only on profitable businesses.

It is very natural for the stock market to draw a downward curve.

The clearest proof was that the Nasdaq, which happily exceeded 5,000 in 2015, was cut in half within 10 years.

In that situation, the only sector that rose unknowingly was gate-related stocks and industries.

Ironically, there is even a saying that Gate is the culprit behind all of this.

However, the cube known as the medium that creates the gate has disappeared. The government has not made an official position so far, so it has not spread properly, but everyone expects it to be Ha Yeon-woo’s actions.

After breaking news of the disappearance of cubes from North Korea, the market is value stocks. In other words, value stocks soared tremendously, and on the contrary, gate-related stocks in which they put their bodies plummeted like crazy.

It is a phenomenon that has occurred 10 years since the gate outbreak, but it is a natural result that anyone can expect.

“hmm… .”

Come to think of it, I was so engrossed in North Korea and Cube that I couldn’t think of the distant future.

What would happen to Earth if all the cubes disappeared?

Assuming that all of this was someone’s prank, it was simply ‘everyone became peaceful’. I know that this kind of ending won’t happen.

For example, as the old man in front of me said, the government and the general public ostracized the Awakened who had lost their direction.

“It’s fun.”

It was definitely interesting.

In this world, there is no one who can be free from cubes, gates, and monsters, except Ha Yeon-woo himself.

Power that has lost its direction is frightening. That the common people, and the governments of many of them, are safe. It was clear that the Awoken would be suppressed the moment they realized they were getting safe.

It would be impossible by force, so by mobilizing all sorts of public opinion campaigns and all sorts of tricks.

This was not speculation or discourse, but a conviction through history.

When such a situation arises, how will the awakened people behave?

Even at this moment, when monsters appeared here and there and people were dying, there was a plan by the awakened people to overthrow the world’s second-largest country by causing infighting.

Will the Awakeners enjoy peace when the monsters are gone?

‘It can’t be.’

The powers and weapons they have grown will be aimed at the same humans. Even if someone told me to hang my hand, I could hang it.

‘Greed is something you can’t control even if the guy who made the cube comes.’

perhaps. Maybe he wants that outcome too.

Ordinary people who want to keep what they have and maintain the existing system. An Awakener who is reborn as a new class and a new identity and wants to become a vested interest in the world. The flow was clearly drawn.

“What would you like to do?”

The question of Ilsung Gate advisor was about their proposal, but it came at the right time, as if asking Ha Yeon-woo what to do when such a situation came.

“What should I do?”

Although they were thinking about completely different things, the conversation was exquisitely connected.

Ha Yeon-woo knows all too well what the nature of his power is to them.

He didn’t hide everything like he did on the Pan continent, but it was the biggest reason he didn’t use his power recklessly.

Because in reality, everything never went smoothly like movies or novels.

Right now, just looking at these bugs coming without knowing the subject, I was able to personally realize how harmonious they were living.

The Korean government clearly said that it would bring people related to Korea and Japan to Ha Yeon-woo, but it did not.

Even if the majority of opinions were not that, it is an obvious fact that the mudfish muddy the water. It was a matter of shared responsibility.

Furthermore, China, which was the subject, had nothing to say.

Even so, the reason he didn’t catch and kill them all according to his existing way of thinking is because this is the real Earth.

On Earth, not even on plate continents. Because I knew all too well what it meant for an individual to overthrow a developed democracy and the world’s second-largest country.

If you’re going to start like that, the end should be the same. Otherwise, there would be no point in killing everyone in the first place.

and its end.

‘Either I die, or everyone who opposes me dies.’

Of course, the possibility of being the latter would be close to 100, but that was definitely not the ending Ha Yeon-woo wanted.

War, participation in war, slaughter. Because this will just repeat endlessly.

In the end, all that’s left will be the few survivors who think of themselves as monsters, and people in distant places who don’t even know they exist.

It was a bonus that the people around her would suffer in the process.

Even so, he was clearly aware of the fact that he would definitely act that way if he faced a situation.

That he would become an unwelcome existence to both the Awakened and the general public.

That is why their trivial threatening remarks caused such a stir in Ha Yeon-woo.

In fact, because of the previous reasons, it brought in the name of a transaction that can be taken by force without killing Chinese and Korean figures.

