The Dark Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 79: super magic food

A lesson from Salazar Slytherin broadens Rey's horizons.

Vision is something that can't be seen or touched, but it determines the level of a wizard's achievement.

Before arriving in the Valley of the Wicked, the most powerful wizards Rey knew were Albus Dumbledore and Voldemort Tom Riddle. After all, after watching seven Harry Potters, it is a bit unreasonable not to understand.

The strength of these two should be the limit of what a human wizard can be.

Whether it is the quality of magic power or the use of magic, the two are definitely the best in the history of modern wizards.

Their strength is traceable. As long as Rey works hard, it is not entirely impossible to reach their heights.

Rey has also seen the earth-shattering ancient war in the Gobi of Evil Spirit Valley. Compared with those people, the strength of Dumbledore and Voldemort can only be regarded as middle level.

Such wars only belong to myths. If you want to become as strong as those top figures in the battlefield, before you listen to Salazar's lecture, this is undoubtedly a fool's dream.

Now Rey felt that the natural wizard that Salazar envisioned was the way to surpass those top powerhouses. This opened a door for him to become stronger.

However, the imagination is very good, the future is too far away. For now, Rey still needs to work hard to qualify as a dark wizard.

Pure dark power is hidden in evil or death in the human world.

Such as evil spirits, such as the land of the dead.

Evil spirits can use magic to disperse them, and then extract a trace of pure dark power.

As for the place of death, the cemetery is one of them. The dark power gathered there is the most, although it is mixed, but the number is huge. If you want to absorb enough pure dark power, the cemetery should be an ideal place to practice.


Salazar Slytherin is not a dark wizard, but he can teach Rey and Terrence how to obtain pure dark power.

Gaining power, how to tame that power to become a veritable dark wizard, all of this can only depend on Rey himself.

Rey asked Salazar why he had the Nether Soul Orb, but he didn't become the dark wizard he called him.

To this question, Salazar replied with some regret: "How can a wizard's body that is accustomed to white magic be able to adapt to the power of darkness?"

Salazar's meaning is very simple, Rey is very young and his body is in the growth stage.

If you need to grow up, then the environment is important. If you can be exposed to pure dark power during the growth period, the body can make some adaptations. For the two magic powers of light and darkness, naturally they will no longer reject them.

If there is no rejection, there will be no mutation in people, and no strange images will appear. The best negative teaching material is Gellert Greenwald and Voldemort in the movies and so on.

From ancient times to the present, there has not been a wizard who practiced black magic, and their appearance can be spared. Everyone has become horrific, how evil has changed, how terror has come.

The first is the question of age, and the second is the question of whether the dark power that comes into contact is pure.

None of the dark wizards recorded in history seem to have met these two conditions.

Now, Salazar Slytherin has given Rey the opportunity to meet these two demanding requirements. Of course, Terrence Barrow also has this opportunity, it's just a question of whether he can grasp it.

Listening to Salazar Slytherin's class, time goes by surprisingly fast.

By the time the class was over, the sun had already gone down, and before I knew it, I missed the meal time.

Hogwarts has been established, and the place to eat is in the hall.

After class, Terrence Barrow thought impatiently to go to the cemetery to practice. As his teacher, Salazar Slytherin naturally wanted to open a small stove for him, personally instructing him how to absorb the pure dark power in the cemetery.

Because Godric Gryffindor took the lead against Salazar's idea of ​​pure blood supremacy. There was a crack in their friendship.

So Salazar didn't even use dinner, and directly used Terrence to leave Hogwarts and return to Godric's Hollow by Apparating. It seemed that neither of them were in the mood to eat.

Rey shook his head helplessly. If he could, he really didn't want to see Salazar break with Godric.

Godric Gryffindor is fair and impartial, loving and selfless, and treats all students equally. And Salazar's pure-blood concept is based on the elite mode. If you really follow this path, the chances of cultivating powerful wizards should be higher.

