The Dark Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 74: Dragon language translation

The magic of Apparition, according to the rules of Hogwarts College, can only be learned and used by wizards who have grown up.

The reason for this rule is that the risk of practice is extremely high.

Step 1: Focus your awareness on your goal.

Step 2: Make up your mind and think that you must move to the goal.

Step 3: Just like turning around in place, feel your body becomes nothing, and move calmly.

The only instant teleportation magic in this Harry Potter movie. The main points of learning are summarized, but it is so simple.

Rey knew these points and practiced them privately, but the final result: people were still in place, and there was no sign of any movement at all.

I couldn't find a breakthrough, so I gave up.

At the age of eleven, Ray, who had an adult soul, failed to practice this magic. However, thirteen-year-old Helena succeeded.

At least she used this magic to make short-distance movements within the line of sight many times.

Long-distance teleportation and short-distance teleportation are two completely different concepts.

If the short-distance Apparition visible to the naked eye is the primary stage of this magic, then the invisible long-distance movement is the advanced level.

As for the likes of Godric Gryffindor, Apparition has been trained into the instinct of the body. With only a slight movement of the mind, people can move instantaneously, which is the top-level embodiment of Apparition.

Helena's Apparition was only in the primary stage, but this time she suddenly appeared in the tent, and she officially entered the high-level division of Apparition.

The first long-distance movement, the body felt a pain of being pulled and squeezed.

Fortunately, it was just pain, as if someone had pulled her hard, but her body didn't split. Success is a fluke, let alone moving people.

She crashed into Helga's arms, and when Rowena's exclamation sounded, Helena realized that she had succeeded in a long-distance apparition.

At this time, she didn't care about her physical discomfort, and immediately said loudly to Rowena: "Mom, please save Rey..."

Helena, who has always been calm like an adult, had tears in her eyes at this time, and her heart was so anxious that she was incoherent.


In the face of giant dragons, the Big Four of Magic are only scruples, not fear.

Rey, the future student, they must save them.

After hearing what Helena said, the four of Rowena hugged Helena without any delay, immediately started Apparation, and appeared on the edge of the black lake.

The entry point to Booty Cave is on the shore below the castle cliff. This place is not difficult to find, especially if Helena is pointing the way.

The four of them flew, each showing their abilities into the exposed cave, and then under Helena's instruction, they went all the way in.

When they approached the treasury, they saw Terrence Barrow who fainted on the ground.

Salazar Slytherin immediately stepped forward to check on his disciple.

"It's okay, I just got knocked out."

Salazar nodded to everyone who cared, saying that Terrence was fine.

Helena naturally stayed to take care of Terence who fainted on the ground, while Rowena and the other four walked into the treasure house. Everything, first determine whether Rey is still alive and then talk about it, this is the decision in the hearts of the four of them.

A giant dragon with a dragon mission, no matter what, he doesn't want to have a head-on conflict with it.

For the four most powerful wizards in the magic world, even the giant dragon has the same idea. Otherwise, when facing the challenge of Godric Gryffindor, the dragon not only showed his strength, but directly killed it.

Strength is the criterion that determines whether an equal dialogue can be made. The three disabled wizards who stole into the treasure trove are a prime example. The difference in strength is too great, if there is no special reason, there is no need for dialogue at all.

The opening of the treasure house is very large, otherwise the dragon's body cannot easily get in.

When the four Rowena appeared at the entrance of the cave, they were also shocked by the countless treasures.

Godric Gryffindor's expression was the most prominent. In shock, he unconsciously took off the tip of his head, and the golden light in front of him seemed to blind his own eyes.

Salazar Slytherin's performance is much better, so many treasures only made him stunned for a while.

As for Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff, they were the coolest.

The surprise in his eyes flashed, and then he began to search for traces of the giant dragon and Rey.

Faced with so many treasures, the four of them returned to their senses one after another, which made Mrs. Hooch's eyes glow with admiration. Because except for these four people, every wizard who came here was full of ugly. Including the previously knocked out Terrence Barrow.

Rey was standing beside Mrs. Hooch, her shoulders were pinched by her left hand.

At this time, the four of Godric appeared here as expected, and Ray finally let go of his heart.

It seemed that his little life was finally saved.


Rolanda Hooch, under the unintentional spoiler of Terence, was going to kill Rey.

In order to survive, Rey immediately revealed the fact that Helena had escaped.

Rey thinks that Helena shouldn't leave her alone. In other words, she would go for help. Then, the four Godric Gryffindors who wanted to challenge them head on would come here again.

As long as they come here, they can confirm whether their words are credible.

Rather than killing himself now, it would be better to wait a little longer and start after confirming the authenticity of what he said. It will not be too late.

After all, with Rolanda Hooch's strength, even against the four Gryffindors, she has the ability to kill Rey.

After some persuasion based on facts, Ray finally survived for the time being. So when he saw the four Rowena appear at the entrance of the cave, Rey sighed that he finally survived.

"Listen to him, you want to build a wizarding school here?"

Before the four Rowena could speak, Rolanda Hooch, who was holding Rey, asked first.

The four of Godric Gryffindor were a little surprised. Because they didn't find the dragon, only a black-clothed, gray-haired witch controlling Rey.

However, now.

The witch actually used the dragon language to communicate with the four of them.

Godric was stunned for a moment, obviously he hadn't fully reacted.

Here, he can speak the primary dragon language, and the other three can only know that it is the dragon language from the pronunciation, but they have no idea what it means.

So here we need a translator, an advanced translator.

Naturally, Godric was not qualified. The three of them knew by looking at the embarrassed expression on his face. He couldn't translate the meaning of this sentence.

Language is a big barrier to communication. None of the four are proficient in Dragon Language, so the scene was awkward for a while.

Rolanda Hooch understood in an instant, and the left hand holding Rey's shoulder added a little strength.

Her meaning was very obvious, and she asked Rey to translate. She is not afraid that Rey will deceive her, because she has forced Rey to make her an unbreakable oath.

The content of the oath is very is to ensure that she will not be deceived before this matter is over.


Rey cried out in pain, he didn't understand what Rolanda Hooch meant. Because from what he heard, Rolanda Hooch spoke the human language.

It's like Harry Potter talking to a snake for the first time in a zoo. At that time, he didn't know what the snake language was, only that the snake could understand him. And his question, the snake can understand.

As long as you speak, I can understand. I didn't react at all, it was actually speaking in another language.

Rolanda Hooch repeated what she just said, and then squinted at Rey.

This time, Rey became obedient. Although he didn't fully understand it, he could see something from the expressions of the four Rowena, so he repeated Rolanda Hooch's words.

Different objects have different ways of speaking.

For example, in real life, if someone chats with you in Mandarin, you will unknowingly switch to Mandarin mode. If it is a fellow from the same place, it will use the original hometown dialect again.

This process changes very quickly, and often the speaker doesn't even notice it.

That's how Rey is now, constantly translating and translating between the dragon and human languages, without the slightest impediment at all.

It was only now that Rey suddenly realized that he was able to communicate normally with the dragon who transformed into Rolanda Hooch, not because the other party spoke human language, but because he could understand dragon language.

As for the earless old man who was facing the giant dragon earlier, what he roared at the giant dragon was only a unilateral declaration that the treasure belonged to him.

It was this coincidental declaration that made Rey mistakenly believe that what the dragon said was human language.

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