This trip to North Korea was in the same context.

Just scare them enough not to get into trouble. Even then, if there is a problem, just kill all of them until there is no noise. If you cross the line, sweep it clean.

It was the best rational judgment he could make with his way of thinking.

‘It’s annoying.’

When Ha Yeon-woo waved his hand as if it were annoying, the cougar members around him approached intimidatingly.

Apart from these worries, Cube had to disappear unconditionally, so there was no need to listen to them anymore.

I didn’t even want to hear it.

The worst imaginable future in the current situation. It was to grow to the point where humans could handle the cube on their own.

At that time, it’s a conflict, and I’m sleeping, and I’m on the same level as a monster. No, because you will be treated as a monster.

A world where an individual finds his or her blood relatives on the other side of the globe. It was clear that the contents inside the cube belonged to Ha Yeon-woo.

“go away.”

“That, what does that mean… .”

In these situations, a conversation that was going well suddenly went awry. He couldn’t hide his embarrassment.

“I don’t want to hold hands with you, so get out of here.”

“no. Then, according to the government’s opinion… .”

“Do you want to die and be carried away?”

Ilseong Gate’s torturer quickly shuts up at the gruesome words.

Neither the original proposal nor the ideology and direction had a single resemblance to Ha Yeon-woo.

It was delayed because I was locked in my thoughts for a while, and seeing the reaction, they just misunderstood.

“Wake up.”

In response to the high-handed attitude of the cougar gang members that immediately followed, they had no choice but to raise their bodies hesitantly.

“… You will regret it. As long as you are Awoken, in Korea we… .”

“Hey, didn’t you hear? Get out.”

His body bends like a sheaf of rice at the touch of one of the gang members.

“Uh, uh… !”

For those born in a criminal organization, trivial business cards were useless.

Moreover, after the new owner Ha Yeon-woo, even the notice of the government, which he had been seeing little by little, disappeared and the owner’s likes and dislikes replaced everything.

As always, before he could finish saying that he would regret it, the elderly man had no choice but to be dragged out by the gang members.

“From now on, don’t let such bastards come in.”

“All right.”

* * *

The war against terrorist organizations in China has been going on in a different way than everyone thought.

[So far, known conflict areas include Inner Mongolia and Jilin. The Chinese authorities succeeded in driving the Chinese Revolutionary Party out of the outskirts, but causing thousands of deaths in three days… .]

Since 2015, when the cube was created, there have been countless terror attacks. The rebellion was also going on endlessly, centering on the underdeveloped countries.

In particular, it was worse in developing countries or Islamic cultures where the government’s support base was lacking.

If there was a difference between the terror they committed and what happened in China, it was who the subject was.

Shaolin. And dozens of 6th-tier and hundreds of 5th-tier Awakeners with him.

As well as showing the history of hundreds of thousands of forces and organizations, the majority of which are Awoken, even non-registered Awakeners who have been concealed so far.

It was different in terms of composition and scale from large and small terrorism and regime usurpation in developing countries. Of all the reasons, the biggest was definitely Shaolin’s existence.

[Just a day after the Chinese government launched a massive arrest operation. Shaolin, the head of the Chinese Revolutionary Party, who appeared through online media, revealed that the reason for their uprising was a cultural backlash against China’s control of the Awakened.]

It started with a frontal breakthrough with his own status and heroism in China.

[Saying that the slaughter of 260,000 innocent people in a moderate Cultural Revolution is repeating the Cultural Revolution decades ago. They will change the rotten dictatorship of China… .]

They sniped at Xi Jinping’s declaration of a life-long rule with his third consecutive term, and fought against it under the banner of democracy.

Their size made a justification. Shaolin’s words gave meaning.

Of course, it will be different from the Awakened-centered terrorism or rebellion that takes place in the Middle East or developing countries.

Although they were pushed out of China’s main stronghold, they began to engage in local warfare by uniting around Jilin Province, the border between autonomous districts and North Korea.

In the first place, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region had bad feelings towards China.

In other words, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region began to recognize them as a state entity, and Jilin Province was also in the process of turning into their base by all those who listened to the Chinese authorities.

An era of chaos in East Asia was about to begin.

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