When I woke up in the morning, I woke up from bed and rubbed my eyes.

I felt blood coming out of my head sooo much, my consciousness faded, I wanted to sleep in bed again, I slept twice.

When I woke up from bed twice, it was time to be in the afternoon in less than half an hour.

Wash your face and sit in front of the computer desk.

I gently checked the news around me on the news site and looked around at the community of games I'm playing right now.

I'm getting hungry so I add water to my coupler mens and have a quick breakfast.

He then started the game and played in the game for about three hours.

He then took a trip to the neighborhood's beef bowl store and asked for a large bowl of beef and put it in his belly.

I also stop by the supermarket because the couple ramen I ate at noon was one of the last.

I bought cheap liquor, a night meal and a couple ramen at the supermarket and went back to the house.

My house is a bungalow house, a worn out 3DK house built for about fifty years.

It's also my mother's home.

It's too big for living alone, but because there used to be five families living in this house, it would have been narrow at that time.

Finished lunch and shopping, and when I got home, I checked out the game's community, played against people I knew and co-op, and played with some of the mighty enemies abroad in random matches when people I knew fell.

We played until about 3: 00 AM drinking along the way and when I got sleepy I went into bed.

It was a fun but blurry life with a sweet rotten odor that emanated when the fruit rotted.

If I can't breathe in it, I'll take a trip, but if you go home, I'll still be back in the same life.

I've been doing this for three years, and I've been over thirty.

A life where you don't even want to get married and you cut down your deposits and live.

I'm sure I'll continue to live like this for as long as I don't have some turning point.

Humans with nothing important, what the hell do they strive for in life?

I'm sure I don't even care about my life.

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