The Dark Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 360: Temptation (finale 1)

When the big snake Nagini recovered, Voldemort and Rey in the air were shocked.

However, from Nagini's half-smiling cold face, Rey could see who this person was.

Strictly speaking, she is no longer Nagini, but the half-ghost and half-human death that Rey once reached in the underworld of the ancient battlefield.

No matter who she is, standing up from the fiery red molten iron intact, Rey doesn't believe that Longyan did not harm her in the slightest.

Long Yan has hurt her, and what she shows now is just an illusion, an illusion.

The skin on Nagini's whole body has festered, and her flesh and blood have turned black. If it weren't for the magic power of black mist that repeatedly repaired her body, I believe that standing in the iron dragon flames, she would not even have bones left.

Everything seems to be taken for granted, but everything seems to come too suddenly.

Rey knew who Nagini was in front of him, and Voldemort in the sky should also know. After all, he had the help of the **** of death, and the **** of death gave him strength.

Voldemort and Death have a cooperative relationship, but now Voldemort, who is standing in the air, has the feeling that he has fallen behind and is being calculated.

"This body is really good, but it's a pity that it can't fully bear my existence. The world has to make a little change."

Nagini looked at her body and said, her eyes were full of relief, while Voldemort who was hovering in the air, she had completely thought that he did not exist.


Voldemort's low voice sounded. He landed in the pit of molten iron and stood in front of Nagini. His legs turned into black mist, making him stand on the molten iron magma.

For Voldemort's voice, Nagini didn't react at all, she was still immersed in admiring her body.

"Nagini, you are my Horcrux...but why can't I sense your presence?"

Voldemort's face, with his nose and mouth joined together, approached Nagini's eyes, and his voice was so low that it made one chill.

"She is the price you have to pay."

The immersed Nagini finally came to his senses, but he didn't care at all about Voldemort's threatening words, and said lightly.

She was very calm, her tone of voice was as light as she was talking about a trivial matter.

This is indeed a trivial matter. For the biggest boss in the underworld, she gave Voldemort the power to truly resurrect him, and also gave Voldemort the soul that had fallen into hell. And Nagini is the price Voldemort should pay for all this.

Borrowing power from the devil and the **** of death is like borrowing money from usury, or the kind of profit-making. As long as you dare to borrow, it will definitely not end well.

Rey had recovered his body and fell to the edge of the big pit, looking at Voldemort and Nagini in the pit.

Voldemort is not a convincing person, and something will definitely happen next, so it's better to wait and see.

With a cyclone around him, Dumbledore, who had dealt with the Death Eaters and the skeletons, appeared beside Rey. After looking at Rey, he looked at Nagini and Voldemort who were almost sticking together, fighting against each other in the pit. His brows furrowed for a while.

Although I don't know Nagini's current state, I can still sense the strange atmosphere at the scene. What's more, the dragon flame spewed by Rey's incarnation of the black dragon did not burn Nagini clean, and it seemed that there was no damage at all, so things were not as simple as they thought.


The price is not clear, and there is no equality at all.

Sometimes no matter how much you give, or your life, you may get just an ordinary egg.

Nagini didn't mean to answer. Voldemort's Horcrux body was occupied, and his gloomy face became even more hideous. With a loud roar, the wand in his right hand pointed at Nagini, and he wanted to take back his soul body.

The lightning formed by magic erupted, and it seemed that it was about to hit Nagini who was close at hand, but Nagini raised his right hand slightly, and the whole situation was immediately reversed.

I saw the magic lightning hit Nagini's palm, and then flowed down like water, as if Nagini's whole body was wrapped in a special layer of energy, and there was no phenomenon of hitting at all.

Not only that, but the magical energy that was poured down immediately rolled back and was wrapped around Voldemort.

Rey didn't think about it, Dumbledore didn't think about it, and Voldemort didn't think about it.

The magic power in the body is continuously strengthened by the magic wand in his hand, and it is drawn out to form a magic energy that wraps around him. This process is incredible, and it cannot be stopped at all.

Voldemort, who noticed the abnormality, widened his eyes, and his whole body began to tremble and struggle, but it was all in vain under Nagini's control.

The magic power drawn from Voldemort's body completely wrapped him into a large transparent sphere.

The big ball floated in the air, and Nagini held it with one hand. At this time, Voldemort roared in the sphere and waved the wand in his hand, but every time he waved the wand, the transparent big ball that wrapped him became more solid.

"Hehe, what you got is my power. From the moment you allowed my power to enter your body, the magic in your body no longer belongs to you, but to me." Nagini said with a sneer.

It's not Voldemort's character to wait for death. In the sphere, he no longer uses magic power, but keeps hitting the sphere with his body.

The sphere swayed, and Nagini's raised hand clearly began to exert force. A slight change appeared on her face, as if she had a headache against Voldemort's most primitive resistance.

Controlling Voldemort is not an easy task. Nagini's expression changed, his right hand clenched violently, and the large ball formed by the convergence of magical energy instantly shrank small, and then made a loud bang.