There is nothing wrong with the elite line. In a modern society, many companies and institutions follow this line.

At this time, Salazar's pure-blood concept was not so paranoid, just to obtain more teaching resources. As for the arrangement of the secret room and the basilisk left behind, it is believed that it was only gradually formed during the escalation of conflicts with the other three friends.


Rey picked up the notebook, pushed open the door of the classroom, and found Helena Ravenclaw standing outside the door.

Helena was dressed in a long dress, she was slim and she was holding a bamboo basket in both hands.

"What about Professor Slytherin and Terence?"

Helena Ravenclaw looked around the classroom and asked in confusion.

"They Apparated back to Godric's Hollow."

"In such a hurry? Professor Gryffindor asked me to tell them to have dinner in the hall."


Rey confirmed, it seems that the differences between Salazar and Godric are still serious. If it were just an ordinary conflict, it would not be Helena who called Salazar to dinner, but Godric Gryffindor herself.

"Well, of course. But it's fine if they leave. Let's have dinner together."

Helena didn't bother too much about this issue, she raised the bamboo basket in front of Rey with both hands while speaking.

There is a large plate of exquisite food in the bamboo basket, which seems to be specially made by her.

It is indeed a happy thing that someone cares. Rey moved his index finger, and he was already hungry, and he couldn't help swallowing several saliva when he smelled the aroma of the food.

"Close your eyes."

However, just when Rey was about to take the bamboo basket and start eating, he didn't expect Helena to put it down again and made a strange request.


Rey frowned slightly, not quite understanding what the other party meant.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Helena's expression went wrong, so he had to shrug and close his eyes obediently.

Seeing that Rey was so obedient, Helena showed a smile, then stepped forward and took Rey's hand, the two of them spun around and disappeared at the door of the classroom in an instant.


Hogwarts, the top floor of Ravenclaw Tower.

Two figures suddenly appeared here, Rey and Helena.


The last time Helena used Apparition to return to Godric's Hollow to ask for help was several months ago. Unexpectedly, it has become proficient enough to take people to move.

Rey, who closed his eyes, was completely unprepared. He only felt that his feet were empty, and before opening his eyes, his feet touched the ground again.

This sudden change broke the coordination of his body without preparation in his heart. If Helena hadn't pulled him, he might have been embarrassed and fell to the ground.

"I didn't expect you to be able to move someone so Rey who reacted forced a calm compliment.

Helena did not expose Rey's embarrassment to cover up that he was about to fall. She took out her wand and waved it against the ground, and a stone table and two stools emerged from the slate.

Unexpectedly, in addition to Apparition, Helena is so skilled in using Transfiguration.

Opened the bamboo basket, placed the food on the stone table, and then took out two small plates. Helena placed the large plate of food in two small plates and handed one of the plates to Rey's hand.

"what is this?"

Rey asked while looking at the food on his plate that was transparent like a crystal cake.

"Crystal egg tart, this is made from the fish eggs of the magic crystal fish. I heard that you are learning black magic. The food made of this kind of fish eggs can wash the soul when you eat it for the first time, so that the soul will not be affected by any black magic. The erosion of magic."

"Magic crystal fish?" It was the first time that he ate magic food, and it had such an effect, Rey was naturally very curious.

"Well, this fish is very big and transparent like crystal. It lives in a pure underground cave, and the eggs it lays are not small, it is an extremely rare food. This is what I asked Aunt Helga for a long time. , she promised to do it."

Helena said it very simply, urging Rey to eat quickly. Because once the food is cold, its effectiveness will be greatly reduced. It turned out that before this, she had been covering the bamboo basket with magic power to protect this precious dish.

With the urging of anticipation, Rey took a sip with a small spoon.

The crystal egg **** is mellow in the mouth and melts in one sip. It seems to be transformed into a shred of magic power, blending into the limbs and bones. Rey suddenly felt like a spring breeze, and the whole person was in a lot of spirit.

"Thank you, Helena!"

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