The sound of the bang was very loud, and an invisible shock wave quickly spread around, and then a rain of blood rained down in the pit.


This is how Voldemort was dealt with! ?

Rey frowned at what happened in the pit, and Dumbledore was even more stunned.

After so many years of planning and calculations, the very powerful Voldemort was directly and easily killed by the woman in front of him. The killing process was extremely simple, like pinching an ant to death.

Dumbledore turned to look at Rey and asked, "Who is she?"

"She is the fundamental reason why you prevented me from resurrecting Helena." Rey answered with a sigh without hiding it.

The fundamental reason Dumbledore prevented Rey from resurrecting Helena was that he felt that as long as Helena was resurrected, something terrible would happen in the process, and it was very likely that a disaster greater than Voldemort would come. In his hunch, the world might be destroyed because of this.

Since Rey answered like this, it means that Nagini in front of him is a person who can destroy the world.

Maybe she doesn't have the ability to destroy the world now, but she has a chance, or she comes from the ghostly **** in ancient war legends.

Rey didn't make a move, so Dumbledore was in no hurry. Rey knew a lot more about the uninvited guests in front of him.

Nagini squeezed Voldemort into blood, but she was not relieved, her face turned white, and after this moment, there was a flash of Voldemort's face on her face, as if the Voldemort who was pinched to death by her normal in her body.

The paleness didn't last long before Nagini returned to normal. Just now, it seemed that two souls were struggling in his body, perhaps vying for the right to belong to this body.

"Now, we can have a good talk."

Suppressing the changes in his body, Nagini floated up into the air. Although the person was still within the range of the pit, he was already looking at the position where Rey was standing.

"What's there to talk about?"

Looking at Nagini standing in the air in front of him, Rey said lightly. From the corner of his eyes, he saw the molten iron-like magma rolling in the pit, but there was an inexplicable sense of disgust in his heart.

This magma is no longer the molten iron melted by his own dragon flames. It should be a projection of a nether hell. It's just a projection. If it is a real hell, then the strength of the **** of death can be fully displayed. With the temperament and domineering of the **** of death, she will definitely not talk about it slowly here.

Because people can't reason with an ant, and if they dare to block the road, they just run over to death.

Now she is going to talk to Rey, which means that she can't crush the ant Rey now.

The essence of the matter is often very simple and not complicated at all after the thread is stripped.

"The Resurrection Stone is on you now." Nagini asked with a smile, ignoring Rey's indifferent response.

Rey was slightly startled, but then he understood.

The Resurrection Stone was indeed on him. Before chasing Voldemort, he got the Resurrection Stone from Harry, and getting it now is naturally better than asking Dumbledore in the future.

The God of Death is the real owner of the resurrection stone. She can sense that the resurrection stone is on her body, which is normal. After a little stunned Rey, she figured out the key point of the matter.


Seeing that Rey didn't answer, Nagini didn't care either. Her right hand slammed into the sky, and the magic power quickly flowed out from her fingers, instantly forming a huge magic circle.

When the magic circle swayed, it seemed to draw a mysterious power that could not be seen in this space.

The night turned into day, and the blurred boundaries in the space became clear, and everything seemed to spread out from here as the center.

The space became brighter and enlarged, and Rey actually felt the presence of the water of wisdom in the space connected by the channel that the Devourer left.


A deafening roar came from beyond the edge of the space, somewhat like a dragon roar, but sharper and more hysterical.

"Did you feel it?"

Nagini controls the expansion of space asked Rey. She didn't wait for Rey to answer, and continued: "I can give you the water of wisdom. The conditions are very simple. Follow me to conquer the world."


Rey didn't speak, and Dumbledore, who was beside him, looked around, watching the changes around him and hearing the sharp roar, with a trace of unease in his eyes.

"You can be the master of this world and make it what you want..." Nagini's words are very tempting, because she knows that the water of wisdom is something Rey must have.

"What do you want?" Rey asked aloud, unmoved by what just happened.

He could see that Nagini, the **** of death, was strong on the outside and **** the inside. No matter how powerful she was, there was a limit, because she didn't go out of the pit. This range is the epitome of the underworld. Only here can she show her strength stronger than Rey, but this is just showing, because the underworld does not exist in this space, and she cannot fully display it.

The space where the water of wisdom exists may have been set by her. The cemetery space that Voldemort set up after gaining her power can also be said to be her own. The two are like the left hand and the right hand, wanting to be connected together. It's not difficult.

Rey could see that, and so did Dumbledore.

He is the headmaster of Hogwarts, and he is also the person who knows Hogwarts the most today. Because of the connection and establishment of space alone, the spatial structure of Hogwarts is much more complicated than the space connected by the **** of death today. .

"Well, what I want is also very simple. This will be my outpost to attack heaven, and you are the commander of my army." Nagini smiled and twisted her figure, showing her beauty.

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